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Final Fantasy XVI

How to Defeat the Griffin, Dozmare Hunt in Final Fantasy XVI

Ben Chard
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Notorious Marks are some of the toughest battles in the game, and you’ll unlock them by progressing the Main Quest. Some Hunts will also be required for completing certain, key, Side Quests and the Griffin Dozmare is one such Hunt. This page will show you where you can find "Dozmare" iconDozmare, and how you can defeat it.

!Dozmare is a Griffin that is a Rank B Hunt in Final Fantasy XVI.

Where is the Griffin, Dozmare Mark Location?

Location Level Bounty
Caer Norvent River Gate, Sanbreque 28 8,500 Gil, 20 Renown

You won’t unlock the Dozmare Hunt until you’ve reached the Here Be Monsters Main Quest, around the halfway point of Clive’s adventure. Once you do, a new + Side Quest will appear at the Hideaway, Blacksmith’s Blues. Speak with "August" iconAugust to get it underway and follow the steps until you reach the point that you need to locate and defeat the Griffin.

Return to the Hunt Board and you’ll see the bill for Dozmare on there now, alluding to its whereabouts near "Caer Norvent" iconCaer Norvent in Sanbreque. Dozmare is located to the south of the western exit of Caer Norvent, unfortunately, there’s a good possibility that you won’t have the "Obelisk" iconObelisk registered outside there.

If this is the case, return to the "Lostwing" iconLostwing Obelisk and make your way out of the village to the southeast via Cutter’s Gate. Follow this path as it winds around to Caer Norvent and then go towards the gate first to register the Obelisk if you don’t already have it. Make sure you’re prepared with full "Potion" iconPotions before heading into the open area to the south.

(1 of 2) Check the hunt board at the Hideaway for details

Check the hunt board at the Hideaway for details (left), then head here in Sanbreque to begin the griffin hunt. (right)

Dozmare’s Attacks

Below you’ll find all the attacks that Dozmare has in its arsenal:

Attack Description Counter
Aero Mine Dozmare will shoot a gust of wind that will persist where it lands, conjuring a small tornado in that location. So long as you see this attack coming, you can simply keep your distance and then move away from it to direct Dozmare away from the affected area. If you have "Heatwave" iconHeatwave equipped, you can use this before the ball of wind hits the ground to dispel and counter.
Swoop Dozmare will hover above the ground and swoop at speed towards you, dealing moderate damage should you be struck. This is a key attack to use "Precision Dodge" iconPrecision Dodge against, so long as you’re not up close, you will have plenty of time to time your dodge and follow-up with a counter.
Dive Bomb Dozmare will rise higher into the ground and then come crashing down at you. Like most of Dozmare’s attacks, Precision Dodge is your friend although the timing is a lot tighter this time around. If you’re not confident enough, keep your distance by dodging backwards.
Wing Slap When in close range, Dozmare will attempt to jump forward and strike you with its wing. Keep an eye out for when Dozmare takes a step back, and then dodge for a Precision Dodge, just be aware of the Pounce attack that follows.
Pounce Usually followed on from Wing Slap, Dozmare will jump at you when in close range. The most difficult part about dodging this attack is forgetting about it after avoiding Pounce, otherwise the same counter is true here.
Aerial Blast Not to be confused with the "Garuda" iconGaruda attack, Dozmare will rise into the air and let out a blast of wind all around it. This is the highest that Dozmare will rise, so as soon as you spot this, retreat to medium/long-range.
Noble Dive Dozmare’s signature attack will see it fly high into the air, then follow up with a Dive Bomb that unleashes a shockwave. This is easier to Precision Dodge against than you may think, and if you do so, your invincibility frames will carry you through the shockwave part of the attack.

(1 of 7) Aero Mine will cause a small tornado to persist in the location it hits

Recommended Abilities for Dozmare

Here we will list our recommended ability set up to do this effectively:

Eikon Ability Damage Type
Phoenix/"Ifrit" iconIfrit "Will-o'-the-Wykes" iconWill-o’-the-Wykes Damage (1 Star), Will (2 Stars)
Phoenix/"Ifrit" iconIfrit "Heatwave" iconHeatwave Damage and Will (2 Stars)
"Garuda" iconGaruda "Aerial Blast" iconAerial Blast Damage (2 Stars), Will (5 Stars)
"Garuda" iconGaruda "Gouge" iconGouge Damage (2 Stars), Will (4 Stars)
"Ramuh" iconRamuh "Judgment Bolt" iconJudgment Bolt Damage (4 Stars), Will (3 Stars)
"Ramuh" iconRamuh "Lightning Rod" iconLightning Rod Damage (2 Stars), Will (3 Stars)

As has become a mainstay since unlocking it, "Will-o'-the-Wykes" iconWill-o’-the-Wykes not only offers protection from being hit, but it adds to the damage you do during a Stagger phase, and can help proc the fantastic "Lightning Rod" iconLightning Rod. Seeing as Dozmare uses the Aero Mine attack, you can use "Heatwave" iconHeatwave before the ball of magic hits the ground to dispel and then counter towards Dozmare, dealing massive Will damage.

