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Final Fantasy XVI

Carrot Morbol: Location and How to Beat in FF16

Scott Peers
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The Carrot Morbol Hunt / Notorious Mark in Final Fantasy 16 can be acquired once you reach the A Song of Hope main quest. At this point you can speak with "Nigel" iconNigel, the Head Botanist at "The Hideaway" iconThe Hideaway, who will ask you to find some Morbol Tendrils to help with growing things in the garden. This will start the Please Sir, Can I Have Some Morbol side quest, which will lead you to the Hunt Board where you can find more information on where to find the Carrot Hunt.

The Carrot Morbol Hunt in Final Fantasy 16.

Where to Find the Carrot Morbol Hunt / Notorious Mark in FF16

Once you’ve started the Please Sir, Can I Have Some Morbol side quest, you will be able to see the Carrot Morbol listed on the Hunt Board, referred to simply as “Carrot”. The major clue to its precise location comes from the description, which mentions the "Three Reeds" iconThree Reeds. This area is located just north of The Hideaway, so you can fast travel there immediately.

Location Level Rewards
The Whispering Waters, Three Reeds, Rosaria 35 10000 Gil, 20 Renown, Morbol Tendril, Morbol Flower

Once you’re at the Three Reeds obelisk, you can open the regional map to find The Whispering Waters area, just northwest of the obelisk. You need to travel here to find the Carrot Morbol, and once there roam around until it spawns near the center. It’s a dead end marshy area here, so it’s difficult to get lost.

(1 of 2) Fast travel to the !Three Reeds region, just north of !The Hideaway.

Fast travel to the !Three Reeds region, just north of !The Hideaway. (left), You can head northwest from the !Three Reeds obelisk to find The Whispering Waters, where the Carrot Morbol dwells. (right)

Carrot Morbol’s Attacks

There are six main attacks that the Carrot Morbol will use throughout the fight. Each of them are shown in the table below, with a brief description of how to avoid being hit by them. The most damaging of these is by far the Worse Breath attack, which can inflict massive damage and knock you down for a few seconds if you’re hit. However, most are easy enough to learn how to counter once you become familiar with them.

Attack Description Counter
Bad Breath Spits a dark cloud of poison that follows you for 4-6 seconds Easy to avoid by running in one direction, or performing multiple dodges
Wild Rage Charges at you twice in a row before collapsing for a few seconds Can be avoided with two Precision Dodges
Acid Rain Spits out a number of dark blotches which slow Clive and damage over time on contact Look up to see where these will land, and avoid running over them
Worse Breath Spits out a dark cloud of poison in a wide arc for 6-8 seconds Quickly run in the direction of the cloud’s movements to avoid, or perform multiple Precision Dodges
Burrow Burrows into the ground and emerges at your location Keep moving as soon as the Morbol burrows to avoid being hit when it emerges
Tendrils Thrusts tendrils from beneath your location which inflict damage on contact Don’t stand still for too long so you can avoid these whenever they occur

(1 of 6) When you see the Morbol use Burrow, keep moving!

Recommended Abilities for the Carrot Morbol Hunt

The abilities shown above can be changed based on your own preferences, but one of the most useful here is actually "Will-o'-the-Wykes" iconWill-o’-the-Wykes. Although it doesn’t do much damage on its own, if you’re close to the Morbol and you accrue multiple hits with the fire balls, that damage will be gradually increased. However, it’s the capacity for the skill to absorb incoming damage which makes it really valuable here, especially when you’re trying to avoid being hit by the Bad Breath or Worse Breath attacks. So long as Will-o’-the-Wykes is active when either of these attacks are used, you won’t be damaged or knocked down by them.

As there are no other enemies during this fight, you’re better off using abilities which focus on inflicting single target damage. For this reason you should switch out "Scarlet Cyclone" iconScarlet Cyclone if you think you need to maximize your efficiency. With that said, although "Pile Drive" iconPile Drive is primarily useful against multiple enemies, it inflicts excellent stagger damage in a large radius, making it useful to eat away at the "Will" iconWill of the boss, without having to be precise in executing the attack. For decent single target damage, "Windup" iconWindup, "Rising Flames" iconRising Flames, and "Thunderstorm" iconThunderstorm are all useful here.

(1 of 2) !Will-o’-the-Wykes is perfect for absorbing damage from Worse Breath if you get caught by it.

