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V Rising

How to Get Rid of the Garlic Exposure Debuff

Matt Chard
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As you progress deeper in V Rising, you may go into areas that give you various debuffs if you stay in there too long. This page will explain to you what Garlic Exposure is, and how you can manage it.

What is Garlic Exposure

When you progress out of Farbane "Wood" iconWoods, and head into the Dunley Farmlands. A lot of the areas, more specifically farms, will protect themselves from vampires by tying Garlic all over the place. If you look carefully, you can see them on the entrance gates. By staying in the area too long, you’ll start to build stacks of Garlic Exposure, and this can reach 100 stacks!

If you stay in a Garlic Exposed area too long, you’ll accumulate stacks which will increase the effect of the debuff.

What does Garlic Exposure do

This is quite a nasty debuff that will increase the damage you receive by 1% per stack whilst reducing the damage that you inflict by 0.5% per stack. Like mentioned above, this can raise up to 100 stacks the longer that you are exposed to it. So at 100 stacks, you’ll take 100% extra damage and inflict 50% less damage.

How to remove Garlic Exposure

As of right now, the only way to remove Garlic Exposure is by waiting it out, it takes approximately 20 seconds for 1 stacks to disappear without any Garlic resistance. At 90 Garlic resistance, it took approximately 20 seconds for four stacks to disappear. Furthermore, It’s worth noting that 90 Garlic resistance, the max stack you can get is 33. So if you’re sitting at 100 stacks of Garlic Exposure, by using the Hunter’s Cloak, a Garlic Resistance Potion, and switching to bear form, you’ll instantly drop to 33 stacks. Either way, you’ll want to stay safe by crafting inside your Castle or at the most, you definitely don’t want to take down a V Boss with max stacks!

Increasing your Garlic Resistance

Your resistances can be found on the character screen, to the right of your equipment.

In the character screen accessed by tapping Tab-Filled, you’ll see the resistances to the right of your character. This will display all of your current resistances against each harmful effect such as Sun, Garlic, Holy, Fire, and Silver. By increasing your resistance to Garlic, it’ll reduce the application rate that you receive stacks, increase the recovery time, as well as the maximum stacks you can receive. For example, 15 Garlic resistance will reduce the application of the stacks you receive by 60%, increase the recovery rate by 60% and finally, reduce the maximum stacks that you can receive to 89. So it’s always recommended farming areas with Garlic Exposure with as much resistance to it as possible.

How to increase Garlic Resistance

There are various methods to increase your resistance to Garlic. One way is by using consumables for a temporary buff which can last up to 20 minutes. The other and more permanent solution is by equipping gear that comes with Garlic Resistance + X. Below you can find a list of all the consumables and equipment that can help you stave off Garlic Exposure.

You can craft in the field by accessing your crafting menu in the Character screen. This allows you to make Minor Garlic Resistance Brews on the go providing you have the materials.

All Garlic Resistance Consumables

Icon Consumable Effects Recipe Crafting Station
Minor_Garlic_Resistance_Brew_Consumable_V_Rising.png "Minor Garlic Resistance Brew" iconMinor Garlic Resistance Brew A potion that increases Garlic Resistance rating by 25 for 1200 seconds (20 mins) Reward from defeating V-Boss "Polora the Feywalker" iconPolora the Feywalker (Level 34). 40 x Hell’s Clarion, 1 x "Rat" iconRat, 1 x Water-filled Canteen Crafting tab in the Character Screen
Garlic_Resistance_Potion_Consumable_V_Rising.png Garlic Resistance Potion A potion that increases Garlic Resistance rating by 50 for 1200 seconds (20 mins) Unlocked as a random recipe in the Study (75 x Scroll). 20 x Hell’s Clarion, 20 x Sunflower, 4 x "Rat" iconRat, 1 x Water-filled bottle Reward from defeating V-Boss "Clive the Firestarter" iconClive the Firestarter (Level 30). Alchemy Table

All Garlic Resistance Equipment

Icon Equipment Effects Recipe Crafting Station
Hunters_Cloak_Equipment_V_Rising.png Hunter’s Cloak +18 Health, +15 Sun Resistance, +15 Garlic Resistance, +15 Silver Resistance Reward from defeating V-Boss "Beatrice the Tailor" iconBeatrice the Tailor (Level 38). 8 "Cotton Yarn" iconCotton Yarn Reward from defeating V-Boss "Quincey the Bandit King" iconQuincey the Bandit King. Tailoring Bench

All Garlic Resistance Powers

Icon Power Effects How to Obtain
Bear_Form_Power_V_Rising.png Bear Form Increases resistances by 25, Movement speed + 15%, Damage Reduction + 25%, Regenerate Health quicker Hunt V-Boss “Ferocious Bear” (Level 36)
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Stunlock Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam
  • Genre
    MMORPG, Survival
  • Guide Release
    23 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    13 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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V Rising is an survival game developed by Stunlock Studios. First announced on May 5, 2021 for Windows, early access started on May 17, 2022.

This guide for V Rising features everything you need to know to get an advantage over the other Vampires and currently contains the following:

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