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V Rising

How to send Servants out for Hunts

Matt Chard
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This page will cover everything you need to know about Hunts in V Rising, including when you can access them, and how you can manage them.

How to Command a Servant

The first thing you’ll need to send out a servant for a hunt is the Castle Throne. This’ll cost you 24x "Stone Brick" iconStone Bricks, 16x "Iron Ingot" iconIron Ingots, and 4x "Greater Blood Essence" iconGreater Blood Essences. You can get stone bricks by putting stone into the grinder. You can find out how to mine iron ore here for the Iron Ingots, and here for the Greater "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essences.

Once you have the Castle Throne, sit on it, and it’ll bring up the world map. From here, you can click on an area to send your servants who’ll head there and bring back resources found there after the alloted time. The areas that you can send them to all have Power Levels which your servant will need to meet if they’re going to come back safely or even complete the hunt. Note, you’ll have to discover an area first before you can send your servants there.

(1 of 2) You can find the Castle Throne under the Production > Dominance tab.

You can find the Castle Throne under the Production > Dominance tab. (left), 1. - Character Gear, 2. - Stats (Power Level is important), 3.- Perks (What perks that particular servant has), 4. - Status (Injuries etc.), 5. - Container (Where loot goes) (right)

What are Servant Perks

All the servants you get will come equipped with two perks, the first one will be based on their type, and the second will be based on their faction. If you get a servant from Farbane "Wood" iconWoods, its second perk will be “Farbane Hunter”, this will increase the amount of loot secured by 20% if you send them to a location within Farbane Woods. You can find a list of all the current perks below:

Icon Name Description Icon Name Description
Humble_Appearance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Humble Appearance Reduces difficulty by 100 when infiltrating settlements. Tenacious_Stength_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Tenacious Strength Reduces difficulty by 100 when hunting in harsh environments.
Military_Tactics_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Military Tactics Reduces difficulty by 100 when hunting in fortified areas. Tracking_Expertise_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Tracking Expertise Reduces difficulty by 100 when hunting areas inhabited by creatures and demons.
Sacred_Resistance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Sacred Resistance Reduces difficulty by 100 when hunting in areas protected by the elements. Farbane_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Farbane Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Farbane "Wood" iconWoods by 20%.
Dunley_Farmlands_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Dunley Farmlands Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Dunley Farmlands by 20%. Cursed_Forest_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Cursed Forest Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Cursed Forest by 20%.
Silverlight_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Silverlight Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Silverlight Hills by 20%.

How do Hunts work

First things first, you’ll need to equip your servant with the best gear you can craft if you want them to infiltrate the higher areas. This is what the Power Level is for. This determines two things. First, whether your servant will successfully complete the hunt, and second, how likely that they’ll come back with an injury.

Provided you meet the requirements of the hunt, click on an area, and you’ll be meeted with the hunt screen. At the top, it’ll have the name of the area, and a description about it. Below that, you’ll have the recommended perks and the recommended Power Level. A bit further down, you’ll have up to three boxes which have the text “Click to Add”. This is where you’ll place your servants.

Just under that, is a sliding bar which adjusts how long you want to send your servant out for. This is segmented under three colors. The red segment is called “Reckless” because you’ll send them out for the shortest amount of time. The negatives for this is that you’ll get a 30% chance of injury, and -20% success rate for the hunt, so it’s only worth using the reckless option if your servant is way over leveled for that particular hunt.

(1 of 7) When you click an area for a hunt, this screen will appear. All the important information has been circled for your convenience.

The next segment is colored yellow, and doesn’t have a name. This is what you would consider the normal setting. It’ll have an average time duration, but it won’t have any negatives other than 25% chance of injury. The last segment is green, and it’ll be named “Carefully Planned”. This will take the longest duration of time, but you’ll be rewarded with up to a +20% Success Chance, and only 20% chance of injury. One last thing to note, the further the bar is to the right (green segment), the more loot you’ll get at the cost of more time. If you pull the bar all the way to the left (red segment), you’ll get less loot, but it’ll take less time.

Finally, below the segmented bar, you’ll have the “Estimated Loot” section. This’ll show you what loot you’ll get and the approximate amount that your servants will bring back. This changes depending on how many servants you’re sending on the hunts. You’ll even get a Party Bonus Power Level increase. When you’re happy with what you’ve chosen, click on the “Let the Hunt Begin” button to send them on their merry way. You can cancel the hunt at any time by going to the Castle throne and clicking on the area that you sent them too.

All Hunt Area Requirements

Below you’ll find a list that’ll show you what resource each area has, their Power Level, and recommended perks.

