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V Rising

Ziva the Engineer Boss Guide

Matt Chard
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"Ziva the Engineer" iconZiva the Engineer is one of the first bosses of Act III in V Rising. Added with the Gloomrot update, Ziva is an important boss to defeat due to rewarding you with the Fabricator recipe, which is needed to fight "Adam the Firstborn" iconAdam the Firstborn later on as it’ll allow you to craft EMPs among other stuff. As an engineer, naturally, Ziva is attuned to the Storm Magic School, so you can already guess what type of attacks you’ll have to deal with. You can find Ziva the Engineer in the warehouse at the back of the "Trancendum Machine Factory" iconTrancendum Machine Factory in Gloomrot South. Aside from the Fabricator, Ziva will also reward you with recipes for "Radium Alloy" iconRadium Alloy, Sludge-Filled Canister, as well as a Tier 1 Spell Point. Read on to find out exactly where you can find Ziva and how to defeat her.

Ziva the Engineer is one of the first bosses in Act 3 of V Rising.

Ziva the Engineer Location

You’ll find Ziva in the Trancendum Machine Factory in Gloomrot South. Unfortunately, there isn’t a Vampiric Waygate close to her, so you’ll need to do a bit of walking to get there. Teleport to the Gloomrot South Vampiric Waygate (Map Marker), and take the path north until you reach an intersection. Follow the path east, and it’ll begin to head north (ignore the paths leading south). As you reach the next intersection, head northeast, and then take the next path northwest. Now, head west at the next intersection, and finally head north to the Trancendum Machine Factory (Map Marker). In here, your goal is to reach the warehouse in the northeast corner. Once you find it, head through the corridor, and up the stairs where you’ll find Ziva waiting for you.

(1 of 2) Teleport to the Gloomrot South Waygate and follow the path marked out above to find Ziva.

Teleport to the Gloomrot South Waygate and follow the path marked out above to find Ziva. (left), You’ll find her at the back of the warehouse in the northeast corner of the Trancendum Machine Factory. (right)

Ziva the Engineer Strategy

Ziva isn’t particularly difficult outside a couple of attacks, which we’ll talk about in a bit. The general theme of the battle is Ziva will have access to three guns, one that does electricity attacks, a flamethrower, and a shotgun. Throughout the battle, her weapon will stop working, and she’ll conjure up another one while rotating through each of them until she ends up back with the first gun. For each gun, she’ll have two different attacks, each with its own flavor. Outside of her gun attacks, she has one more, which is arguably the most difficult attack to avoid as she hovers across the air and drops bombs across the arena. Let’s take a look at her attacks, which we’ll split up for each weapon.

Lightning Gun

  • Ricochet: Ziva will fire out a small electric orb that ricochets off the railings around the arena. If this hits you, you’ll be stunned briefly. You can avoid this by dodging through it or staying out of its travel path.

  • Homing Orb: Similar to Ricochet, Ziva will unleash a large electric orb that follows you around the arena. This will do continuous damage to you as long as you’re in it. Although the orb will follow you, it’s slow, so make sure to keep moving until it disappears, which does take a while.

(1 of 2) Ricochet: A smaller electrical orb is fired out that can ricochet off the furnaces and railing, splitting the orb up.

Ricochet: A smaller electrical orb is fired out that can ricochet off the furnaces and railing, splitting the orb up. (left), Homing Orb: Ziva will unleash a large electrical orb that will track your position for a period of time. (right)


  • Rotating Flame: Ziva will spray fire out of the weapon while rotating 360°. Keep your distance until she finishes the attack, and then dodge through the flames to attack her. The flames won’t cover the area immediately around her.

  • Fire Spray: Ziva will dash toward you and spray flames that track your location. This attack has limited range, so dodge away from her and keep your distance. Alternatively, get behind and attack her, and move around her as she tries to track you with the flame.

(1 of 2) Rotating Flame: Ziva will spray a flame in a circle around herself.

Rotating Flame: Ziva will spray a flame in a circle around herself. (left), Fire Spray: This attack is a stream of fire that’ll track your location. Dodge behind her and attack while avoiding the flame. (right)


  • Gatling Barrage: Ziva will fire a barrage of bullets at you like a Gatling gun that tracks your location. Use the furnaces in each corner of the room to block the attack.

  • Spread Shot Barrage: This attack will have Ziva dash toward and blast you with three waves of pellets, similar to a shotgun. Either keep your distance from her or dodge through the blast toward Ziva where you can get a few attacks in.

(1 of 2) Gatling Barrage: Ziva will hop back and fire a prolonged barrage of bullets that track your location, similar to a Gatling gun.

Gatling Barrage: Ziva will hop back and fire a prolonged barrage of bullets that track your location, similar to a Gatling gun. (left), Shotgun Shot Barrage: Ziva will dash toward you and fire out three bursts of shotgun pellets at you. (right)

Bombs Away!

This attack can be done with any weapon equipped. Ziva will hover/fly into the air and drop bombs onto the arena, leaving behind fire puddles that persist after. This is a difficult attack to avoid, as Ziva will continually drop bombs at your location. Your best bet is to run around the arena while avoiding the fire puddles left behind. Make sure you use the whole arena, as by the time you circle back around, the flame puddles should have dissipated.

Bombs Away! Ziva will hover over the arena dropping bombs, leaving behind puddles of fire.

That’s pretty much it for Ziva’s attacks. The flow of the battle will always play out like this: Start with the Lightning Gun, and use the two attacks that come with it a few times until the weapon “explodes”. She’ll raise her hands and another weapon will drop to her, where she’ll switch to the next gun, most likely the Flamethrower. Once again, she’ll use the two attacks that come with it until that explodes, where she’ll switch over to the Shotgun. She’ll mix Gatling Barrage and Spread Shot a few times, and then return to the Lighting Gun, where she’ll repeat the process. Always be aware that she can use Bomb’s Away! When any gun is equipped, and when this happens, you want to run around the outside of the arena while avoiding the bombs/flame puddles. That is the entirety of the battle, Lightning Gun > Flamethrower > Shotgun, rinse, and repeat. The final tip is to use the furnaces in each corner of the room to avoid some attacks, although the Homing Orb can and will go through them.

(1 of 2) Throughout the battle, Ziva’s current weapon will explode.

Throughout the battle, Ziva’s current weapon will explode. (left), She will then receive another from the air which indicates a weapon swap to a different type. (right)

For your skills, we’ll always recommend a combination of "Blood Rage" iconBlood Rage, "Power Surge" iconPower Surge, Veil of Chaos, and either "Ice Block" iconIce Block or "Wisp Dance" iconWisp Dance. Pair those up with the Axe weapon type, and you’ll have attack and movement speed buffs, health leech, two dodges, and an ultimate that can get you some health. Finally, make sure you equip jewels with the effect duration passive for both Blood Rage and Power Surge. With your armor, go for a set that increases your movement speed, as that will help you dodge attacks easier. When you defeat Ziva, you’ll be rewarded with a Tier 1 Storm Spell Point, and the Radium Alloy and Sludge-Filled Canister recipes.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Stunlock Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam
  • Genre
    MMORPG, Survival
  • Guide Release
    23 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    13 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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V Rising is an survival game developed by Stunlock Studios. First announced on May 5, 2021 for Windows, early access started on May 17, 2022.

This guide for V Rising features everything you need to know to get an advantage over the other Vampires and currently contains the following:

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