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Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

Best Origins in Rogue Trader

Matt Chard
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There are several important choices you must make when creating a custom character in Rogue Trader, one of which is your origin. This is your background in the game, but it also gives you so much more. There are seven Origins that you can choose from, and each one will offer you different attributes, abilities, and talents, so you’ll want to make sure you pick the best one. Read on to discover what the best origin is in Rogue Trader and why.

Unlike some CRPGs, your background (Origin) is an important decision in Rogue Trader.

Best Origins Tier List

Here is a list of what we consider to be the best Origins. Now, this list will be subjective as some Origins perform better with specific builds. For this reason, the Origins at the top will be ranked on their versatility as well as their main features. Characteristics take a back seat here as they lean towards specific builds. Note, none of these Origins are bad, with some even being the best depending on what build you go with.

Tier Origin Pros Cons
S "Sanctioned Psyker" iconSanctioned Psyker This Origin is like an archetype on its own. It will give you the option to pick between five different types of Psyker. If you don’t want to play a mage-like class, it’s almost worthless. Also, Veil Degradation makes that playstyle less enjoyable.
A Crime Lord You can use Sure-Fire Plan multiple times per combat, the buffs you get from the feature are strong regardless of what action you’re taking during that turn. It’s a selfish class that predominantly only buffs the user.
B "Commissar" iconCommissar AP Bot. Gives various ways to give party members AP and MP. Requires you to use a single-shot weapon or "Melee" iconMelee, so Burst weapons are a no-go. Also, it can only be used once per combat unless you get "Summary Execution" iconSummary Execution which allows you to use it a second time if you kill the target who has "At All Costs" iconAt All Costs! on.
C "Astra Militarum Commander" iconAstra Militarum Commander You could switch this and "Commissar" iconCommissar around. Great group buffs which affect various stats such as damage, defenses, rate of fire, and more. Almost all of the buffs require an enemy to be near the Commander. So, it’s great at the start of the battle but drops off in the later parts of a fight.
D Noble You can make a party member a servant, and both of you will receive buffs depending on what you do next until combat finishes. This can give you damage up, AP, MP, Temporary Wounds, and Maximum Wounds. Great for your favorite party member, not so great for the rest of the team. Still, its buffs are strong and well worth considering.
E Navy Officer Navy Officer is more of a defensive Origin although it can increase your groups attack. Fantastic for tanks and melee-orientated attackers. The buffs barely impact your ranged character although it does allow them to reposition, get a cover buff, and penetrate cover by an extra 20%
F "Ministorum Priest" iconMinistorum Priest If you want your party to focus on Heroic Acts (special attacks), then this is your choice. The "Ministorum Priest" iconMinistorum Priest gives you a lot of extra Momentum throughout the battle which can sometimes be the difference between a victory or defeat. Aside from Momentum, it will also offer you bonus damage and defense against daemons and warp damage. Outside of the constant Momentum gain, the other talents are situational. You’ll go large periods of the game without fighting a daemon which makes this origin fall behind the rest.

Sanctioned Psyker

Psykers are feared and distrusted but are nonetheless valuable assets to the Imperium. The role of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica is to recruit, identify, and classify those found to possess psychic abilities. The most powerful who somehow survive the rigorous sanctioning rituals are selected to serve on the battlefield. The mind of a sanctioned psyker is steeled against the manifold dangers risked by wielders of warp powers. You were one of those found worthy to serve Humanity and have miraculously survived the perils of the warp.

Characteristic and Skill Modifiers

Type Modifier Origin Advancement Modifiers
Characteristic +5 "Toughness" iconToughness +5 "Willpower" iconWillpower
Characteristic +5 "Willpower" iconWillpower
Skill +5 Lore [Warp] +10 Lore [Warp]
Skill +5 Carouse

