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Final Fantasy XVI

Righting Wrongs Main Quest Walkthrough

Nathan Garvin
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After surviving the Imperial massacre at Eastpool you’ll head back to "The Hideaway" iconThe Hideaway, where this quest will begin. This page covers the main quest "Righting Wrongs" iconRighting Wrongs in Final Fantasy XV, including the exploration of Claireview and the Royal Meadows in Sanbreque (with lists of all items and enemies you’ll find therein) and information about the Alliant Reports system and a list of all the new side quests that unlock at this time.

Upon returning to The Hideout you’ll need to talk to various characters - !Otto will introduce the Alliant Reports system to you.

Alliant Reports and Side Quests During the Main Quest Righting Wrongs

As usual, your stop in The Hideaway mostly serves to feed you more cutscenes, moving the story forward. Head to Cid’s Solar along the western edge of the map to trigger a series of scenes, during which the next major plot point - and your overall destination - will be revealed. After the scenes you’ll need to talk to "Charon" iconCharon and "Otto" iconOtto, the former of which says nothing of any real value while the latter introduces you to the Alliant Reports system, which is basically a way of tracking Side Quests in different regions more easily.

Speaking of Side Quests, there are quite a few of them you can complete at this point in the game:

You can also just look for green exclamation points on the world and local maps for side quests if you can’t be bothered to seek them out via Alliant Rewards (talk to the Lank-Locked Bearer in The Hideout to bring up the Alliant Reports menu).

When you’re ready to move on, talk to "Gav" iconGav, then exit The Hideout and fast travel to "Lostwing" iconLostwing, or more specifically, to "The Dragon's Aery" iconThe Dragon’s Aery obelisk in the same region, as it’s closer to where you need to go to progress the quest.

Enemies in Dragon’s Aery - FF16 Righting Wrongs Main Quest Walkthrough

Enemies in this Area
Dragon Aevis

Items in Dragon’s Aery - FF16 Righting Wrongs Main Quest Walkthrough

All Treasure Chests in Claireview - FF16 Righting Wrongs Main Quest Walkthrough

When you arrive, make your way to The Dragon’s Aery area (if you didn’t fast travel there directly) then head west through a fortified gateway called The Holy Hand to reach a large area named Claireview. There are several named subareas under the Clearview banner if you zoom in enough (The Southern March, Leuret’s Knot, etc), but there’s no need to get this granular. Your destination, "Northreach" iconNorthreach, is along the northern end of the area. It’s all in the name, right? If you’d rather not beeline to the next objective, however, you can go grind some enemies in the Claireview wilderness. There are three chests you can plunder if you’re willing to do some exploring:

(1 of 2) Search the southern edge of Claireview to find a Dragon !Aevis guarding a chest,

Search the southern edge of Claireview to find a Dragon !Aevis guarding a chest, (left), the location of the southern Claireview chest on the map. (right)

  • Search along the southernmost edge of Claireview to find a Dragon Aevis nesting on the rocky shore near a river. Kill the beast and loot the chest it guards to claim a Goblin Coin, Black Blood and 10x Pinches of Magicked Ash.

(1 of 2) Defeat a herd of !Raptors in the Advent to find a chest,

Defeat a herd of !Raptors in the Advent to find a chest, (left), the location of this chest along The Old Road. (right)

  • Along the western edge of Claireview you’ll find a small subregion named Advent jutting out to the southwest. Kill the Raptors here and search along the westernmost edge of the glade to find a chest, wherein you’ll find Black Blood, 10x Chunks of Wyrrite and 10x Sharp Fangs.

(1 of 2) Defeat a Dragon !Aevis along The Old Road and plunder the chest it guarded,

Defeat a Dragon !Aevis along The Old Road and plunder the chest it guarded, (left), the location of this chest in the Advent. (right)

  • Finally, leave Avent and head north to find a road connecting Claireview to Lostwing, conveniently named “The Old Road” on your map. Follow it west until you hit a stone bridge, then turn northeast to find a Dragon Aevis stomping about. Defeat it and plunder the chest it guarded to score a Griffin’s Head Braid.

(1 of 2) Search for “the Dame” near the Northreach obelisk.

Search for “the Dame” near the Northreach obelisk. (left), and eventually she’ll ask you to track down a missing courtesan named Tatienne - your search will lead you northeast to Moore. (right)

How to Find the Dame - FF16 Righting Wrongs Main Quest Walkthrough

When you’re ready to advance the quest, head to Northreach and make your way towards the obelisk, which is along the eastern edge of the camp. Look for a woman in a white and purple dress and approach her to trigger a scene. There’s going to be a lot of walk-and-talk scenes, with you having to find "Isabelle" iconIsabelle and talk to her again to trigger more scenes, which will end up with you being beyond the walls to the north and eventually outside a brothel named "The Veil" iconThe Veil along the southeastern edge of town.

Talk to Isabella once again outside The Veil and she’ll ask for your help in finding one of her girls, Tatienne. This starts the subquest "The Dame" iconThe Dame. Like most subquests, this runs parallel with the main quest it’s part of, making them functionally indistinct.

