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The Dame Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

A Woman of Mystery

An ally of Cid’s cause who makes her home in "Northreach" iconNorthreach. It was she who informed the hideaway of the redeployment of the Sanbrequois legions following their chastening by Waloed at "Belenus Tor" iconBelenus Tor—and it is she who will secure Clive’s passage through the "Northreach" iconNorthreach checkpoint.

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Otto" iconOtto Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Northreach" iconNorthreach The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconAffiliation

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
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