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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

Ghirahim (third fight)

Vincent Lau
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(1 of 2) You’re looking at Ghirahim in his final form.

You’re looking at Ghirahim in his final form. (left), Push him over the edge, then perform a Fatal Blow. (right)

This first part of the battle is rather easy. Ghirahim is now covered in some metallic substance, and cannot be really damaged all to easily.

If you hit him, all you do is push him back. Seeing as you’re on a platform high above the ground, keep hitting him to push him back, using your shield whenever he tries to attack you.

(1 of 2) Now it gets more tricky.

Now it gets more tricky. (left), Slash in-between the glowing hands, so you don’t touch them. (right)

After Ghirahim falls off a platform, jump off of it yourself and do a fatal blow. Continue the cycle described above. Eventually, Ghirahim will start making his hands purple near the edge of a platform.

When he does, carefully note their positions and slice between them so as not to touch them. There is a fair space of time before he does anything.

However, note that if your sword does touch the purple hands, you and he will reverse positions, so quickly move back around! Continue the cycle until Ghirahim summons his weapon.

(1 of 2) Bounce the red energy disc back, like a game of tennis.

Bounce the red energy disc back, like a game of tennis. (left), Once he’s stunned, perform a sword thrust. (right)

For this second part of the battle, Ghirahim will swing at you when you’re close; shield bash his attack. In fact, any time he directly attacks you, shield bash him and, while remaining locked-on, do a thrust to hit the gem in the center of his torso.

You’ll want to remain close unless you’re, sadly, taking time to heal – if you’re too far, he’ll merely shoot the red missiles from battles past or a large disc of energy. Both can be shield blocked.

However, the disc can also be hit with your sword in a back-and-forth volley with Ghirahim until you succeed in hitting him with it, stunning him, much like the Phantom Ganon bosses of Wind Waker.

Anyhow, continue this until he summons his big sword – makes me think of Cloud Strife, almost.

(1 of 2) Use vertical slashes when he holds his sword horizontally and vice versa.

Use vertical slashes when he holds his sword horizontally and vice versa. (left), Once his sword’s broken, hit him with another sword thrust. (right)

For the third part of the battle, with the large sword, you’ll need to get close and attack directly. Ghirahim will use the sword to block – if he blocks with the sword vertically, do horizontal slices repeatedly; if he blocks horizontally, do vertical slices.

Continue to slice this while targetting him. Don’t rush, because if you hit the sword the wrong way or do a sword thrust early, he’ll jump back and repair his sword. Once you’ve smashed the sword to bits, do a thrust to damage him. Repeat a few more times and you will win.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Switch, Wii
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    15 July 2021
  • Last Updated
    20 August 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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You are Link, a resident of Skyloft–a floating village in the vast sky. For ages, you’ve been training at the Knight Academy and, today, the day of your graduation has arrived. While your life thus far has been peaceful, soon nothing will be the same again, when your beloved friend, Zelda, is stolen from you…

Our strategy guide for The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (HD) contains all the necessary knowledge to search for and rescue Zelda, such as a full walkthrough with detailed maps. Plus every hero needs a rest; if you want to grab all the collectables and fix other people’s problems (sidequests), we can help you with that too!

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