Farbane Woods

Area Resources Perks Power Level
"Bandit Logging Camp" iconBandit Logging Camp Lumber, Sawdust, "Coarse Thread" iconCoarse Thread, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Humble_Appearance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Farbane_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png250
"Bandit Trapper Camp" iconBandit Trapper Camp Animal Hide, "Coarse Thread" iconCoarse Thread, "Paper" iconPaper, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Humble_Appearance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Farbane_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png250
Copper Quarry "Copper Ore" iconCopper Ore, "Clay" iconClay, Hell’s Clarion, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Tenacious_Stength_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Farbane_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png300
"Bandit Armory" iconBandit Armory "Whetstone" iconWhetstone, "Stone Dust" iconStone Dust, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Military_Tactics_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Farbane_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png400
"Bandit Sulphur Quarry" iconBandit Sulphur Quarry "Sulphur Ore" iconSulphur Ore, Fire Blossom, "Clay" iconClay, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Tenacious_Stength_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Farbane_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png400
Forgotten Cemetery "Bone" iconBone, Mourning Lily, "Grave Dust" iconGrave Dust, General Area Loot Tracking_Expertise_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Farbane_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png400
"Bandit Stronghold" iconBandit Stronghold "Whetstone" iconWhetstone, "Sulphur Ore" iconSulphur Ore, "Paper" iconPaper, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Military_Tactics_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Farbane_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png400

Dunley Farmlands

Area Resources Perks Power Level
"Cotton Farm" iconCotton Farms "Cotton" iconCotton, Sunflower, "Wool Thread" iconWool Thread, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Sacred_Resistance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Dunley_Farmlands_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png450
"Dawnbreak Village" iconDawnbreak Village "Cloth" iconCloth, "Wool Thread" iconWool Thread, Scroll, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Humble_Appearance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Dunley_Farmlands_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png500
"Haunted Iron Mine" iconHaunted Iron Mine "Iron Ore" iconIron Ore, "Bone" iconBone, Hell’s Clarion, General Area Loot Tenacious_Stength_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Dunley_Farmlands_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png500
Mosswick Village Fish "Oil" iconOil, Scroll, Fresh Fish, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Humble_Appearance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Dunley_Farmlands_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png500
"Church of the Damned" iconChurch of the Damned "Bone" iconBone, "Grave Dust" iconGrave Dust, "Scourgestone" iconScourgestone, General Area Loot Tracking_Expertise_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Dunley_Farmlands_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png550
"Dunley Monastery" iconDunley Monastery "Quartz" iconQuartz, "Glass" iconGlass, Mourning Lily, Scroll, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Sacred_Resistance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Dunley_Farmlands_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png550
"Bastion of Dunley" iconBastion of Dunley "Gem Dust" iconGem Dust, "Whetstone" iconWhetstone, Reinforced Plank, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Military_Tactics_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Dunley_Farmlands_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png600

Cursed Forest

Area Resources Perks Power Level
"Ancient Village" iconAncient Village "Ghost Shroom" iconGhost Shroom, "Iron Ore" iconIron Ore, "Grave Dust" iconGrave Dust, General Area Loot Humble_Appearance_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Cursed_Forest_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png600
Cursed Forest "Pristine Hide" iconPristine Hide, "Ghost Crystal" iconGhost Crystal, "Ghost Shroom" iconGhost Shroom, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Tracking_Expertise_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Cursed_Forest_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png650
Cursed Swamp Scales, "Pristine Hide" iconPristine Hide, "Ghost Shroom" iconGhost Shroom, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Tracking_Expertise_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Cursed_Forest_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png650

Silverlight Hills

Area Resources Perks Power Level
"Harpy Nest" iconHarpy Nest "Gem Dust" iconGem Dust, Highland Lotus, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Tracking_Expertise_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Silverlight_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png650
"Sacred Silver Mine" iconSacred Silver Mine "Silver Ore" iconSilver Ore, "Sulphur Ore" iconSulphur Ore, Reinforced Plank, General Area Loot, "Blood Essence" iconBlood Essence Tenacious_Stength_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Silverlight_Hunter_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png Power_Level_Perks_Servants_V_Rising.png650

Best Servants

As there aren’t any specific predetermined servants roaming Vardoran, your best bet is to choose what you want your servant to do. One thing you can do is pick a human who has a high Blood Quality % of the Blood Type that you need. After that, decide what you require them for. Do you want them to hunt high-level areas? If so, get them from the area that you want to send them too. For example, Cursed Forest has some high-level loot. If you wanted to send the servant primarily there, it’d be in your best interest to head over to Cursed Forest, and charm a human from there. This will increase your loot you get from there by 20%.

As you can see here, a higher Blood Quality translates into higher Expertise. When you do the math of Gear Level x Expertise, you’ll end up with a stronger servant.

If you’re playing on a PvP server, you may want to have servants that’ll protect you, and your castle. Once again, you’ll need a high Blood Quality %, and the best gear that you can equip them with. For their Blood Type, it’s more situational, Brutes, Rogues, and Warriors all shine in melee for different reasons. Warrior is better for pure damage, Brute has more sustain, and the Rogue can increase the damage they do to your opponent with their Tier IV blood passive. For a more ranged approach, you can use the Scholar Blood Type, they deal some decent damage, but they could be hindered by line of sight.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Stunlock Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam
  • Genre
    MMORPG, Survival
  • Guide Release
    23 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    13 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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V Rising is an survival game developed by Stunlock Studios. First announced on May 5, 2021 for Windows, early access started on May 17, 2022.

This guide for V Rising features everything you need to know to get an advantage over the other Vampires and currently contains the following:

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