Talents and Features

Talents Description
Sanctioned Pysker Sanctioned psykers have reduced (-20%) chances to trigger psychic phenomena.
"Divination" iconDivination "Divination" iconDivination specialises in gleaning information and using it to turn fortune in your favour. Diviners find useful insights everywhere, manifesting extrasensory abilities and glimpsing the future.
"Biomancy" iconBiomancy "Biomancy" iconBiomancy focuses on manipulating living flesh and biological processes. Biomancers can heal wounds and alter physical characteristics.
"Telepathy" iconTelepathy Telepaths are psykers whose mental expertise lies in contacting and controlling the minds of others. With a single thought, a telepath can tear away his foe’s sanity, induce states of numbing terror, or possess his victim’s thoughts and mould their actions as if they were his own.
"Pyromancy" iconPyromancy A pyromancer is a master of flame, a psyker who is able to create searing infernos out of thin air. "Pyromancy" iconPyromancy is one of the most spectacular and destructive forms of psychic ability, and those who face a pyromancer in combat are oft reduced to nought but a pile of charred bones.
"Sanctic Powers" iconSanctic Powers A concentration of faith, sanctic powers are used by pious psykers to protect allies and smite heretics.
Psy Rating 0 This character is a psyker, albeit quite a weak one.
Psy Rating 1 Each level of psy rating provides the psyker access to new psychic powers. It also strengthens damaging psychic powers.
Psy Rating 2 Each level of psy rating provides the psyker access to new psychic powers. It also strengthens damaging psychic powers.
Psy Rating 3 Each level of psy rating provides the psyker access to new psychic powers. It also strengthens damaging psychic powers.
Psy Rating 4 Each level of psy rating provides the psyker access to new psychic powers. It also strengthens damaging psychic powers.
"Still Mind" iconStill Mind The psyker’s resolve is increased by +(WP bonus / 2) while veil degradation is 10 or lower.
"Inscribed Soul" iconInscribed Soul The psyker gains the "Inscribed Soul" iconInscribed Soul ability. It costs no AP but deals direct damage to the psyker equal to 25% of the psyker’s maximum wounds. The next psychic power used after this ability will not trigger psychic phenomena or perils of the warp and will not degrade the veil.
"Sacred Rituals" iconSacred Rituals Psychic powers have a 25% chance to regain AP spent on psychic powers when veil degradation is 10 or lower.
"Blade of Light" iconBlade of Light Force weapon attacks deal +(1 + psy rating) more damage and have +(5+5 × psy rating)% more armor penetration.
"Enforce Reality" iconEnforce Reality Usage of a heroic act by the psyker decreases veil degradation by INT bonus.
"Psychic Barrage" iconPsychic Barrage Whenever the psyker uses a damaging psychic power on targets that are 6 cells or farther from the psyker, the targets suffer an additional +BS bonus damage.
"Second Sight" iconSecond Sight The psyker’s psychic powers that have a range of 2 cells or more have their range increased by +PER bonus.
Stabilizing Factor The first psychic power used each turn increases veil degradation by 2 points less. If this talent reduces the effect on veil degradation to less than O, veil degradation is instead decreased by 1.
"Subtle Manipulation" iconSubtle Manipulation The psyker can use a damaging psychic power while being threatened by enemies in melee range without provoking attacks of opportunity. Non-damaging psychic powers do not provoke attacks of opportunity even without this talent.
"Obscured Threat" iconObscured Threat While the psyker is not in the target’s line of sight, or the psyker is in cover, all resistance tests of the target suffer a -(4+4 × psy rating) penalty.

(1 of 2) Choosing the Psyker Origin allows you to play a mage-like character.

Choosing the Psyker Origin allows you to play a mage-like character. (left), The Commander Origin gives you various group enhancement effects. (right)

All Origin Talents and Stats

Below you’ll find a list of all the specific talents that each origin gets. Also, you’ll find the characteristic (attribute), and skill modifiers for each of them.

Crime Lord

The Imperium survives and prospers in no small part due to the narrowness of its vision, but a rebellious mind and will such as yours could not be so easily constrained. The dark paths of smugglers and renegades that wind behind the facade of the Imperium’s society offer a dangerous refuge for those unwilling to bow to the law. You used to be one of these dangerous yet resourceful individuals.

Characteristic and Skill Modifiers

Type Modifier Origin Advancement Modifiers
Characteristic +5 "Ballistic Skill" iconBallistic Skill +5 "Perception" iconPerception
Characteristic +5 "Perception" iconPerception
Skill +5 Athletics + 10 Awareness
Skill +5 Medicae

