(1 of 2) A Bokoblin Leader in the Deep Woods.
A Bokoblin Leader in the Deep Woods. (left), Defeat them quickly before they call for more allies. (right)
These Bokoblins look much like regular Bokoblin except for the hat they wear, which signifies their status. Bokoblin Leaders will use their horn to call other Bokoblin to fight, and will continue to do so until you kill it.
Location | Spoils |
Deep Woods, Eldin Volcano, Earth Temple | Ornamental Skulls, Golden Skulls, Monster Horns, Rupees, Hearts |
How to Defeat¶
Exactly the same as normal Bokoblin. Slash them in the direction away from their weapon. You can also wait for them to attack you, then stun them with a shield bash. Finally, you can instantly stun them with the Slingshot.
Later, when you obtain the Whip, you can steal the Monster Horn they’re carrying, preventing them from calling Bokoblins and adding it to your collection–two birds in one stone! Otherwise, you won’t get the horn after defeating it.
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