You try to get into the Grand Cathedral via the front entrance, but it doesn’t work out in the end. With the help of one of the former royal knights, you learn that there is another entrance to the Grand Cathedral, through the Mausoleum. Head on over to the Grand Cathedral area of the town and near the northwestern corner will be the entrance to the Mausoleum. Enter it and ignore the locked doors in the initial corridor, opting for the ominous door on the far end, where you will be pitted against a familiar face, sparking a boss battle.
Yep, you’ll have to do battle with your old friend in the Mausoleum.
All of Undead Grius’ Attacks¶
The fight here is pretty simple and straightforward, so don’t expect much out of it.
Phantom Dance: Deals weak physical Slash damage to all characters.
Mocking Phantasm: Deals weak physical Slash damage to one character.
Undead Grius Boss Strategy¶
Prior to the battle actually starting, Hulkenberg will awaken to her Archetype, the
Knight. You will also unlock Synthesis Skills here, which are powerful attacks that use up more than one Turn Icon, since they involve more than one party member. For example, Jump Thrust is a Synthesis Skill that involves the Knight and
Warrior, which deals medium physical Pierce damage, while also lowering the target’s defence for three turns. For right now, it might be better to avoid using Synthesis Skills, since they use up precious Turn Icons and you want to save some, in case of emergencies.
As for Grius, you definitely don’t want to see Phantom Dance too often, as it hits the entire party. You can bypass him using Phantom Dance a little bit by using one of the Knight’s skills, Knight’s Proclamation. This is basically a taunt, so he will concentrate on Hulkenberg here, usually using either a normal attack or Mocking Phantasm (slightly stronger than a normal attack). He doesn’t really seem to have any other attacks than those and negating his party-wide move makes this battle a lot easier.
(1 of 5) Phantom Dance will hit your entire party and is Grius’ strongest attack.
Being undead, Grius will naturally be weak to Light attacks, so if you made someone a Healer, then it’s a good idea to have them use
Hama against him. In fact, you should be using a Healer for a good portion of the first part of the game, since there is that one quest from More that requires getting the Archetype to rank 10. Other than Phantom Dance, you can simply use Dei to heal whomever is in danger of going down.
After bringing down Undead Grius, you will retreat and head back to the inn, where you’ll form a Bond with Hulkenberg, unlocking the Knight for everyone to use. Your Bond with Gallica will also increase to rank 2, allowing you to easily tell which Followers can be met with to level them up. Once more scenes have played out, you will move onto the next day, which is when you can finally have free time and start doing a bunch of extra stuff.
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