Talents and Features

Talents Description
Sure-Fire Plan At the start of combat, the crime lord gains +INT bonus stacks of the sure-fire plan effect. Activation of this ability consumes 1 stack and makes the next action stronger depending on the type of action: If the crime lord attacks, they deal +(10 + PER bonus)% more damage. If the crime lord moves, they gain +(10 + PER bonus)% dodge and parry until the start of their next turn. If the crime lord uses a non-damaging ability on an enemy, that enemy suffers a -(10+ INT bonus)% penalty to damage for one round. Can be used multiple times per turn.
"Killing Plan" iconKilling Plan The bonus damage of sure-fire plan is increased by +(2 × WS bonus)%. Killing at least one enemy with an attack restores 1 stack of sure-fire plan.
"Escape Plan" iconEscape Plan The bonus to dodge and parry from sure-fire plan are increased by +(2 × AGI bonus)%. Dodging or parrying at least one attack by the start of the next round restores 1 stack of sure-fire plan.
Disorientating Plan An enemy affected by sure-fire plan also suffers a -(10+2 × PER bonus)% penalty to dodge and parry reduction.
"Contingency Plan" iconContingency Plan If at the start of a turn, the crime lord has no stacks of sure-fire plan, they gain +1 stack.
"The Last Plan" iconThe Last Plan Once per combat, if the crime lord has at least 1 stack of sure-fire plan, they do not die from lethal damage. Instead, they heal (5 × sure-fire plan stacks)% of maximum wounds, lose all stacks, and can no longer gain sure-fire plan stacks.


"Commissar" iconCommissars of the Officio Prefectus are ruthless officers charged with maintaining the morale, discipline, and fighting spirit of their Astra Militarum regiment. You used to be one of these faithful servants of the God-Emperor, a living symbol of Imperium authority, regarded with a mix of fear and awe by their subordinates.

Characteristic and Skill Modifiers

Type Modifier Origin Advancement Modifiers
Characteristic +5 "Weapon Skill" iconWeapon Skill +5 "Fellowship" iconFellowship
Characteristic +5 "Fellowship" iconFellowship
Skill +5 Athletics +10 Coercion
Skill +5 Coercion

Talents and Features

Talents Description
"At All Costs" iconAt All Costs! The "Commissar" iconCommissar’s next single-shot or single-target melee attack applies the following effects: Enemy Target: The target becomes marked. The ally who kills the marked enemy gains an additional turn after the current one with +2 AP and +4 MP. Allied Target: all allies gain an additional +1 AP and +3 MP for the next round. ! Can only be used once per combat. ! The "Commissar" iconCommissar themselves cannot gain bonuses from this ability.
"Duty and Honour!" iconDuty and Honour! While the "Commissar" iconCommissar’s ally is under the effects of "At All Costs" iconAt All Costs!, that ally suffers +50% damage but gains +2 AP and +4 MP (instead of +1 AP and +3 MP).
"Show Them Contempt!" iconShow Them Contempt! While the "Commissar" iconCommissar is adjacent to an enemy, all their allies gain +("Commissar" iconCommissar’s FEL bonus / 2) resolve.
"Motivation" iconMotivation Any time the "Commissar" iconCommissar grants additional movement points to any ally character, they give +2 movement points more.
For the Emperor! When momentum is less than 100 points, killing the marked enemy or targeting an ally grants +(20 + 2 x FEL bonus) momentum.
"Summary Execution" iconSummary Execution If the "Commissar" iconCommissar kills the target with "At All Costs" iconAt All Costs!, they can use "At All Costs" iconAt All Costs! once more this combat for O AP.

Astra Militarum Commander

The Astra Militarum, commonly known as the Imperial Guard, is the primary fighting force of the Imperium and the first line of defence from the myriad threats that endanger the existence of Humanity in the 41st Millennium. You have served as one of the commanders of an Astra Militarum regiment, commanding thousands and winning battles in the name of the God-Emperor.

Characteristic and Skill Modifiers

Type Modifier Origin Advancement Modifiers
Characteristic +5 "Ballistic Skill" iconBallistic Skill +5 "Perception" iconPerception
Characteristic +5 "Perception" iconPerception
Skill +5 Athletics + 10 Medicae
Skill +5 Medicae

