The Herald of Tzeentch is an optional boss in Chapter 1 of Rykid Minoris. Players who visit the capital and progress through the Warehouse segment may find an optional Sewer boss in the form of a Herald of Tzeentch. This creature is a pain, blasting out chaotic threats, mind-controlling minions, and teleporting around the place to bog you down in hordes of slaves. While the boss can be hard, there are a few tricks for making it easier, alongside some worthwhile loot. Here’s a closer look at the Herald of Tzeentch fight in Rogue Trader.
The Herald of Tzeentch’s high subterfuge, employing mind-controlled thralls while teleporting out of danger, is the theme of the fight.
Herald of Tzeentch Boss Guide¶
Upon arriving in the Sewers of Rykid Minoris, you’ll find an area filled with poor people begging not to harm them. The more you walk around, the more you find them saying the same thing in small huddles. However, among the denizens of the sewers lies one strange, prone man. Interact with it, and a Herald of Tzeentch shall appear.
The Herald of Tzeentch is a 105 Wound monster, and it has a few key abilities.
- Mental Manipulation: This move is a heroic move, which will mind control creatures nearby to serve as permanent allies. Mental Manipulation also raises Veil Degradation around 7 points, and after a few turns, you’ll be dealing with a full stack of Veil.
- Teleport: After losing 30 wounds, the Herald of Tzeentch will teleport to a new quarter of the map. The boss will then immediately cast Mental Manipulation on the nearby threats and gain new allies.
It is important to mention that your Psyker allies will have trouble casting spells in this mode. Due to the high stacks, there’s a high chance you will experience Perils of the Warp, and likely spawn some demon that will KO your troops. These can be Blue Horrors, Pox Walkers, or even a Succubus. So, avoid using any of Idira’s, Heindrix’s, Cassia’s, or even a player Psyker spell while you’re above the threshold. Otherwise, you will make the fight harder.
Speaking of these companions, players can visit the Sewers at any point before the Parade. You can recruit all the Chapter 1 Companions if you want to. The full party will certainly help deal with the hordes of mind-controlled enemies, but they are not necessary and can be done with a party of five. If you’re interested, we have guides in recruiting Pasqal, Cassia, and Heindrix here.
When strategizing your party for the fight, we strongly advise having dedicated ranged mob destroyers. Argenta is the only companion that can use a Flamer from the start, which you can get from the Star Thoroughfare Warehouse puzzle above, or one of the traders in Chapter 1. This makes bursting down a pack load of low-wound mobs easy. Idira can also be decent for using her lightning staff and cleaving many close-knit enemies with her staff, but, again, do be careful of Perils of the Warp.
(1 of 2) Burn the heretic, kill the mutant, purge the unclean.
Burn the heretic, kill the mutant, purge the unclean. (left), Pasqal and Abelard are your anti-boss units, who will be looking for a slice of demon. (right)
As for Pasqal and Abelard, these are going to be characters you want to use to wreck the Herald. Use the bleed skill on Pasqal and filler with Expose Weakness and cleave melee groups that swarm him easily. Abelard will be your character to chase down the Herald of Tzeentch with this movement, charge, and then extra turns from either your Leader or through his own Heroic Act if you can get it in time.
Other than that, the Herald of Tzeentch is not too hard and largely requires players to prepare to deal with the hordes. The creature itself doesn’t pose too much of a threat.
When the boss is defeated, feel free to loot the area. There’s a hidden chest along the left-center side of the map, alongside some loot on its body. You can earn the Blessed Cape from the box and the Hypnotising Pendant from the original corpse the Herald sprung from. The cape is pretty good for fighting demons and has improvement to its damage modifier on a Dogmatic character. Meanwhile, the Hypnotising Pendant offers buffs to Single-Shot actions and applies slows to hit targets for added enemy management on your soldiers.
In addition, players will earn the Cleaning Out the Tzeentch trophy for beating the boss. You’ll need to do this on your journey through 100% of the game, not to mention the tasks for visiting all the optional areas in the game, since this certainly is one.
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