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Final Fantasy XVI

How to Defeat the Severian Hunt in Final Fantasy 16

Matt Chard
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Severian is a B Rank Notorious Mark Hunt in Final Fantasy 16 which can be accessed during the “After the Storm” main story quest. It is a Fallen-type monster who roams the fields of Sorrowise, Rosaria. Read below to find "Severian" iconSeverian’s exact location, and the best way to defeat it.

!Severian can be fought after completing the Fire and Ice main story quest.

Where is the Severian Notorious Mark Location?

Location Level Bounty
North Sorrowise 31 8,500 Gil, 20 Renown

The Mark Bill hints towards Fallen Remnants in Sorrowwise which can be found in Rosaria, west of "Martha's Rest" iconMartha’s Rest. Teleport to Martha’s Rest, and leave the town via the western exit. This will take you to the northern part of Sorrowise which is where Severian can be found.

Continue following the path west until you can head north, then proceed north and then west again. As you head around the corner, you’ll see some Fallen Remnants in the background, and Severian will be on the floor, looking like a coil, or some debris. As you approach the mysterious object, Severian will unwind itself which will initiate the battle.

(1 of 2) Teleport to Martha’s Rest, Rosaria, and leave via the western exit.

Teleport to Martha’s Rest, Rosaria, and leave via the western exit. (left), Continue north then west until you find the Fallen Remnants in the background along with !Severian on the floor. (right)

Severian Attacks

Below you’ll find all the attacks that Severian has in its arsenal:

Attack Description Counter
Lunging Thrust Severian will charge at you from a distance while pointing out its weapon and thrust it into you. If you’re close to him, it’ll be more of a lunge, hence the name. Note, this a multiple-hit attack. You’ll want to avoid this attack at all costs. This attack can deal up to half your health in a single attack! What doesn’t help is the range is deceptive, making you think it’s further away than it actually is.
Thunder Balls Severian will shoot out two Thunder Balls at you in quick succession. This attack is similar to most of the projectile attacks in the game. The only real difference here is, they come at you pretty quick. Be careful of a potential Charging Thrust follow-up after the last thunder ball.
Explosive Shield Severian will charge up while providing itself a dome-like shield (can still attack it) before it explodes into numerous smaller circles around itself. These will then explode afterwards. For this attack, you’ll want to get out of the shield before it explodes, then run into the center to avoid the secondary attack. You can also run away from the secondary attack too.
Wide Slice Severian will twist its body before unleashing a sweeping Slice with its weapon. This attack is mainly used when you’re in melee range, and it comes at you quickly where your only real way to evade it is to perform a Precision Dodge. Thankfully it doesn’t deal too much damage. Rook’s Gambit is good for this attack.
Eradicate Severian will stand still and both of its arms will have orbs at the end before they turn into blades. Then it will spin around like a whirlwind while shooting projectiles out. This is a tough attack to deal with as there are a lot of factors at play. The easiest way to negate some of the damage is to keep your distance to Severian, and dodge the projectiles that come your way. If you have great timing, you can Precision Dodge every time the blade comes your way, and then punish Severian with a damaging counter.

(1 of 6) Severian will perform a Lunging Thrust which hits multiple times. If you’re caught by this, say goodbye to half of your health.

Recommended Abilities for Severian

Here we will list our recommended ability set up to do this effectively:

Eikon Ability Damage Type
"Garuda" iconGaruda "Rook's Gambit" iconRook’s Gambit Damage and Will (2 Stars)
"Garuda" iconGaruda "Gouge" iconGouge Will (4 Stars)
"Ifrit" iconIfrit "Will-o'-the-Wykes" iconWill-o’-the-Wykes Will (2 Stars)
Phoenix "Flames of Rebirth" iconFlames of Rebirth Damage and Will (3 Stars)
"Ramuh" iconRamuh "Judgment Bolt" iconJudgment Bolt Damage (4 Stars), Will (3 Stars)
"Ramuh" iconRamuh "Lightning Rod" iconLightning Rod Damage (2 Stars) Will (3 Stars)

The reason behind the chosen abilities above is mainly due to Severian has a lot of damaging attacks, especially it’s Lunging Thrust attack which can deal around half your health. This is why we take Will-o’-the-Wykes to negate a lot of its damage, and Rook’s Gambit to counter it while still providing a decent amount of Will-damage to the monster.

