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Diablo IV

All Scosglen Altar of Lilith Locations in Diablo 4

Shane Williams
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Diablo 4 features a massive shared world and within it, you may notice eerie Altar of !Lilith Statues. These are important for many reasons, the first is to grant you an account-wide boost to your stats along with adding a boost in Renown. If you wish to max out the renown in a region, you’ll need to find and use all of them. This page will show you where to find all Scosglen Altar of Lilith Locations in Diablo 4.

An overview of all of the Altars in Scosglen.

All Scosglen Altar of Lilith Statue Locations in Diablo 4

Above you will find an image, shwopcasing where to find all Scosglen Altar of Lilith Locations. Further down the page we also have more detail on each area of Scosglen that you find Lilith statue locations, with details on them, and map markers in case you want to use GamerGuide’s interactive map markers to track them down.

Deep Forest Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
1 Map Marker
2 Map Marker
3 Map Marker
4 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #1

(1 of 2) Head here in the Deep Forest

Head here in the Deep Forest (left), to find the first statue in the cave. (right)

Start at the Tur Dulra Waypoint and head southwest until you reach Vasily’s Reach, then climb down into a small cave and follow the path along to the end to find this Altar.

Altar of Lilith Statue #2

(1 of 2) Head here in the Deep Forest

Head here in the Deep Forest (left), to find the second statue hiding behind a tree. (right)

Start at the Tur Dulra Waypoint and head southeast until you reach the center of The Ancients’ Woods, then you’ll find the Altar tucked away behind some trees.

Altar of Lilith Statue #3

(1 of 2) Head here in the Deep Forest

Head here in the Deep Forest (left), to find the third statue in the small area. (right)

Start at the Tur Dulra Waypoint and head northeast, then go down the spiral staircase and jump across the small gap to find the Altar in the corner.

Altar of Lilith Statue #4

(1 of 2) Head here in the Deep Forest

Head here in the Deep Forest (left), to find the fourth statue at the end of the narrow path. (right)

Start at the Tur Dulra Waypoint and head northeast until you reach The Dead Barks Wilderness, then walk up into the northwest corner to find the Altar.

Northshore Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
5 Map Marker
6 Map Marker
7 Map Marker
8 Map Marker
9 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #5

(1 of 2) Head here in the Deep Forest

Head here in the Deep Forest (left), to find the statue sitting next to a small pool of water. (right)

Start at the Marowen Waypoint and follow the path south until you reach the Writhing Brook area, then you’ll find the Altar sitting beside a small pool of water.

Altar of Lilith Statue #6

(1 of 2) Head here in the Northshore

Head here in the Northshore (left), to find the statue sitting in a small wooden shack. (right)

Start at the Marowen Waypoint and follow the path along to the northeast until you reach The Old Mine Works, then you’ll find the Altar sitting inside a small wooden shack.

Altar of Lilith Statue #7

(1 of 2) Head here in the Northshore

Head here in the Northshore (left), to find the statue sitting behind a rock. (right)

Start at the Braestig Waypoint and head north until you reach the Stormbreak Cove, then you’ll find the Altar sitting near a rock in the water.

Altar of Lilith Statue #8

(1 of 2) Head here in the Northshore

Head here in the Northshore (left), to find the statue sitting out in the water. (right)

From the previous Altar head northwest whilst sticking to the outer edge of the area, then you’ll find a small path that’ll branch out into the water where you’ll find this Altar sitting next to the rock.

Altar of Lilith Statue #9

(1 of 2) Head here in the Northshore

Head here in the Northshore (left), to find the statue sitting on the small island in Hope’s Light. (right)

From the previous Altar continue heading northwest until you enter the "Hope's Light" iconHope’s Light area, then you’ll find this Altar sitting on the island furthest to the east.

Wailing Hills Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
10 Map Marker
11 Map Marker
12 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #10

(1 of 2) Head here in in the Wailing Hills

Head here in in the Wailing Hills (left), to find the altar hiding behind a tree. (right)

Start at the Braestaig Waypoint and go southwest until you reach the second crossroad in Woodwraith Edge, then head southeast until you reach small path branching out to the north. Here you’ll find the Altar tucked away behind some trees.