!Will-o’-the-Wykes is perfect for absorbing damage from Worse Breath if you get caught by it. (left), You can stay back and use ranged attacks while your !Eikon abilities recharge. (right)

In terms of the base abilities for each "Eikon" iconEikon represented above, you’ll find "Phoenix Shift" iconPhoenix Shift among the most useful. This will allow you to quickly get close to the boss so that you can execute the single target abilities which require a bit more precision in your timing and positioning. In addition, "Blind Justice" iconBlind Justice can be useful to inflict extra damage if you prefer to remain at a distance, and "Deadly Embrace" iconDeadly Embrace is ideal to use once you bring the boss down to 50% of its stagger bar. At this point the use of Deadly Embrace will stun it briefly, allowing you to get in some free hits with combos or powerful single target abilities.

Recommended Gear, Accessories and Items

The setup listed below just so happens to be what we had equipped during our fight with the Carrot Morbol, but you may have even more powerful gear available when you come to fight it, or you may find other accessories better suited to your playstyle.


Weapon Belt Vambraces
Rune Blade "Rune Belt" iconRune Belt Rune Crescents

The above gear is the combination that we used during our fight with the Morbol, but you should be fine with anything else that is remotely equivalent in power.


The "Berserker Ring" iconBerserker Ring can be useful here for its ability to enhance your attack after a "Precision Dodge" iconPrecision Dodge, something you may be doing a lot of when trying to avoid the Bad Breath and Worse Breath attacks. At the same time, "The Grace of the Inferno (Will-o'-the-Wykes)" iconThe Grace of the Inferno (Will-o’-the-Wykes) is ideal here, since you’ll want to be using that ability as often as possible to absorb the damage and knockback from these attacks. The extra 5 seconds will allow you to use it more frequently and for a longer duration. The "Badge of Mettle +1" iconBadge of Mettle +1 can easily be switched out for any other accessory, but if you want to ensure that your defenses can withstand the most brutal attacks, it’s a reliable accessory in most scenarios.


Shortcut 1 Shortcut 2 Shortcut 3
"Potion" iconPotion "High Potion" iconHigh Potion "Strength Tonic" iconStrength Tonic

The above items are the ones that we were using during this fight, but as with the other recommendations, you can switch these out with whatever you prefer. We like the Strength Tonic because of the additional damage output that it provides, which can be useful to get the Morbol down as quickly as possible, thereby minimizing the chances it has to use its own special attacks.

Carrot Morbol Hunt - Boss Strategy in FF16

At this point in the game you will have fought a Morbol before, so you’re probably familiar with the way that it moves, and with most of its basic attack patterns. The main thing to keep in mind here is that you want to be moving constantly, since you can’t always predict when and where a tendril will erupt from the ground. These will inflict reasonable damage at best, and knock you down at worst, so it’s important to avoid them. The same goes for avoiding the other attacks, although once the boss has used Acid Rain you’ll need to be more careful about where you run in the battle arena.

(1 of 2) Be ready to use !Limit Break when the boss is staggered to inflict as much damage as possible.

Be ready to use !Limit Break when the boss is staggered to inflict as much damage as possible. (left), You may need to run around multiple puddles of Acid Rain to reach the boss at times. (right)

How to Avoid Acid Rain and Tendril Attacks

It’s difficult to miss the splotches of goop on the ground that the boss spurts out when it uses Acid Rain, so you shouldn’t have much trouble avoiding them. You can look upwards whenever you see the attack being used, and you’ll have a couple of seconds to determine where they might land. Use this time to position yourself in a safe area, then be ready to run between the points where they land.

Dodge the Burrow and Wild Rage Attacks

The other main attacks that you’ll want to avoid from the Morbol are Burrow and Wild Rage. Both of these will see the boss move more frantically and more quickly than usual, but if you keep moving and keep your eye on the direction of its attack, you should be able to avoid both of these special abilities with a number of Precision Dodges. The Burrow attack can often be avoided just by running away from the boss, but Clive’s basic run won’t be fast enough to escape a Wild Rage attack, so you will need to get the timing right on the dodge.

So long as you become familiar with the above attacks and how to avoid them, you should do fine with this fight. As a B Rank Hunt it’s not among the most difficult, and the only attack that can really ruin your day is Worse Breath, especially if you’re caught by it multiple times in one hit. Be ready to use your health potions and make good use of Torgol’s heal if necessary when you’re hit by this attack.

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  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    20 June 2023
  • Last Updated
    2 August 2023
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