This page covers everything related to Cotton in V Rising, including where to find Cotton, how to craft
Cotton Yarn and what requires it.
20 Cotton will create one Cotton Yarn in the Loom.
Where To Find Cotton In V Rising¶
Cotton Farms can be found scattered around Dunley Farmlands, so just hover your mouse over the lighter areas to see what items can be found in that portion of the map. If you visit an area which isn’t named “Cotton Farm”, look around for white crops as they still may have Cotton Growing there. However, Cotton Farms will cause you to gain Garlic Exposure
(1 of 2) Head to Cotton Farms in
Head to Cotton Farms in (left), and look for cotton which are white crops. (right)
Additionally, whilst farming for Cotton you may be lucky enough to have a Cotton Seed drop or find one in a chest in a nearby building. If you acquire one, then place it on your hotbar and use the item to plant it into the ground. Once it’s fully grown you’ll be able to acquire 10 Cotton from it.
What Is Cotton Used For In V Rising¶
Cotton is used to craft Cotton Yarn which is used for crafting the Hallowfang Armour set and the Eye of Twilight which is needed to progress through the Soul Stones Main Quest. However, before you can craft Cotton Yarn you’ll need to have the recipe and a Loom.
How To Get The Loom and Cotton Yarn Recipe in V Rising¶
The Recipe for Cotton Yarn and the Loom is acquired from defeating Beatrice the Tailor which is one of the V Blood Carriers you’ll face throughout the game. She can be tracked from the Blood Altar, but beware she is Level 38 so you don’t want to challenge her until you are well equipped.
How to Make Cotton Yarn In V Rising¶
In order to craft the HallowFang Armor Set you’ll need at least 40 Cotton Yarn and it costs 20 Cotton to make one Cotton Yarn, so it’s going to take fair bit of time to gather the required amount of Cotton.
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