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Diablo IV

How to Find Uber Uniques in Season 2

Nathan Garvin
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There are various tiers of loot in Diablo 4, from the disposable common (white) gear that you’ll stop using almost immediately to rare (yellow) and legendary (orange) items that will form the core of your loadout for most of your time in the game. There’s another tier about even legendary, however, unique (gold) items. These ultra-rare drops only start appearing when you hit Nightmare difficulty (World Tier 3) and are similar to legendary gear in that they have a special modifier that more common equipment doesn’t possess, with the exception that the modifier on unique gear is… well, unique to that particular item, instead of randomly drawn from a pool, like legendary modifiers. There’s yet another category, however, a subcategory of uniques that are even rarer and more coveted - the uber uniques. This page will discuss what uber unique items are in Diablo 4, will provide a list of all uber unique items, and cover where you can find them.

Season 2 has added new ways to target farm uber uniques.

What Are Uber Uniques in Diablo 4?

As mentioned earlier, uniques start dropping in World Tier 3, and they can drop from just about any source of loot in the game - Helltide events, Nightmare Dungeons, Blood Harvest runs, or just dumb luck killing an enemy or opening a normal chest, as long as the difficulty is set to World Tier 3 or World Tier 4, they’ve got a shot of appearing. The only other restriction is the class you’re playing, as some uniques are specific to certain classes, and like most gear, will seldom drop for any other class, so if you’re hoping to score a specific unique, you’d better be playing that class.

Uber uniques are, at a glance, indistinguishable from normal uniques. They have the same coloration, the only difference is they can only drop from Lv85 sources or higher. This functionally makes them World Tier 4 exclusive, and moreso, they won’t drop from any enemy whose level is lower than Lv85, and since enemies usually scale with the player, you won’t find many Lv85+ enemies until your own level is 85+. The few exceptions that exist include some uber bosses, whose levels and drop tables are static, and the enemies found in Nightmare Dungeons, whose level is determined by the tier of the Nightmare Sigil used to create the Nightmare Dungeon. Functionally this means you can expect Uber Uniques to drop from the following sources:

  • Tier 31+ Nightmare Dungeons
  • Duriel, Maggot King
  • Any source of uniques once you’re Lv85+ and playing in World Tier 4.

Unlike lesser uniques, the Item Power of uber uniques is not variable - they’re always at 925, the current maximum, which means they should have correspondingly high stat caps. That said, they’re virtually identical to uniques in every other way: some are class-specific, they all have a unique modifier, and while their other stats types are set, their stat ranges are not, so it’s possible to get a minroll on an uber unique… pretty painful, given their rarity.

List of All Uber Uniques in Diablo 4

As of patch 1.2.0a (launched shortly after the start of Season 2) there are seven uber uniques in the game. "Below" iconBelow you’ll find a list of all seven of these items and what classes they are limited to:

Uber Unique Class
"Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander" iconAhavarion, Spear of Lycander Druid, Sorcerer
"Andariel's Visage" iconAndariel’s Visage All
"Doombringer" iconDoombringer Barbarian, Necromancer, Rogue
"Harlequin Crest" iconHarlequin Crest All
"Melted Heart of Selig" iconMelted Heart of Selig All
"Ring of Starless Skies" iconRing of Starless Skies All
"The Grandfather" iconThe Grandfather Barbarian, Necromancer

Where to Farm for Uber Uniques in Season 2

Now that you know what uber uniques are, let’s address the tricky subject of how to find them. First, as mentioned before, they only drop on World Tier 4, and even then, you won’t even get a shot at them unless you’re vanquishing Lv85+ enemies. There are only two ways to bypass this - go after enemies with static levels (World Bosses and and the uber boss Duriel, Maggot King) or plunder Tier 31+ Nightmare Dungeons. Neither are great options, honestly, as there’s plenty of room for growth without chasing uber uniques, namely by simply leveling up and looking for Ancestral quality legendaries and uniques with an Item Power as close to 925 as possible. Even a weapon with an Item Power score in the 850s is likely to be far superior to what you left World Tier 3 with. As an added bonus, reaching Lv85+ will allow uber uniques to drop nearly anywhere in World Tier 4. Your odds aren’t great, to be sure, but still… it’s better than nothing.

Once you’re Lv85+ and have gear suited for true endgame content, here are the best spots to try to farm uber uniques, in order of worst to best (omitting all suboptimal options… which pretty much includes anything not listed below):

(1 of 2) Defeating the Ancient Vampires in Blood Harvests events can yield a great number of drops - through sheer weight of numbers, you may find an uber unique.

Defeating the Ancient Vampires in Blood Harvests events can yield a great number of drops - through sheer weight of numbers, you may find an uber unique. (left), Defeating Duriel, Maggot King is the best way to farm uber uniques - he’ll always drop a unique, and can drop any uber unique in the game. (right)

Summoning Ancients During Blood Harvests

Just head to the green marker in the midst of every Blood Harvest and you’ll find three Blood Lure Pedestals. Each of them costs 50 Blood Lures to activate, and once activated you’ll summon waves of enemies, including several Ancient Vampires and likely at least a pair of Blood Seekers. All of them have a good chance of dropping legendaries, and hence, uniques. While the uber unique drop rate here isn’t any better than normal, the sheer amount of drops makes this a sensible spot to search. That said, gathering 150 Blood Lures can be a tedious process, so ideally you’ll try to do this as a group, where multiple players can contribute to the cost of summoning the Ancients. Every player in the vicinity when the Ancients are summoned will gain a full, exclusive haul of loot, no matter how much or little they contribute, and several players can summon the Ancients many times in a row. Expect to see 6-12 or so legendaries drop per run, along with plenty of Blood Lures and Seeker Keys.

Nightmare Dungeons

Nightmare Dungeons don’t give the haul that the Ancients do, but they do have a higher chance of dropping uniques. You can generally expect to find 3-4 legendaries per Nightmare Dungeon run, with most of them coming at the very end, after clearing the dungeon. This is also where you’re most likely to get a unique, and as a super rough estimate, we were finding a unique every six dungeon runs or so.

Duriel, Maggot King

One of the most powerful foes in the game, Duriel, Maggot King is a super boss that requires you to farm both Grigoire and the Echo of Varshan (both lower-level super bosses) twice each on World Tier 4 in order to get the materials - Shards of Agony and Mucous-Slick Eggs - required to summon "Duriel, Maggot King" iconDuriel, Maggot King. It’s quite a bit of work, but both Grigoire and the Echo of Varshan are likely to drop lower-tier uniques each time you kill them, so it’s a fine way to ensure you’ve got the gear you’ll need to fight Duriel, Maggot King. As a Lv100 enemy, Duriel, Maggot King is not to be taken lightly, but like most uber bosses he will almost always drop a unique when defeated, and unlike any other uber boss, he can also drop every uber unique in the game. It’s a tedious process that’ll see you farming Helltide events and completing Grim Favors for the Tree of Whispers to summon Grigoire and the Echo of Varshan, but Duriel, Maggot King offers up the only guaranteed unique drop in the game with a shot at an uber unique.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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