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Final Fantasy XVI

The Mageth Brothers Location and How to Beat Them in FF16

Matt Chard
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During the final third of Final Fantasy 16, you’ll acquire some more hunts to battle, and one of these will be The Mageth Brothers. Situated in Rosaria, this menacing trio from the Iron Kingdoms has a thirst for vengeance against Cid the Outlaw. Read below to find the exact location of The Mageth Brothers, and how you can defeat them.

The Mageth Brothers Hunt can be accessed during the Things Fall Apart main scenario quest.

Where to Find The Mageth Brothers

Location Level Bounty
Quietsands, Rosaria 40 17,550 Gil, 30 Renown

Open the map then go to the Rosaria region map and look south of it to find the "Port Isolde" iconPort Isolde obelisk. Teleport there then follow the path northeast until you go under an archway. This will take you to the Quietsands which is where The Mageth Brothers reside. As you go through the archway, immediately turn to the left and traverse down the grassy bank where you’ll see the brothers roaming the beach. Walk up to them to initiate the battle.

(1 of 2) From the Port Isolde teleport, head northeast, north then west.

From the Port Isolde teleport, head northeast, north then west. (left), The Mageth Brothers can be found roaming the beach. (right)

The Mageth Brothers’ Abilities and Attacks

Below you’ll find all the attacks that The Mageth Brothers have in their arsenal:

Attack Description Counter
Heavy Swing A simple wide-swinging attack with their axe. This is a slow attack where a brother will swing their axe from right to left in a sweeping motion.
Overhead Smash A simple overhead attack with their axe. One of the brothers will pull the axe behind their head before performing a downward strike. Another slow attack that you should never get hit by. You can walk away from the brother using this attack to avoid it altogether or dodge as the axe falls for a precision dodge.
Double Swing This is the same as the Heavy Swing attack, but they’ll spin around and follow it with another swing. You can avoid this attack the same way you’d avoid Heavy Swing.
Last Crusade All three brothers will charge at you in unison with their axes pointing forwards. If you get hit by this attack, it can do half to three-quarters of your health. Fortunately, it is ridiculously easy to avoid. Simply move to the side to evade the attack. If you want to play more riskily, wait until the tip of the axe gets close to you before activating dodge.
Crea y Cwm This only appears after one brother is defeated. One of the remaining two brothers will perform an upward swing, launching you into the air and then following it up with a wide swing which will catch you as you fall. When you see the Crea y Cwm attack appear above one of the brothers, keep your distance to avoid the attacks. If you have Will-o’-the-Wykes equipped, you can ignore the attack. Finally, if you activate dodge just as the axe is rising, you can gain a precision dodge.
Iron Gavel This only appears when only one brother is alive. The remaining brother will let out a mighty bellow before executing a four-hit combo. The first attack will be an overhead attack which will be followed up with a wide slash. One more overhead attack will come your way before he does one more overhead attack, but this time with a lunge. This attack has a deceptive range and comes at you fairly quickly which is a change compared to the rest of the attacks. If all four attacks hit you, the damage it inflicts can be devastating. Thankfully, it isn’t too difficult to avoid. The optimal way to deal with this attack is to dodge all four attacks, but that is risky. Instead, use Will-o’-the-Wykes to absorb some of the attacks, and keep your distance from the rest. Do not underestimate the range of this attack.

(1 of 6) Heavy Swing does what it says on the tin. One of the brothers will perform a slow wide sweep towards you.

Recommended Abilities for The Mageth Brothers

Here we will list our recommended ability set up to do this fight effectively:

Eikon Ability Damage Type
"Bahamut" iconBahamut "Gigaflare" iconGigaflare Damage (5 Stars)
"Bahamut" iconBahamut "Impulse" iconImpulse Will (3 Stars)
"Garuda" iconGaruda "Gouge" iconGouge Will (4 Stars)
"Garuda" iconGaruda "Lightning Rod" iconLightning Rod Damage (2 Stars), Will (3 Stars) - Master this and place it as the second Garuda ability.
"Titan" iconTitan "Windup" iconWindup Damage (4 Stars)
"Titan" iconTitan "Will-o'-the-Wykes" iconWill-o’-the-Wykes Will (2 Stars) - Master this and place it as the second Titan ability.

The reason behind the chosen abilities is as follows. Bahamut for Gigaflare which is one of the most powerful attacks in the game. This is fantastic to use at any time, but especially at the end of a stagger phase when combined with Lightning Rod. We also take Impulse to deal Will damage from range. Wait for all the projectiles to turn orange, and hit execute to deal major Will damage. Finally,Wings of Light can also be really strong, especially when you get to level 5 Megaflare and use it just before the stagger phase.

Garuda is mainly brought along for the Deadly Embrace feat which can be useful at half Will-Gauge to pull one of the brothers to the ground. Follow this up with a Lightning Rod, and Gouge, and the rest of the gauge should get depleted, opening up a stagger phase.