Altar of Lilith Statue #11

(1 of 2) Head here in in the Wailing Hills

Head here in in the Wailing Hills (left), to find the altar sitting some trees. (right)

Start at the Braestaig Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Wailing Coast area, then you’ll find the Altar sitting in the corner behind a tree.

Altar of Lilith Statue #12

(1 of 2) Head here in in the Wailing Hills

Head here in in the Wailing Hills (left), to find the altar sitting in the corner. (right)

Start at the Braestaig Waypoint and head north until you reach the top of Ancestor Heights, then you can find the Altar sitting in the corner beside some rocks.

Strand Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
13 Map Marker
14 Map Marker
15 Map Marker
16 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #13

(1 of 2) Head here in in the Strand

Head here in in the Strand (left), to find the statue sitting inside a building. (right)

Start at the Corback Waypoint and head southwest until you reach the center of the Torvstrath Area, then enter the small building to find the Altar.

Altar of Lilith Statue #14

(1 of 2) Head here in in the Strand

Head here in in the Strand (left), to find the statue in the ruins. (right)

Start at the Corback Waypoint and head north until you reach the top of Caen Adar, then you’ll find the Altar sitting in ruins.

Altar of Lilith Statue #15

(1 of 2) Head here in the Strand

Head here in the Strand (left), to find the altar sitting at the top of a hill. (right)

Start at the Corback Waypoint and head all the way along to the east of The Strandflats, then climb up and walk up to the top of Fiabre area to find the Altar.

Altar of Lilith Statue #16

(1 of 2) Head here in the Moordaine Lodge

Head here in the Moordaine Lodge (left), to find the altar in the corner. (right)

Start at the Corback Waypoint and head east until you reach the "Moordaine Lodge" iconMoordaine Lodge Stronghold, then walk over to the northwest corner to find this Altar.

The Shrouded Moors Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
17 Map Marker
18 Map Marker
19 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #17

(1 of 2) Head here in the Shrouded Moors

Head here in the Shrouded Moors (left), to find the altar sitting behind some trees (right)

Start at the "Tirmair Waypoint" iconTirmair Waypoint and head northwest and go down the Loch Raeth path, then you’ll find the Altar sitting up against the wall.

Altar of Lilith Statue #18

(1 of 2) Head here in the Shrouded Moors

Head here in the Shrouded Moors (left), to find the altar at the end of the path. (right)

Start at the Tirmair Waypoint and head northeast until you reach The Blood Vale area, then head east until you reach a dead end to find this Altar.

Altar of Lilith Statue #19

(1 of 2) Head here in the Shrouded Moors

Head here in the Shrouded Moors (left), to find the altar sitting down a narrow path. (right)

Start at the Tirmair Waypoint and head northeast until you reach The Blood Vale area, then head east until you reach the healing well The Dauder Peats. From here, head south to find the Altar.

Highland Wilds Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
20 Map Marker
21 Map Marker
22 Map Marker
23 Map Marker
24 Map Marker
25 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #20

(1 of 2) Head here in the Highland Wilds

Head here in the Highland Wilds (left), to find the altar in the corner. (right)

Start at the Under the Fat Goose Inn Waypoint and head to the southwest corner of The Great Northern Plains and you’ll find the Altar sitting at the cliff edge.

Altar of Lilith Statue #21

(1 of 2) Head here in the Highland Wilds

Head here in the Highland Wilds (left), to find the altar in the corner of the water. (right)

Start at the Under the Fat Goose Inn Waypoint and head east until you reach the Gloom Pine Pass, then when you reach a small patch of water you’ll find the Altar sitting in the corner.

Altar of Lilith Statue #22

(1 of 2) Head here in the Highland Wilds

Head here in the Highland Wilds (left), to find the altar sitting in-between two trees (right)

From the previous Altar, continue heading northeast whilst hugging the wall to the north and you’ll come across the Altar that’s sitting in between two tree branches.