When you deplete half of the Will gauge, that’s your time to pull Dozmare to the ground with "Deadly Embrace" iconDeadly Embrace and use "Gouge" iconGouge to hopefully bring Dozmare to Stagger. Likewise, "Aerial Blast" iconAerial Blast is useful for this, but it’s less reliable as Dozmare moves around a lot. Both "Judgment Bolt" iconJudgment Bolt and Lightning Rod are your go-to abilities during a Stagger. Use Lightning Rod in front of the Staggered Dozmare and then follow up with a "Limit Break" iconLimit Break and Judgment Bolt, everything you do here will proc the shocks from Lightning Rod adding to the overall damage.

Recommended Items and Equipment for Dozmare


For your Weapon, Belt, and Vambraces, you should have the following:

If you don’t have what’s listed above, use the highest Attack for Weapon, and highest Defense and Health for the Belt and Vambraces.


For your Accessories, this is more subjective, so here is what we used:

Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Accessory 3
"The Breath of Wind (Gouge)" iconThe Breath of Wind (Gouge) - Gouge cooldown reduced by 3 seconds Berserker’s Ring - Increase attack proficiency with each Precision Dodge The Heat of Fire ("Heatwave" iconHeatwave) - Increase Heatwave damage by 9%


Finally, we have items. This is more of a preference thing, but we chose the following items:

Shortcut 1 Shortcut 2 Shortcut 3
"Potion" iconPotion "High Potion" iconHigh Potion "Elixir" iconElixir

More Healing is always a good thing which is why we went with "Elixir" iconElixir for the third slot. These are costly, so if you don’t want to waste your Gil, take either a "Strength Tonic" iconStrength Tonic to use when you knock Dozmare into the Stagger phase to maximize damage, or a "Stoneskin Tonic" iconStoneskin Tonic to reduce damage by 30%.

The Griffin, Dozmare Boss Strategy

Dozmare is an odd one, it’s a B Rank Hunt, which you would expect should be a massive step up in difficulty over the C Rank Hunts you’ve done before. Truth is, Dozmare isn’t too much of a threat so long as you’re confident with Precision Dodge and is a much easier battle than the other B Rank Hunt you may have already done, Belphegor.

Those that are more aggressive may find the battle a little tougher, as you won’t have the time to react to the Swoop attack and you’ll also have to deal with Wing Slap and Pounce, which become deadlier when you don’t have the safety of distance between yourselves. If you are looking to Precision Dodge Wing Slap, just beware that often Dozmare will follow that up with a Pounce, so get ready for a second dodge.

(1 of 4) Use !Deadly Embrace from !Garuda to cause a Takedown at half stagger

If you’ve become proficient with using the Heatwave counter, Dozmare has an attack you can use it on, Aero Mine. By its nature, Aero Mine isn’t much of a projectile, but it acts as one before it hits the ground and there is ample time to use Heatwave through it to deal massive Will damage to it.

The best time to get your attacks in on Dozmare is by baiting the Swoop attack, at mid-long range you have plenty of time to prepare and use a Precision Dodge, this leaves Dozmare completely open and allows you to pull off some combos on it. Once you semi-stagger Dozmare, switch to Garuda and use Deadly Embrace (DualSense-ButtonCircle) to pull Dozmare to the ground and follow up with Gouge to hopefully Stagger it.

This is your chance to pop Limit Break, drop a Lightning Rod on Dozmare and then use Judgment Bolt. With the remaining time of your Limit Break you can use the "Magic Burst" iconMagic Burst combo while chaining "Torgal" iconTorgal’s Sic and if the cooldown is up, drop Aerial Blast so that it deals damage during Dozmare’s recovery.

Usually, after your first Stagger phase, Dozmare will add its signature attack, Noble Dive, to its arsenal. This is a deadlier version of the Dive Bomb attack, but you’ll get plenty of warning as it flies into the sky. Your best option here is to Precision Dodge as Dozmare hits the ground, as Noble Dive will let out a shockwave that is otherwise hard to avoid. A Precision Dodge, however, will carry you through the shockwave with its invincibility frames.

(1 of 3) Noble Dive will see Dozamre rise high into the air

Not much changes from this point, and so long as you keep up Will-o’-the-Wykes, there are very little opportunities for you to take too much damage from Dozmare. You’ll obtain 8,500 Gil and 20 Renown along with a precious "Scarletite" iconScarletite for defeating it, this is needed for crafting the recipes you unlock by finishing the Blacksmith’s Blue Side Quest that Dozmare is part of.

More Final Fantasy 16 Hunts

For information on some of the other Notorious Marks you can take on in Final Fantasy XVI, check out these pages below:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    20 June 2023
  • Last Updated
    2 August 2023
    Version History
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