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Diablo IV

Diablo 4 Class & Builds Tier List For Season 1

Craig Robinson
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Diablo 4 is the newest ARPG from Blizzard Entertainment, and like its previous games, there many classes and experiences result in very different themes and playstyles. Since the game is all about progressing, whether it is for basic content or pushing the peaks of the ladder, hardcore or for gameplay styles that you want to enjoy, then getting the right class for you is important. With that said, we have created a Diablo 4 Class Tier List, featuring meta class builds, and ranking other builds too.

Here is a look at the best Diablo classes in the game, ranked via a Diablo 4 tier list, looking at several aspects of class design. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Diablo 4 Tier List: Best Class Builds So Far For Launch

Class God Tier S Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier
Barbarian Whirlwind Barbarian (Gohr’s got a nice buff) Hammer of the Ancients (nerfed in Season 1), Bleed Barbarian Upheaval Thorns Barbarian, Double Swing
Druid Tornado Druid, Stormbeast Werewolf Lightning Storm Druid Pulverize Earth Bear Trampleslide Rabies Werewolf, Companion Druid
Necromancer Bone Spear Crit Necromancer Blood Lance, Blood Surge Minion Build Blight Corpse Explosion Blood Lance, Explosive Mist Corpse Explosion
Rogue Penetrating Shot Rogue, Twisting Blades Rogue, Death Trap Rogue, "Rapid Fire" iconRapid Fire Rogue "Barrage" iconBarrage Rogue
Sorc Chain Lightning Sorc, Ice Shards Build Blizzard Sorc Fire Wall Burning Sorc, "Arc Lash" iconArc Lash Lucky Hit Build Fire Crit Build, Ice Blades Zoo Build, Meteor Sorc.
  • Looking to get the uniques and needed legendary effects for a build? One of the best farms you can do to speed it up is the Helltide Mystery Chest Location Farm, as it is an efficient reward system when those event do spawn!

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Diablo 4 Class Tier List For Levelling

For those looking to get to max and kick a season off as fast as possible, you may consider the following classes for speed and efficiency. We figured this is an important part of the game to talk about, since this will likely affect the season starter builds you want to play.

  1. Sorc - Strong AOE and single target, combined with decent resource generation make all builds great levellers.
  2. Rogue - Incredibly fast moving playstyle with decent bossing and mobbing
  3. Necromancer - Bone builds are fast levelers with their damage out put, but slightly slow. Blood build also offers fantastic AOE clear speeds. But again, it;s a slow class.
  4. Barbarian - Made better by the recent baseline sustainability buffs, but the rage mechanic makes it harder to clear.
  5. Druid - Worst damage class in the early game, and hard Spirit generation.

If you want some Leveling builds for each class, check these dedicated pages out below:

Diablo 4 Best Class Explained

In this section, we are going to go over the best classes in Diablo 4, profile each class you may want to play. You’ll get a better idea of how each class works with its different builds.

If you want to check out an in depth profile on each class, feel free to use the Table of Content below to fast travel to the summary you want:

Diablo 4 Best Class: Tankyness, Burst, and Consistency

The Barbarian is a solid class, as its pretty much good at every factor in our Diablo 4 Tier List. image via Blizzard.

Let’s start with the Barbarian, as it is a class that has lots of everything, and it’s good at it all.You’ll find the Barbarian is the best Diablo 4 class in the tier list for multiple functioning builds, each with their own styles. It is also the tankyest, thanks to its survivability getting baselined and taken away from defense nodes. So, the Barbarian will have a much smoother time than it did in beta. Moreso, we have seen the survivability of this class makes it capable of soloing world bosses, like Diablo 4’s Ashava.

The Barbarian can do pretty much any build for its Core Skills and find something useful to build around. However, you need to know for the Barbarian to do some incredible damage, you are going to be legendary reliant. This make the barbarian relatively expensive to play. However, when you do get to use your legendaries for a build you like, you’ll notice how strong this class is going to get, as its by far the best class for build versatility in end game progression

Whirlwind - This is once again reliant on the resource legendary and all whirlwind and weapon damage buffs to make it useful. It also requires the unique that send out explosion when you start Whirlwind. When you roll with it using the various shouts, you generate lots of resources, defensiveness, movement speed, and also apply bleeds, slow and scale your damage that way too. This makes you a unstoppable spinning wreckingball killing packs and bosses alike, zooming between shrines

Upheaval - This Build is all about buffing your damage cap with the ten stacks of upheaval. This will be your primary boss nuking skill. You can also get more damage bolstered onto it using guarantee overpowers, and legendaries that grant more damage based on available resource, like the "Aspect of the Expectant" iconAspect of the Expectant, turning this skill into a total nuke. It’s a fairly rigid playsatyle, though, and it was slightly nerfed in beta.

