The More Than Words side quest in Final Fantasy 16 can be acquired in The Hideaway when you reach the Back to Their Origin main quest. Here you’ll have the letter “In a Mood” appear in Clive’s Chambers and it mentions that something is wrong with
Torgal. We’ll take you through the necessary steps to completion and to finding the Rookery.
Read the In a Mood Letter to begin this quest.
In case you haven’t noticed, your poor hound spends all his time of late on the rear deck whimpering like Gav in his cups. Something ain’t right and my gut tells me it’s naught to do with his supply of antelope bones.
How to Start the More Than Words Side Quest in Final Fantasy 16¶
First things first, you’ll need to have completed the main story mission Streets of Madness, and be on Back to Their Origin. When those requirements have been met, head over to Clive Chambers and interact with the missive and read the message In a Mood to begin this quest. You’ll now want to go over to The Rear Stacks area of the Hideaway and interact with Torgal. Here you’ll learn that Torgal wants to take you somewhere, but Clive can’t seem to work it out.
Where to Find the Rookery¶
Head over to The Main Decks and interact with Torgal once more and you’ll realize that he wants you to take him to Port Isolde, so fast travel to its obelisk which can be found to the west of The Hideaway. You’ll now want to make your way over to the small dock and interact with the rowboat to be taken over to the Mist. Here you’ll want to follow the narrow path ahead until you reach a small Treehouse that Clive used to stay in when he needed an escape back when he was a kid.
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and take the boat to the island. (right)
Inside you’ll find all of your personal belongings from when you were growing up, as Torgal stashed them anything he found of yours when he was searching for you. After the scene has come to a close, Torgal wants to take a look at one more thing before you make your way back to the boat, so continue following the path ahead to trigger another scene and the quest will come to a close. You’ll be rewarded with the Charred Sparring Sword Curiosity and the Cavall’s Fang +1 Accessory. This will increase Torgal’s attack potency.
Other Side Quests in The Hideaway¶
As you’re playing through the Main Quest you’ll find more Side Quests pop up in the Hideaway, so it’s a good idea to check back often. Below is a list of all the currently available Side Quests:
Name | Location |
On Balance | The Shelves |
Not to Be Outdone | The Ale Hall |
Blacksmith Blues III | The Mess |
Blacksmith Blues IV | The Mess |
Nobody’s Tool | Main Decks |
Where There’s A Will | Main Decks |
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