With Titan, it gives you some counter opportunities with Titanic Block should you need it, and Windup is one of the highest damage attacks in the game. Finally, add Will-o’-the-Wykes to Titan which gives you invulnerability for four attacks when upgraded.

Recommended Items and Equipment for The Mageth Brothers


For your Weapon, Belt, and Vambraces, you should have the following:

Weapon Belt Vambraces
Brightburn "Drakeslayer's Belt" iconDrakeslayer’s Belt "Drakeslayer's Bracelets" iconDrakeslayer’s Bracelets

If you don’t have what’s listed above, use the highest Attack for the Weapon, and the highest Defense and Health for the Belt and Vambraces.


For your Accessories, this is more subjective, so here is what we used:

Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Accessory 3
The Favor of Earth ("Windup" iconWindup) (Increases Windup damage by 10%) "Berserker Ring" iconBerserker Ring (Increase attack proficiency with each Precision Dodge.) "The Grace of the Inferno (Will-o'-the-Wykes)" iconThe Grace of the Inferno (Will-o’-the-Wykes) (Will-o’-the-Wykes duration increased by 5 seconds)


Finally, we have items. This is more of a preference thing, but we chose the following items:

Shortcut 1 Shortcut 2 Shortcut 3
"Potion" iconPotion "High Potion" iconHigh Potion "Strength Tonic" iconStrength Tonic

The Mageth Brothers are arguably one of the easiest A-Rank Hunts in the game, and for this reason, we chose the "Strength Tonic" iconStrength Tonic to end the battle faster due to its 30% damage increase that it gives.

The Mageth Brothers Hunt Strategy

The Mageth Brothers is an unusual Hunt mainly due to the fact that it involves three enemies at once. As the battle progresses, and you defeat the brothers one by one, they’ll acquire an additional attack. For example, when one brother is defeated, they’ll begin to use “Crea y Cwm” which is a twofold attack. One of the brothers will unleash a devastating upward swing to launch you into the air, and as gravity takes hold of you, and you begin to fall, they’ll perform a sweeping swing to hit you a second time. When there’s only one brother remaining, he’ll begin to use “Iron Gavel” which is a powerful four-hit combo of overhead attacks and wide swings. One of the first things you’ll notice about the brothers is that their attacks deal outlandish damage, but they are slow and easy to avoid.

Starting with the beginning of the battle with all three brothers alive and kicking you’ll see a couple of melee attacks in “Heavy Swing” and “Overhead Smash” with the former being a slow wide swing and the latter being an overhead downwards strike. Both of these are slow, and you should never get hit by them as they can be avoided by simply moving away from them. You don’t even have to dodge!

Other than the above attacks, you’ll frequently see the “Last Crusade” attack where all three brothers will attack in unison. This is a charge attack where all three brothers will charge at you with their axes pointing forward. If you get caught by this attack, you’ll take significant damage. We’re talking about half to three-quarters of your health bar. Fortunately, like most of their attacks, you’ll see this coming a mile away, and simply moving to the side will avoid it completely.

(1 of 4) When only one brother remains, he’ll frequently use Iron Gavel which is a fourfold attack. The first attack will be a lunging overhead strike.

While all three brothers are alive, make use of Lightning Rod and Gouge. When used together, you’ll be able to chip away at all the brothers Will-Gauge. Throw in an Impulse afterward to finish up the gauge to send at least one of them to the stagger phase. During this phase, use Limit Break, use another Lightning Rod/Gouge combo to raise the damage multiplier then use Gigaflare for massive damage before finishing with Windup.

One or two of these will defeat one of the brothers leaving you with two. For this part of the battle, you can expect the same as the above, but they’ll begin to use Crea y Cwm. This won’t change anything in terms of how you fight the battle, just make sure you’re not next to it when they use it, or if you are, make sure you have Will-o’-the-Wykes on you to negate the damage. Keep repeating the above tactics, and you’ll soon be left with one brother.

Once again, a new attack will be added to the brother. This time it’ll be the fourfold attack Iron Gavel. Most of this phase will see the remaining brother repeatedly using this attack. After the fourth attack, it’ll leave him tired, catching his breath. Use this brief respite as a chance for you to pummel him. Repeat this until they’re all defeated. To quicken the process, you could just use Gigaflare and Limit Break to finish the battle faster, but it’s not needed. Once you’ve defeated all three brothers, you’ll be rewarded with 5,100 XP, 90 AP, 13,000 Gil, and 30 Renown. On top of that, you’ll obtain two "Meteorite" iconMeteorites from the spoils.

More Final Fantasy 16 Hunts

For information on some of the other "Notorious Marks" iconNotorious Marks you can take on in Final Fantasy XVI, check out these pages below:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    20 June 2023
  • Last Updated
    2 August 2023
    Version History
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