Altar of Lilith Statue #23

(1 of 2) Head here in the Highland Wilds

Head here in the Highland Wilds (left), to find the Altar sitting behind a tree. (right)

Continue heading southeast from the previous Altar until you reach the Dead Forest, then you’ll find the Altar sitting behind a tree next to a waterfall.

Altar of Lilith Statue #24

(1 of 2) Head here in the Highland Wilds

Head here in the Highland Wilds (left), to find the Altar sitting behind a large tree. (right)

Head southwest from the previous Altar until you reach The Fells area, then you’ll find the Altar sitting behind a large tree.

Altar of Lilith Statue #25

(1 of 2) Head here in the Highland Wilds

Head here in the Highland Wilds (left), to find the Altar sitting in the corner. (right)

Head southwest from the previous Altar until you reach the Maddux Hill, then you’ll find the Altar in the corner.

The Downs Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
26 Map Marker
27 Map Marker
28 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #26

(1 of 2) Head here in The Downs

Head here in The Downs (left), to find the Altar sitting in the corner. (right)

Start at the Under the Fat Goose Inn Waypoint and head northwest until you reach the Wraithstead area, then walk along to the northeast to find the Altar sitting in the corner.

Altar of Lilith Statue #27

(1 of 2) Head here in The Downs

Head here in The Downs (left), to find the Altar sitting amongst some trees. (right)

From the previous Altar head southwest until you reach The Unhallowed Pits, then climb down to find the Altar sitting amongst some trees in the corner.

Altar of Lilith Statue #28

(1 of 2) Head here in The Downs

Head here in The Downs (left), to find the Altar sitting inside the pit. (right)

Climb out of the Unhallowed Pits and head west until you reach the Wealaf Rise and climb up to find the Altar sitting inside the building.

The Emerald Chase Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
28 Map Marker
29 Map Marker
30 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #29

(1 of 2) Head here in The Emerald Chase

Head here in The Emerald Chase (left), to find the Altar sitting amongst some trees. (right)

Star at the Cerrigar Waypoint and head southeast until you reach the corner of the Greenglen Meadows area, then you’ll find the Altar sitting amongst some trees.

Altar of Lilith Statue #30

(1 of 2) Head here in The Emerald Chase

Head here in The Emerald Chase (left), to find the Altar sitting on the cliff edge. (right)

Start at the Cerrigar Waypoint and head west until you reach the center of the Shadow Woods, then you’ll find the Altar sitting at the cliff edge.

Altar of Lilith Statue #31

(1 of 2) Head here in The Emerald Chase

Head here in The Emerald Chase (left), to find the Altar sitting amongst some trees. (right)

From the previous Altar head north until you reach the Healing Well in the Old Forest Clearing, then you’ll find the Altar sitting between a bunch of trees.

Westering Lowlands Statues

Statue # Interactive Map
31 Map Marker
32 Map Marker
33 Map Marker

Altar of Lilith Statue #32

(1 of 2) Head here in The Westering Lowlands

Head here in The Westering Lowlands (left), to find the Altar sitting behind a tree. (right)

Start at the "Firebreak Manor Waypoint" iconFirebreak Manor Waypoint and head south until you reach the bottom of the Laglend Fen, then you’ll find the Altar sitting near some rocks.

Altar of Lilith Statue #33

(1 of 2) Head here in The Westering Lowlands

Head here in The Westering Lowlands (left), to find the Altar sitting amongst some trees. (right)

From the previous Altar head west until you reach the corner of the Outlaw Grove, then you’ll find the Altar sitting beside some rocks and trees.

Altar of Lilith Statue #34

(1 of 2) Head here in The Westering Lowlands

Head here in The Westering Lowlands (left), to find the Altar sitting amongst some trees. (right)

Start at the Firebreak Manor Waypoint and head northwest until you reach the center of The Witan Wolds, then you’ll find the final Altar sitting behind the tree.

This concludes our Diablo 4 Scosglen Altar of Lilith Locations guide. Hopefully, you now know where to find all Lilith statue locations in Scosglen. If you need help finding the rest of the Altars of Lilith for other regions, then we have pages for them too!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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