Bleed Build - The Bleed Build is a playstyle that makes for great tanky builds, as you can get a lot of sustain back from popping bleeds with Rupture. If you like healing, slow DoT into huge burst windows, this is a decent playstyle, especially when you scale your damage in the late game. Combine it with shouts for resource generation to stack huge Rend bleeds, then you have a class that can pop packs and bosses alike.

Hammer of the Ancients - This is one of the sleeper bossing and pack destroying playstyles. The build focuses on stuns, into some of the highest damaging burst in the entire game. However, its slightly limited by the stagger bar on bosses, so loses some of its edge in that regard. It also is heavily reliant on using mace themed weapons.

Double Strike - Double Strike is a decent playstyle in the early game for keeping Vulnerability up on enemies. This can make a good leveling build, It has its niche in the end game too, where you trigger stuns on enemies, especially Elites, and then snipe them with Double Swing. This allows you to do very, very high burst on focused, stunnable targets. It has its niche in group play, but outside of that, other builds will do more for you.

Diablo 4 Best Class: The support and heavy reeesource build

The Druid is a solid beginner class, thanks to its CC options, movement, and offense and defence styles. Image via Blizzard.

The Druid is a strange class, with it being by far the worst class to play in the early game. This is the sort of class that you may consider playing much later into a season, when you have your resource and X buffs going in your Smoldering Ashes and Seasonal Buffs activated. The main issue is that most skills do little damage early on. It did get buffed where the Companion Skills are better, which is nice for certain Vulnerability and Terramote harvesting playstyles. But, when you do get farming legendary items, lots of hybrid builds open up, granting the Druid storm skills for the !Werewolf and the earth skills for the bear. This means that you can get some rather crazy landslide Overpower bear builds, or Storm and crit focused !Werewolf builds, on top of the Landslide crit build that is by far the strongest druid build so far.

Pulverize Bear: The Bear is one of the tankiest builds in the game, and one of the easiest to get overpower burst windows. You can play this build early, but it is a wet noodle, and time to kill is very low, but you’re safe from harm. When you get into the later game, you can convert some of the earth skills to bear skills, granting some better burst AOE options and single target in the same way the !Werewolf gets access to Storm skills. Again, this is a more late season and resource dump focused build, but one where you turn your Werebear’s Pulverize into a powerful seismic slam, combining overpower, range extension and the bears tanky skills to make it a very hard to kill and bursty playstyle.

Landslide: This build uses Companions to generate Terramotes, apply status effects, get Crit, and Vuln, and more. Once you build enough Terramotes, you can unleash a very powerful Landslide, which us your main nuking skill. This grants some great burst windows for bossing, and still adds passive damage with your lightning melee attack to clear enemies in mob situations. It’s bar far the best build for Druid at the moment, and requires little to get it going.

Storm "Beast" iconBeast: The Storm Beast is very heavily legendary reliant, converting some of the storm skills into werewolf skills. Your goal is to convert enough storm and werewolf skills together using legendary aspects, then use tornados to lock onto enemies and that becomes your boss and pack killing method. You then take all the crit and resource amp from the !Werewolf tree, and then funnel out the the tornados.

Rabies Wolf: The WereWolf’s Rabies poison build is similar to the Rogue in spreading Poison and stacking poison to nuke bosses and packs. Your theme is to get Wolf and Vine Creeper Companions to assist your crit and poison ramping, along with legendaries that affect your Rabies and poison spread methods. This then allows you to control your dot spread for packs, and ramping for bosses. The build is viable, with solid damage, but, its resource intensive, and has some movement issues since its times into your Core Skil, "Shred" iconShred.

Necromancer: The best Solo class in Diablo 4

The Necromancer has so many builds that it can become really good at many aspects of the Diablo 4 tier list. Image via Blizzard.

Bone Spirit: The Bone Spirit build essentially replaces your Core Skill as your main DPS tool. The idea behind this build is you take skills and legendaries that make it easier to line enemies up in a ball using Corpse Tendrils and "Aspect of Grasping Veins" iconAspect of Grasping Veins, "Reap" iconReap them to generate spirit, and nuke with Bone Spirit. Throw in some legendaries like the Edemaster’s Aspect, and your Bone Spirit will pop You also take Bone Storm for both survivability and Crit amp, along with legendaries to buff your Golem’s Iron Shockwave, and Blood tide for survivability. It’s an expensive build, and plays slightly cluncky, but, its one where if you like it and get good at it, it’s one that can shine well on bosses and mobbing through all end game content. It’s likely the best build because of it, especially since the Blood Mist skill acts as both a an accessible defensive and movement skill for those high end Nightmare dungeons, followed by the further safety of Tendrils into some easy pack and boss nuking. You also benefit from the Blood Artisan unique chest piece, simply because it grants bonus ranks to Bone Spirit to further empower it, as ranks to Bone Spirit are fairly rare on gear.. You don’t necessarily want it for its actual unique effect though.

