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Diablo IV

How to Clear the Light's Watch in Diablo 4

Nathan Garvin
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Dungeons are discrete concentrations of hostility in an already dangerous world. Marked on your map with gate icons, you’ll find dungeons scattered throughout Sanctuary, often appearing in the form of ruins or caves. Filled with monsters, you’ll often have to fight your way through these dens of evil while completing various objectives, usually culminating in a fight with some dungeon boss at the end. In addition to the loot you’ll gain from vanquishing foes and looting chests in dungeons, you’ll also earn an aspect unique to said dungeon, which can be used to empower gear. This page covers the "Light's Watch" iconLight’s Watch dungeon in Diablo 4, including how to find this dungeon, complete its objectives, and defeat the dungeon boss at the end.

(1 of 2) Seek out the Light’s Watch dungeon,

Seek out the Light’s Watch dungeon, (left), which can be found north of Margrave. (right)

How to Find the Light’s Watch Dungeon in Diablo 4

Light’s Watch is a dungeon located between "Kyovashad" iconKyovashad to the south and Margrave to the south. Given the name and its location, the fall of this bastion is particularly disconcerting – the light clearly has blind spots, and if it can’t hold onto a defensive position just south of the region’s most populated city, what is safe? While you can enter this dungeon any time you wish, the side quest Legacies of Lights Watch is, as the name implies, heavily connected with this dungeon. Since you have to clear much of the dungeon to complete this side quest, you may as well start it before attempting the Light’s Watch dungeon.

(1 of 4) Your first objective in this dungeon is to seek out two Watchman enemies - Grek Grauk

How to Clear the Light’s Watch Dungeon in Diablo 4

This dungeon is roughly split into two sections, divided by the “Watchman’s Gate”. While it may not initially be apparent, your goal is to get past this gate, but first you’ve got to get the key, which requires you lure out the lead Watchman, which you can do by killing the two subordinate Watchman enemies:

  • Slay the Watchman: 2
  • Slay the Watchman Lead Sou and collect the "Watchman's Key" iconWatchman’s Key
  • Use the Watchman’s Key to open the Watchman’s Gate

The two Watchman are named elite enemies, larger brutes who preside over the lesser marauders and other ne’er-do-wells who populate this half of the dungeon. You’ll need to hunt them down and kill them, presumably clearing out mobs of lesser enemies in the process. In our game, these Watchman enemies were named Grek Grauk (who possessed the Chilling Wind and Shock Lance traits) and Rak Hunde (who possessed the Waller and Explosive traits). Kill them both and Watchman Lead Sou (Teleporter, Vampiric, Summoner) should immediately spawn and attack, dropping the Watchman’s Key when defeated. This should be sufficient to get you through the aforementioned Watchman’s Door leading to the second half of the dungeon.

(1 of 2) After you kill the Watchman enemies and claim the Watchman’s Key you can open Watchman’s Gate,

After you kill the Watchman enemies and claim the Watchman’s Key you can open Watchman’s Gate, (left), beyond which you’ll be ambushed by canine foes - these will become the norm going forward. (right)

Find and open the Watchman’s Gate and go through it to find that the enemies you’re facing have now changed - you’ll be dealing with warg, prowlers, volkodlak and other canine terrors. While not exclusive, to make sure the change is recognized you’ll have to fend off waves of these mutts for 30 seconds, after which your goal is just to make it to the dungeon boss.

  • Survive the enemy attack: 30 seconds
  • Travel to the Light’s War Room
  • Defeat the "Den Mother" iconDen Mother

(1 of 3) Avoid the Den Mother’s damage spikes, like her flurry attack,

How to Defeat the Den Mother

Your goal is the “Light’s War Room”, which just so happens to be the arena where you’ll face off against the Den Mother dungeon boss. This is a tenacious, melee-focused foe who doesn’t deal a lot of damage each attack, but is more than content to mindlessly swing away at you and chip away your life bar. Sturdier classes, like the Barbarian, can go toe-to-toe with her, enduring her normal claw swipes, only backing off when she rears back, which signifies she’s preparing a multistrike flurry. She can also pound the ground repeated and create spots of red miasma to appear scattered across the battlefield, which should also be avoided, and lastly, she’ll periodically vanish momentarily before reappearing - sometimes with reinforcements in the form of “Winter Hunter” enemies, which are basically wargs. A more detailed walkthrough can be found on the [How to Defeat the Den Mother in Diablo 4] page, but as long as you don’t stand and trade blows with her (unless you’re a Barbarian - then just dodge the damage spikes) and don’t dawdle on the miasma she conjures, you should be fine. As usual, she get progressively more aggressive as her health bar depletes, so save your ultimate attacks for the final third of her life bar to quickly end the fight when she’s at her most dangerous.

Defeat the Den Mother and you’ll clear the dungeon, earning the "Aspect of Conflagration" iconAspect of Conflagration for doing so.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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