(1 of 2) Don’t get any wild ideas now, Link…
Don’t get any wild ideas now, Link… (left), Besides whipping foes and pulling levers, you can use the whip as a make-shift swinging rope. (right)
The Whip is a durable and elastic tool that can be used to grab on and pull nearby objects. It first appeared in Spirit Tracks.
To use the Whip, you must move the Wii remote/Joy-Con/right stick to fling it out. The Whip is mainly used for pulling water valves, swinging across gaps and dispatching airborne Furnixes.
Another use for the Whip is to steal Monster Horns from Bokoblin leaders, when they try to use the horn to signal for allies.
Where to Find¶
Inside a treasure chest in the Ancient Cistern, after defeating the Stalmaster mini-boss.
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