Bone Spear Crit: The Bone Spear Crit build is a very strong playstyle that you cannot go wrong with. The idea is to build up your crits, then drop some incredible crits burst with Bone Spear being your primary damage tool. The best bit is this doesn’t require too much investment and can go right away, making this a great leveling build to play early in a season, and continue with if you love it, with its opportunity to crit only getting better against packs and bosses. Throw in the sacrifice bonuses from the Book of the dead, including the crit am option you get and bonus survivability, and the Bone Necromancer is a solid option for end game progression, and is by far one of the better leveling builds for Necro.

Fortify Overpower Blood Build: The Blood Build requires the use of the "Hemorrhage" iconHemorrhage basic skill to generate Blood Orbs, and Blood Surge, to generate health and do borderline infinite AOE. You also upgrade it and get the Supernatural Blood Surge for that fortify bonus, which scales with your Hemorrhage Fortify upgrade. You also want Blood Mist, with Dreadful Blood Mist, as this helps to grant Fortify and heath when you hit enemies with it. This is nice for ensuring you get more Fortify, and maintain your HP, since you become immune during that phase. There’s also some really good passives you can grab, like Gruesome Mending and Coalesced Blood, which adds even more sustain and award blood players for being in the Healthy state with more damage. As for your ulty, you can either grab Bone Storm for damage reduction, or Blood Wave for more blood orbs and pushback. You may also take the core skill, Sever for some more single target damage. You may also run a minion build with this, using their frontlining skills to keep you healthy, while you nuke mobs taking benefits from the Commander passive bonus in the Ultimate skill tree. Either way, the Blood Mage remains tanky, with decent enough clear speeds and boss killing to make end game and leveling a decent enough experience. No matter which build you go, your prize unique item is the Blood Artisan, which spawns a free Bone Spirit, and it deals damage based on your life and Fortify, adding another source of damage to your build.

Blight Corpse Explosion: The Blight Corpse Explosion Build use your Blight and "Decompose" iconDecompose skills to rot enemies and generate corpses, to funnel your minions summoning and then damage with Corpse Explosion. The build is fairly average when you get to late game, but it still works. The major downside to this build is that while your shadow damage spells deal damage, your minions, since the nerfs to their survivability and presence, makes it much harder to take on those much higher level Nightmare dungeons, and so, you need to invest in lots of minion life passives, and boost that "Skeleton" iconSkeleton Priest to give this build any hope of surviving. This sadly means your shadow spells take a back foot, so, this classic rot and raise build will likely need a few pick me ups in a tier set in later seasons to be as good as it should be.

Explosive Mist Corpse Explosion: This build will use corpses as its primary damage tool, especially the skill upgrade that causes Blood Tide to generate Corpses for you. Combine that with Explosive Mists, and you can pop a lot of Corpses from Blood Mist easily, while you’re minions mop the rest up. Even if they die, you can choose the upgrade in you Book of the Dead that causes corpses, adding more explosive potential to your build. You then want max CDR to get that skill up, and you basically turn into a pool of exploding corpses. Combine this with passive minion damage, buffs, and this build is incredibly good in all departments. The build was nerfed slightly, with minions not lasting as long, but with the amount of corpses you can generate early on, it just means the setup for your crazy DPS windows is slightly staggered, and it is still viable if you want to run it, but be aware, more builds are now better suited for end game.

Diablo 4 Tier List: The High Ranking Rogue

The Rogue is high-skill, but offers lots of builds, damage, and mobility, and reflects the Diablo 4 tier list appropriately.

Twisted Blades: The Twisted Blades build is a playstyle that uses Vulnerable a lot, combined with an Imbuement for nuking down either packs or bosses. You also want to spend lots of movement skills as "Twisting Blades" iconTwisting Blades lowers cooldowns. This make you want to face roll your build for clear speed and damage buffs, typically using Shadow Step and Dash for their crit buffs. It makes it so you’re very mobile, easy to line enemies up, and then nuke with crit and vuln for huge damage. This will make the build very fast, very fun, and high damage. What’s not to love?

