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The Hideaway Lay of the Land

Category iconIn-game Description

Established under the leadership of "Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield, who took on the title of Cid after his former leader’s passing, and "Titan" iconTitan’s destruction of the old hideaway, here a community of like-minded individuals from across the realm has gathered to build a place where people can live and die on their own terms. Like its predecessor, it is built within Fallen ruins deep within the deadlands of central "Storm" iconStorm. Decidedly unlike its predecessor, however, it is located in the center of a lake—Bennumere—across whose waters any invading enemy can easily be spotted long before their arrival.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest

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"Bennumere" iconBennumere Lay of the Land

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