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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

Sealed Grounds

Vincent Lau
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Sealed Grounds

(1 of 2) You’ll be returning here multiple times on your quest.

You’ll be returning here multiple times on your quest. (left), Raise your sword upward for another Skyward Strike. (right)

When you arrive at the Sealed Grounds, there’s a short scene. Afterwards, head along the path and defeat the Deku Babas–swing your sword in the direction that matches their mouths. At the end of the path, drop down a ledge and watch the scene of the immense pit below you.


Map of the Sealed Grounds.

After this scene, go to the bottom of the pit, preferably using a combination of jumping off of a ledge and using the Sailcloth for a safe landing. Head to the pedestal and hit it with a Skyward Strike.

Doing so will remove the dark aura, which also triggers some air vents for easy upward travel. Use them and go towards the ledge you originally jump off of, then go towards the door nearby. Go on through to the Sealed Temple.

Sealed Temple

(1 of 2) It seems Zelda came through here, but we doubt she’s still around (or this would be a very short game).

It seems Zelda came through here, but we doubt she’s still around (or this would be a very short game). (left), Nice, a free Bottle! (right)

Head to the western side of the room, first, and save the game. Then go up the northern staircase and speak with the woman sitting nearby. You’ll be told to go to the Faron Woods to the east of here.

You’ll also learn how to place beacons and about beacons in general. When allowed, place a beacon on the X on the map. Exit the map and continue speaking with the woman.

Afterwards, go to the lower area, in the northeastern corner, and open the chest to not only receive a Bottle, but one filled with some Revitalizing Potion!

Use the Bird Statue again if you feel like, then leave through the door on the east side of the room.

Sealed Grounds (Again)

(1 of 2) Place beacons on the map if you need help getting to places.

Place beacons on the map if you need help getting to places. (left), Anyway, time to beat up some more trouble-making Bokoblins. (right)

Upon exiting the Sealed Temple, look towards the north-northeast or so – you should see a blue light beaming from the ground. This is the beacon you placed, and it is near the entrance to the Faron Woods. The path here is actually quite linear, so remove it if you want to.

Afterwards, go forward along the path and drop off of the ledge to the lower area. Here, you’ll find Gorko the Goron surrounded by a few Bokoblins. Go to and defeat the Bokoblins, thereby rescuing Gorko.

Speak with Gorko to learn about the Bird Statue nearby, then approach it to activate it and others on the surface. Save, of course, when you regain control.

(1 of 2) Flick the Wiimote upwards to climb faster.

Flick the Wiimote upwards to climb faster. (left), If there’s a log nearby, it’s generally a good idea to shove it. (right)

After doing so, look around for a vine-covered wall. When you find it, ascend the vines and go through the cave to the large pit. Push the log off of the ledge to create a shortcut back here, should you return (and you will).

Return to the log, then climb up it and the ledge. Go through the cave to the previous area. Here, go along the path for a bit. You’ll eventually come along another log. Push it up against the wall and climb it and the ledge. Go a bit further along the path to the Faron Woods.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Switch, Wii
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    15 July 2021
  • Last Updated
    20 August 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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You are Link, a resident of Skyloft–a floating village in the vast sky. For ages, you’ve been training at the Knight Academy and, today, the day of your graduation has arrived. While your life thus far has been peaceful, soon nothing will be the same again, when your beloved friend, Zelda, is stolen from you…

Our strategy guide for The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (HD) contains all the necessary knowledge to search for and rescue Zelda, such as a full walkthrough with detailed maps. Plus every hero needs a rest; if you want to grab all the collectables and fix other people’s problems (sidequests), we can help you with that too!

Newly added:

  • Revised and re-structured the walkthrough to make it more accessible.
  • Added dozens of useful maps.


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