"Rapid Fire" iconRapid Fire: Similarly to the melee rogue build above, you want to farm crits and vuln using agility skills and the Puncture base skill. You then want to build up those buffs, and then use rapid fire at the safety of range to deal huge damage to bosses with your crossbow. This makes it a really strong boss soloing build, one that makes it possible to solo Diablo 4’s world bosses, such as Ashava. However, it does seem to have weak clear speeds against packs, relying on Poison traps, which slows the build down a lot, compared to other builds out there.

"Penetrating Shot" iconPenetrating Shot: The Puncture playstyle is very similar to Rapid Fire, however, it makes mobbing much better. You want to use the same Puncture, Vuln and Crit stacks, and then use Penetrating Shot to deal your burst damage. When you get the legendary that allows Puncturing shot to duplicate, this makes lining foes up like you do with Twisting Blades and nuke packs even better, especially with Shadow Imbuement. The only downside is that this build lacks single target, but, its map clearing speeds are even better, but, using Poison or cold imbue makes that better. Its bossing does become better with specific damage ramp legendaries like the Aspect of the Expectant combined with Combo Points, and there’s a legendary you can get too that further amps your combo points damage if you get it to make it even better.

Trap Master: The Rogue has a playstyle that uses Death Trap and Poison Trap as its center pieces. The idea is to place your Poison Trap, then use Death Trap to clump enemies together and maximize the amount of poison you spread, which at end game, serves as damage spread and a defensive tool. You can also combine it with either Twisting Blades for cooldown reduction in its talent with Inner Sight as your specialization, or use "Flurry" iconFlurry, and acquire preparation as your cooldown reset specialization. You also want the Trap Capstone, to grant further CDR reset. No matter which build you do, you will find that this build has the highest CDR reset of any Rogue build playstyle, with incredible mobbing, and somewhat decent bossing.

Diablo 4 Best Class: Sorc is the Best of All The Worlds

The Sorcerer is the best Diablo 4 class at destroying enemies through AOE. Image via Blizzard.

Ice Blades Zoo: The Ice Blades Zoo build did take a pretty heavy nerf in the Server Slam undocumented changes, reducing the cooldown reduction from the Ice Blades enchantment and other general CD nerfs. It means that you wont be able to spam out as many Ice Blades as you previously did, especially in the early leveling phase. This makes the build terrible for leveling now, as you can realistically only get around 3 Blades out at a time. However, when you start getting more cooldown reduction via your gear in the late game, this build does improve, however, it’s still behind other meta Sorc builds, like the Crackling Energies proc Shock build, and the Frozen Mana regen build.

Lightning Crit Hydra: The Lightning school is all about crits, which will boost your damage of your chain lightning crit chance amplification. When you start getting high crit and almost guaranteed crits, these crits are then useful for other spells that trigger crits, like empowering the Hydras for more DPS. In addition, your enchantment also allow you to take lightning spear, which has a chance to proc on your crits and crackling energies, meaning you get even more almost certain RNG procs to bolster your damage. It means you ave great AOE and solid single target damage, and you can really feel the build in its glory from level 25, with it getting better at 35. It makes it a solid yet cheap classic sorc playstyle.

Crackling Energies Shock: This build is similar to the Lightning Hydra build, however, you fish for Crackling Energies, which then proceed to spawn more and more Lightning Spears and Lightning Orbs, which will flood the map with AOE and bossing tools. It’s rather legendary reliant later on, but, its one that’s fairly easy to get going once you reach end game and have access to plenty of aspects.

Burning Build: The Burning Build is one where you use the Combustion Capstone, and find several sources of burning, such as Fire Bolt, Fire Ball, Hydra, Fire Walls, and the ultimate "Inferno" iconInferno Skill. You also use Fire Wall enchantments to spawn more burning fields, and that all stacks to do lots of bossing damage. It does fall off slightly end game, as it takes time to ramp damage up with burning, reducing its clear speeds somehwat, but its an effective leveler and is viable at end game.

"Arc Lash" iconArc Lash Lucky Hit: The Sorc has lots of Lucky Hit, and so, makes it one of the builds you can flood the board with Lucky Hit enchantment effects, using your Unstable Current ultimate. The idea is you use Arc Lash attack speed ramp while under the ultimate’s effects to spam as many objects as possible. You then want to use Lucky Hit modifiers to then spawn Meteors as your additional damage tool. This makes the build effective at being tanky and attack fast, but, its rather RNG reliant and takes a lot of gearing and legendaries to get rolling.

This concludes the Diablo 4 Tier list, featuring a rundown on the best classes in Diablo 4. Good luck out there, and hopefully this has helped player get an idea of the best class in Diablo 4 to play. Once when more meta builds are established, we can update this with the Diablo 4 Tier List with more information and throw those meta builds into the rankings.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
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