Strongholds are a major focus of Diablo 4, they’re former towns or forts that are overrun by enemies and should you be able to cleanse them, you’ll unlock their features as a town with vendors, sometimes a Waypoint or unlock access to new Dungeons, Events, or Side Quests. This page will guide you on completing the Tur Dulra Stronghold in Scosglen.
Head to this location to begin this Stronghold.
Once the greatest Druidic College, this overgrown ruin stands as a reminder of a great calamity.
Tur Dulra Objectives¶
- Approach the Great Oak
- Speak to the Druid Spirit
- Find the Druid Spirits
- Return to the Great Oak
- Slay the Infernal Tormentor
- Rekindle the Wanderer’s Shrine to conquer Túr Dúlra.
Where to Find the Tul Dulra Stronghold¶
Tul Dulra is a level 19 Stronghold in Scosglen, but it will scale with your level once you go above that, and could cause you to come across some tougher encounters. You’ll find Tul Dulra to the west of the Cerrigar Waypoint.
How to Complete Tul Dulra Stronghold¶
Speak with the Druid Spirit¶
Once you’ve arrived at the Tul Dulra Stronghold you’ll want to work your way over to the center of the area by ducking under the logs and heading up the spiral stairs, then you’ll want to speak with the Druid Spirit to trigger a cutscene. Here you’ll be placed into a memory and you’ll need to rescue the spirits.
Where to Find The Druid Spirits¶
(1 of 2) Head to these three locations
Head to these three locations (left), and free the spirits. (right)
The three Druid spirits have been separated to different parts of the stronghold, so you’ll need to visit the North to find Brighde, South to find
Odhran and East to find
Eanan. You’ll want to start by heading north and when you approach the spirit you’ll see it is surrounded by multiple enemies, so you’ll want to make use of AoE (Area of Effect) Attacks, such as Blood Surge on Necromancer or Rain of Arrows on Rogue. When the ads have been cleared, interact with the spirit and it’ll become aggressive, so you’ll need to deplete its health by using any basic skills. However, it’ll be unleashing knockback attacks at you, so try to avoid the AoE Marker or make sure your health is topped up.
How to Defeat Baelgemoth, Infernal Tormentor¶
Continue following the path around until you’ve rescued all three spirits, then return to the Great Oak where you must face the boss - Baelgemoth, Infernal Tormentor before you can complete the stronghold. It has a couple heavy hitting attacks, but the best way to tackle this boss is to keep your distance and jump in for a couple seconds to perform some single target skills. However, it’ll summon ads throughout the battle, so you’ll want to use AoE’s to get them down quickly. We’ll have a rundown of its attacks below:
One of the most common attacks the Baelgemoth will use is a simple swing which should be easy to avoid if you’re keeping your distance as he doesn’t have much range.
Fire Breath¶
Throughout the battle Baelgemoth will unleash fire from his mouth and point in your direction and it can cover a large area, so you’ll need to make use of your dodge skill to get away from it. Additionally, it’ll follow you, so you’ll want to keep running in the opposite direction until it stops.
Disappearing Act¶
(1 of 3) Baelgemoth can use fire breath
You’ll sometimes notice that the Baelgemoth will temporarily disappear and reappear directly next to you and perform a slash attack. In order to avoid this you’ll want to keep dodging until it reappears.
Once you’ve taken Baelgemoths HP down to its first potion threshold he’ll start performing a mini shockwave around his body. If you stand inside it you’ll be pushed back and take some damage. Additionally, Baelgemoth will summons adds regularly throughout the fight, so make sure you clear them out with AoEs Attacks before focusing on the boss.
Tul Dulra Stronghold Rewards¶
So now that you’ve finally cleansed the Stronghold (or are reading ahead to see if it’s worth it), what are your hard-earned rewards? You’ll be rewarded with 100 Scosglen Renown and the Tur Dulra Waypoint will become available. Additionally, the Underroot and
Wretched Delve Dungeons will be unlocked alongside the Druid Quest.
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