Gouge is a fantastic ability to use after you’ve pulled down Severian during the halfway stagger with an upgraded version almost being enough to put it in full stagger. Lightning Rod will still persist for a while, so use Thunder Magic to trigger the rod. Finally, Flames of Rebirth is excellent to use after you’ve accumulated the x1.50 damage multiplier when the boss is staggered then follow it up with a Judgment Bolt to finish off the stagger phase.

Recommended Items and Equipment for Severian


For your Weapon, Belt, and Vambraces, you should have the following:

If you don’t have what’s listed above, use the highest Attack for Weapon, and highest Defense and Health for the Belt and Vambraces.


For your Accessories, this is more subjective, so here is what we used:

Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Accessory 3
"The Breath of Wind (Gouge)" iconThe Breath of Wind (Gouge) (Gouge) cooldown reduced by 3 seconds) "Berserker Ring" iconBerserker Ring (Increase attack proficiency with each Precision Dodge.) "The Breath of Wind (Rook's Gambit)" iconThe Breath of Wind (Rook’s Gambit) (Rook’s Gambit) cooldown reduced by 2.7 seconds)


Finally, we have items. This is more of a preference thing, but we chose the following items:

Shortcut 1 Shortcut 2 Shortcut 3
"Potion" iconPotion "High Potion" iconHigh Potion "Elixir" iconElixir

Severian can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time, so more healing items are always good which is why we brought along Elixirs. These are costly, so if it’s too rich for your liking, bring along "Stoneskin Tonic" iconStoneskin Tonics to reduce damage by 30%, or "Strength Tonic" iconStrength Tonics to increase damage by 30%.

Severian Boss Strategy

Severian is definitely a step-up in the Hunt’s difficulty. It can deal massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time. Keep Will-o’-the-Wykes up at all times as this will negate a single hit up to four times (when upgraded). Note, this won’t nullify the Lunging Thrust attack as it is a multiple-hit attack, but it will cut down its damage dramatically. Talking of a Lunging Thrust, use Rook’s Gambit to counter it, or dodge as soon as Severian attempts to thrust with it.

The first half of the battle will be two Thunder Orbs followed by a Lunging Thrust with the odd Wide Slice when you’re in melee range. You may also see the Explosive Shield attack, but this happens more often after the first Stagger.

The second half of the battle gets a lot tougher. Severian will use Explosive Shield more often as well as the deadly Eradicate attack. For the latter, when you see Severian stand still while orbs appear on its hands, back up. Keep your distance as its hands turn into blades (lightsabers?) and it spins around in a frenzy. Each spin will release numerous projectiles that will fire out in groups of three before separating the further they travel. Once again, avoid the spin by staying at a distance, and dodging the projectiles when they get to you. You can use a Charged Magic at Severian during this Eradicate to slowly chip away at its health.

(1 of 2) Although it goes without saying, !Precision Dodges, and counter abilities such as !Rook’s Gambit are key for this battle.

Although it goes without saying, !Precision Dodges, and counter abilities such as !Rook’s Gambit are key for this battle. (left), When Severian uses Eradicate, the projectiles will fly at you in groups of three. These will spread out the further they travel. (right)

The attacks will get quicker, and have a shorter time between each attack, so always be ready to dodge/parry/counter at a moment’s notice. Now you have a good idea of how to avoid Severian’s attacks. Let’s look at how to deal damage to it. The best way to deal damage to Severian, and not take unnecessary damage is by Rook’s Gambit counters and Precision Dodge’s. Just make sure you don’t go in for the counter until the attack is finished. For example, wait for the second Thunder Orb before countering otherwise the second orb will hit you.

Each time you Stagger Severian, start off with a Lightning Rod in front of the enemy, then use Gouge to bring up the multiplier to x1.50. Using Will-o’-the-Wykes will help with this. Then, when you’re at maximum multiplier, pop "Limit Break" iconLimit Break (Strength Tonic if you have one), and use Judgment Bolt followed by Flames of Rebirth. Two or three full staggers using the above method should finish the battle. Once you’ve defeated Severian, you’ll be rewarded with 8,500 Gil, and 20 Renown as well as the elusive Electrum material needed for the Drakeslayer’s Belt craft!

More Final Fantasy 16 Hunts

For information on some of the other "Notorious Marks" iconNotorious Marks you can take on in Final Fantasy XVI, check out these pages below:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    20 June 2023
  • Last Updated
    2 August 2023
    Version History
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