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Ziva the Engineer V Blood Carriers (Gloomrot)

In-game Description

The beloved head engineer of weapons at the Machine Factory, Ziva is the embodiment of perfectly delightful destruction. Truly in love with her deadly experiments, she is always at the forefront at pushing for greater means of bringing a suitably painful and spectacular death to whoever ends up on the wrong end of her unstable technology. Which end often changes from trigger pull to trigger pull.


"Ziva the Engineer" iconZiva the Engineer is a Level 60 V Blood Carrier residing in the "Trancendum Machine Factory" iconTrancendum Machine Factory in Gloomrot South. As the head engineer of weapons, Ziva is renowned for her love of creating destructive and deadly experiments. Her innovative yet unstable technology has made her a key figure in pushing the boundaries of lethal engineering, delighting in the chaos and pain her inventions bring.

Upon defeating Ziva, players are rewarded with a Tier 1 Spell Point and can unlock spells such as "Cyclone" iconCyclone, "Ball Lightning" iconBall Lightning, and "Discharge" iconDischarge. Additionally, she provides blueprints for constructing the Fabricator and recipes for crafting Sludge-filled Canisters and "Radium Alloy" iconRadium Alloy.


Ziva’s design and weaponry are likely nods to Iva from Battlerite, another title by Stunlock Studios.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. World Map (Vardoran) 1.0 Update

X: 7543 Y: 4469

Ziva can be found at the back of the warehouse.

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