Northreach The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
In-game Description
Basic Information
A town which doubles as a defensive gateway to Sanbreque’s Holy Capital of Oriflamme. It was originally a purely military outpost—a towering bastion constructed to prevent land-based assaults on the capital from the southwest. To this day, a heavily guarded checkpoint ensures that none can pass through the wall without prior authorization, and as such, the need to linger here prior to entering has led to the rise of a thriving market and various other commercial enterprises on the wall’s southern side. The garrison, however, along with the inns and brothels most of the soldiers frequent, as well as the residences of the nobles who make
Northreach their home, remain on the northern side.
Following the Fall of Drake’s Head
When Sanbreque moved its capital to the Crystalline Dominion, Northreach went from being a vital gateway to the seat of the empire to a forgotten country backwater in a matter of moons. And with the fall of
Drake’s Head, the aether was soon leached from the lands around it, leaving the fields fallow, and the once-thriving environs barren and lifeless.
Following the Attack of the Thralls
A town which once acted as a defensive gateway to Sanbreque’s Holy Capital of Oriflamme. Not long after the skies took a turn for the ominous and most of the old capital was lost to an aetherflood, the Imperial High Cardinal arrived with designs to build a new empire, but at great cost to the citizens of
Northreach. It was at this time
Ultima’s thralls descended upon the fields both north and south of the great wall, forcing those citizens to choose between abandoning their town, or fighting—and possibly dying—for those they loved. The people chose the latter, and after a hard-earned victory, the High Cardinal was finally convinced to join hands with Madame
Isabelle, and a modicum of order was at long last restored.
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