Talents and Features

Talents Description
"Regimental Tactics" iconRegimental Tactics The Astra Militarum commander and all their allies deal an additional +(20 + 2 × PER bonus)% damage to enemies that are adjacent to the commander or their allies until the end of the commander’s next turn. All of the commander’s allies also take no damage from other ally’s attacks. ! Can only be used once per combat.
"Suppression Fire!" iconSuppression Fire! While the Astra Militarum commander is under the "Regimental Tactics" iconRegimental Tactics effect, their single target melee, ranged attacks, and area attacks gain +20% to dodge reduction, parry reduction, and cover penetration against enemies adjacent to the commander or their allies.
"Field of Fire" iconField of Fire While the Astra Militarum commander is under the "Regimental Tactics" iconRegimental Tactics effect, all their allies gain +5% to rate of fire for every attack they have made since the start of this effect.
"Timely Rescue" iconTimely Rescue While the Astra Militarum commander is under the "Regimental Tactics" iconRegimental Tactics effect, killing an enemy adjacent to any ally grants that ally an additional +10 momentum.
"Unflinching Heroism" iconUnflinching Heroism Every time the Astra Militarum commander’s ally uses a heroic act, the commander gains +5 to all of their characteristics until the end of combat.
"Shoulder to Shoulder" iconShoulder to Shoulder While the Astra Militarum commander is adjacent to any ally, the commander deals an additional +(10 + PER Bonus)% damage to all enemies adjacent to the commander’s allies. This stacks with "Regimental Tactics" iconRegimental Tactics.

(1 of 2) Navy Officer is the perfect Origin for your tanks or melee damage dealers.

Navy Officer is the perfect Origin for your tanks or melee damage dealers. (left), Noble, on the other hand, allows you to order a team member around like a servant. This will give enhancements to both the servant and master. (right)

Navy Officer

The Imperial Navy is responsible for the fleets of voidships that assert the dominance of the Imperium amid the stars and fulfil other duties connected to the void and warp travel. You used to be a Navy officer and a commander of a voidship, hardened in numerous battles and famous for resounding victories.

Characteristic and Skill Modifiers

Type Modifier Origin Advancement Modifiers
Characteristic +5 "Agility" iconAgility +5 "Agility" iconAgility
Characteristic +5 "Fellowship" iconFellowship
Skill +5 Commerce +10 Demolition
Skill +5 Demolition

Talents and Features

Talents Description
Brace For Impact! For 1 round, the Navy officer and their allies in a 3- cell radius gain +2 deflection for each archetype taken by the Navy officer. They also cannot be forcefully moved or overpenetrated. ! Can only be used once per combat.
"Do Not Falter!" iconDo Not Falter! All allies affected by "Brace for Impact!" iconBrace for Impact! do not suffer the negative effects of melee superiority for the entire combat. "Melee" iconMelee Superiority: in melee combat, any target surrounded by more allies than enemies receives a +10 "Weapon Skill" iconWeapon Skill bonus for each additional ally. Larger creatures need to be surrounded by more than two enemies to provide this advantage to the attackers.
"Scatter!" iconScatter! All allies affected by "Brace for Impact!" iconBrace for Impact! suffer only half damage from all attacks of opportunity.
"Perfect Timing" iconPerfect Timing All allies affected by "Brace for Impact!" iconBrace for Impact! gain +30% to cover penetration. The Navy officer also permanently gains +15% to cover penetration.
Get Off Me! "Brace for Impact!" iconBrace for Impact! also allows the Navy officer to use any ranged weapon in threatened areas, knocks enemies prone, and pushes them 1 cell away during the effect.
Get into Cover! All allies affected by "Brace for Impact!" iconBrace for Impact! gain an extra turn with O AP and 3 MP and increase their cover efficiency by +20% for 1 round.


The high nobility of the Imperium are an enormously privileged and powerful elite, a breed apart from the common masses they rule. You grew into adulthood upon a pedestal of affluence and grandeur that towered high above the common masses. You expected their obedience and lived upon the fruits of their toil surrendered to your family in solemn fealty.

Characteristic and Skill Modifiers

Type Modifier Origin Advancement Modifiers
Characteristic +5 "Intelligence" iconIntelligence +5 "Fellowship" iconFellowship
Characteristic +5 "Fellowship" iconFellowship
Skill +5 Coercion +10 Persuasion
Skill +5 Persuasion

Talents and Features

Talents Description
You. Serve Me. The noble assigns one ally who will become their servant until the end of combat. Any time the noble’s abilities affect the servant, the servant gains +5 to all characteristics until the start of the noble’s next turn. Any time the servant attacks a target that the noble dealt damage to last turn, the servant gains +(10+ noble’s FEL bonus)% critical hit chance against that target. Can only be used once per combat.
You. Do Something. If a noble uses an ability on their servant, the servant gains +1 AP next turn. Does not stack with itself.
You. Protect Me. If the noble and the servant are adjacent to each other at the start of the noble’s turn, they both gain temporary wounds equal to servant’s TGH bonus or noble’s FEL bonus depending on which is higher.
You. Go On. The noble’s servant gains +2 movement points every turn.
You. Kill It. If the servant kills the target that the noble dealt damage to last turn, the noble gains +1 AP next turn.
You. You Are Next. If the servant has less than 30% maximum wounds, the noble can use You. Serve Me. once more in battle, designating a new servant and removing the effect from the previous one. The noble cannot designate a character who already was their servant this combat.

