The Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quest chain is one of the most important ones to complete in Final Fantasy 16. If there are no other quests you complete, make sure you finish these ones for the rewards they offer. This page will navigate you through the necessary steps to assist August in aiding Blackthorne and get to the bottom of what is bothering him.
Blacksmith’s Blues is a Side Quest that unlocks some new crafting recipes.
August wants Clive to find out what’s been troubling Blackthorne. While the surly blacksmith isn’t usually a big talker, August thinks he might open up to Clive.
How to Start the Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quest in FF16¶
Before you can begin the Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quest you’ll need to progress through the game until you reach the Here Be Monsters Main Quest. Once you make your way back to the Hideaway, you’ll see two more Side Quests have become available again.
Make your way over to The Mess, to the west of the Hideaway and you’ll find one of the Cursebreakers, August, has a Quest for you, indicated with a + icon. If you’ve been diligent about completing Side Quests, this will be the second such Quest, following the White-Winged Wonder, which unlocked Chocobo riding. As such, you’ll be aware that these + Quests will unlock something, making this an even more lucrative Side Quest to complete.
Speak with Blackthorne¶
The first step of this Quest is an easy one, August wants Clive to go pay Blackthorne a visit and see if he can discern what is troubling him. As always, you’ll find Blackthorne tending to the forge, located in the center of the Hideaway near
Charon’s shop. Speak with him, and you’ll learn that he came across a piece of craftsmanship that has made him rethink his skills.
Speak to !Blackthorne to learn what’s troubling him.
The next task is to have a word with Charon nearby to discover if you can learn anymore about the craftsman that she purchased the leather from. As it turns out, you learn that he may be hunting a Griffin, this is Clive’s chance to conjure a meeting with the craftsman.
Where to Find the Griffin in FF16¶
It turns out this Griffin is a Notorious Mark, and where best to learn more about them than at the Hunt Board over in The Mess. Speak with Nektar to find the latest Bills and you’ll find a new one has popped up,
Dozmare, a B Rank hunt located in Sanbreque.
There’s not a whole to go on with the bill however, so you’ll need to head into the Sanbreque region and explore if you wish to find the Griffin. Fortunately, you’re reading this guide, which will help you find the location that you’re looking for. Dozmare is located to the south of the western exit of Caer Norvent, unfortunately, there’s a good possibility that you won’t have the
Obelisk registered outside there.
(1 of 3) Use the Hunt Board to learn where the Griffin can be found
If this is the case, return to the Lostwing Obelisk and make your way out of the village to the southeast via Cutter’s Gate. Follow this path as it winds around to Caer Norvent and then go towards the gate first to register the Obelisk if you don’t already have it. Make sure you’re prepared with full
Potions before heading into the open area to the south.
Your next task is to take out Dozmare, the Griffin. This is a Hunt, but as far as they go, its not overly difficult, so long as you’re proficient with Precision Dodge as a lot of its attacks have obvious tells, making it easy to dodge. If you want to see a full strategy on Dozmare, check out our Dozmare strategy here.
As part of your reward, you will learn some new crafting recipes for the Forge.
Return to Blackthorne¶
After having saved Kamil, speak with him and as thanks, he’ll hand over some of his treated leather. Bring this with you back to Blackthorne at the Hideaway and you’ll complete the Quest, obtaining 250 XP, 10 Renown, but more importantly, the Drakeslayer’s Belt Design Draft. This will unlock a Belt and Vambrace you can craft at the Forge, but you’ll need rare items from Hunts to do so, so you’ll need to hold tight for a while yet.
More Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quest Guides¶
If you’re looking for help on any of the other three Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quests, check out our pages below:
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