How to Find Tatienne - FF16 Righting Wrongs Main Quest Walkthrough

To learn information about Tatienne’s location you’ll need to wander around asking characters what they know:

  • Start out by talking to a Veil Courtesan to the west of the brothel.
  • Next head southeast and talk to Tatienne’s Chambermate, who is sitting on a bench near a pond.
  • Head to the western edge of town, along the southern edge of the Imperial Training Grounds, and talk to a Garrison Soldier near some stairs.
  • Make your way to a building just north of the gate to find Isabella standing outside. Getting close will trigger a scene.

You now need to head northeast through a new field area (the Royal Meadows) to reach a village called "Moore" iconMoore, where the search for information will continue. A new field area gives us more opportunities to grind and hunt for treasure chests, however, so let’s take care of that, first.

Enemies in this Area
Dragon Aevis
Imperial Astrologer
Imperial Captain
Imperial Legionnaire
Imperial War Wyrm
Wild Chocobo

All Treasure Chests in the Royal Meadows - FF16 Righting Wrongs Main Quest Walkthrough

There are four chests in this area, although half of them only yield Black Blood, which is just worth a bit of gil when sold. The locations of these chests are as follows:

(1 of 2) Defeat the Imperials at Westwatch and you’ll be able to loot a chest.

Defeat the Imperials at Westwatch and you’ll be able to loot a chest. (left), The location of Westwatch on the map. (right)

  • From the northern end of Northreach, follow the cliffs west to reach Westwatch. You’ll need to defeat an Imperial garrison consisting of three waves of Imperial Astrologers, Imperials Captains and Imperial Legionnaires to loot the chest near the watchtower. It contains Black Blood, 10x Sharp Fangs and 10x Chunks of Wyrrite.

(1 of 2) Smite another Imperial garrison at Baywatch to find another chest.

Smite another Imperial garrison at Baywatch to find another chest. (left), Baywatch can be found north of Northreach. (right)

  • Another watchtower, Baywatch, lies north of Northreach. You’ll once again have to fend off an Imperial garrison (Imperial Astrologers, Imperial Captains, Imperial Legionnaires and Imperial War Wyrms) to claim the chest near the watchtower. It yields a "Demontamer's Sash" iconDemontamer’s Sash, which is an upgrade over the Metian Cross.

(1 of 4) Search near some ruins northeast of Moore to find a chest.

  • The next chest you want to see out can be found along the northeastern edge of the Royal Meadows, past Moore. Defeat any roving Raptors in the area, then empty the chest to obtain a Goblin Coin, Black Blood and 10x Pinches of Magicked Ash.

(1 of 2) Search near some foliage southeast of the Unnamed Chapel to find a chest.

Search near some foliage southeast of the Unnamed Chapel to find a chest. (left), The location of this chest near the Unnamed Chapel on the map. (right)

  • The last and least chest in this area can be found southeast of the Unnamed Chapel subarea, which you can find by heading east and south from Moore. Search near some foliage to find the wooden chest, within which is some Black Blood.

(1 of 2) Search behind a building along the northeastern edge of Moore to find a chest,

Search behind a building along the northeastern edge of Moore to find a chest, (left), then seek out Bertrand, who is raking hay along the northwestern edge of Moore. (right)

How to Find Tatienne in Moore - FF16 Righting Wrongs Main Quest Walkthrough

When you’re ready to move on, head to Moore and you’ll get a search area. Before you bother with this quest, however, make your way to the northeastern edge of Moore and search behind a large building to find a chest on the ground near a hay-filled shed. Open it and you’ll obtain Black Blood, 5x Sharp Fangs and 5x Spools of Steelsilk.

With that last treasure obtained, it’s time to continue the Tatienne investigation:

  • Make your way to the northwestern edge of Moore and talk to Bertrand - a man raking hay.
  • Talk to a Traveling Trader - a man wearing red robes southeast of the well.

(1 of 2) Defeat some Bloated Wolves,

Defeat some Bloated Wolves, (left), and investigate some corpses to discover the fate of Tatienne and her paramour. (right)

Only two conversations to get what you wanted - now you need to make your way to some ruins northeast of Moore, When you approach you’ll find a pack of Bloated Wolves; kill them, search some bodies to trigger a scene. Report back to Isabella, who has relocated to Moore and is chatting with Betrand, and you’ll complete The Dame subquest.

To finish Righting Wrongs you need to rendezvous with your allies near the Unnamed Chapel - where you may have found the chest with Black Blood from earlier. To get there, exit Moore and head east, then uphill to the south. Open a gate near the chapel to trigger a scene, after which you’ll be back on the world map. This quest won’t end until you travel to "Drake's Head" iconDrake’s Head, and the next quest, The Crystal’s Curse will begin.

Before you move on to Drake’s Head you’ll get a warning that you’re about to cross a point of no return - complete all outstanding side quests (and the dull ones, too) before moving on lest you miss them.

Before you travel to Drake’s Head and continue the main questline, however, be sure to have completed all side quests. These may expire if you continue the main questline, so you should complete them now lest you miss any. These include the following:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    20 June 2023
  • Last Updated
    2 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This is the tale of Clive Rosfield, a warrior granted the title “First Shield of Rosaria” and sworn to protect his younger brother Joshua, the dominant of the Phoenix. This guide for Final Fantasy XVI contains the following:

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