Ministorum Priest

The Ecclesiarchy, known formally as the Adeptus Ministorum, is a vast institution that oversees the galaxy-spanning religion of the Imperium. The Ecclesiarchy’s complex hierarchies of cardinals, missionaries, preachers, and zealous laity ensure the prescribed prayers and invocations are made, all the while instructing the masses to guard against heresy and deviancy. You used to be one of those fiery and charismatic individuals concerned with keeping a close watch on your congregation.

Characteristic and Skill Modifiers

Type Modifier Origin Advancement Modifiers
Characteristic +5 "Toughness" iconToughness +5 "Willpower" iconWillpower
Characteristic +5 "Willpower" iconWillpower
Skill +5 Lore [Imperium] +10 Lore [Imperium]
Skill +5 Medicae

Talents and Features

Talents Description
War Hymn Grants momentum equal to (2 x devotee’s WP bonus). This ability also grants an additional WP bonus momentum for each enemy that is either in a 5-cell radius around the priest or was hit by the priest this turn. Can only be used once per combat.
"Litany of Purification" iconLitany of Purification All enemies in the area of effect of War Hymn of Furious Recital gain +1 stack of the disturbed effect. Enemies that are adjacent to the devotee gain +2 stacks of disturbed instead. Also, all daemons in the area of effect suffer damage equal to the momentum restored to the devotee while using this ability.
Litany of Hatred The devotee and their allies in the area of effect of War Hymn of Furious Recital gain +(devotee’s WP bonus/2) damage for single shots and attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
Shield of Faith The devotee gains +(4 × WP bonus)% to armor against attacks of daemons and warp damage.
Flensing Faith "Melee" iconMelee, flame, and melta attacks against daemons and psykers deal an additional +(2 × WP bonus) damage and gain +(6 × WP bonus)% armor penetration. Such attacks against xenos deal an additional +WP bonus damage and gain +(3 × WP bonus)% armor penetration.
"The Emperor Protects" iconThe Emperor Protects The devotee gains a WP bonus% chance to ignore any enemy attack.


If you’ve taken the time to go through all the talents, you’ll find that there isn’t a bad Origin to pick, instead, it’s more about what archetype you want to play, and what best fits it. In general, choose "Sanctioned Psyker" iconSanctioned Psyker if you want to play a mage. Crime Lord, if you want a selfish DPS class that focuses on increasing its own damage. For a tank, the Navy Officer is great, and finally, if you want to focus your party to gain access to their special attacks as quickly as possible, then "Ministorum Priest" iconMinistorum Priest will fill that role. Although this list has a tier system, you could move them all around, and it would still be fair, there isn’t a bad choice here.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Owlcat Games
  • Platforms,
    PS5, Steam, XB X|S
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  • Guide Release
    22 November 2023
  • Last Updated
    16 June 2024
    Version History
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In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium, there is only war. The Imperium of Man, ruled by God-Emperor of Mankind from atop his Golden Throne, is a vast interstellar empire with countless armies. Despite the Imperium’s apparent strength, however, its enemies are even more numerous and threats to mankind both surround the Imperium and gnaw at it from within. Where the constantly strained military might of the Imperium can’t reach, humanity must find other champions, and blessed with holy Warrants of Trade, Rogue Traders have almost unlimited authority to operate in the unconquered reaches of the galaxy beyond the Imperium’s direct influence. After unexpectedly inheriting the title of Rogue Trader von Valancius, you’ll have to secure your holdings in the Koronus Expanse, establish and develop new colonies, investigate the conspiracy that led to your ascension and fend off threats, internal and externals, humans, xenos and worse…

This guide will provide the following information:

  • Tips and info about various gameplay mechanics, including injuries and trauma, veil degradation, momentum, resolve, heroic acts, weapon types and space exploration.
  • Recruitment guides and builds for every companion in the game.
  • Walkthroughs for main quests, boss battle strategies and the effects your choices have.
  • Complete chapter overviews.
  • Best weapons lists for each chapter.
  • Guides for optional dungeons, side quests, errands and solutions to puzzles.
  • Colony guides, including colony projects and their rewards.
  • A vast database of weapons, armor, accessories, abilities, talents and more!

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