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Metaphor: ReFantazio

Elegy of the Soul Boss Guide

Ben Chard

You’ve already undertaken the first three Trials of the Dragon and came out on top, with some excellent equipment to boot. The Trial doesn’t end there though, with your victory at the three towers, a seal has been broken at Dragon God Temple and you need to deal with the threat there as soon as possible. This is one of the toughest battles in Metaphor: ReFantazio, keep reading to learn how to come out on top and claim the final treasure.

Elegy of the Soul is one of the toughest bosses in Metaphor: ReFantazio.

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Elegy of the Soul Preparation

Before you set off for the Dragon God Temple to undertake this final battle, you’ll want to make sure you’re fully prepared, this is, after all, arguably the toughest battle you can have on your first playthrough of Metaphor. To begin with, you’ll want to make sure your main party is around a minimum of Level 70 on Normal, and higher on Hard as Elegy of the Soul is Level 75 and use some powerful, potent attacks against you.

Although you won’t have been able to venture to the final dungeon yet, due to not being able to leave after, you’ll still want as many Royal Archetypes mastered as possible, especially the Prince for the protagonist and the Royal Knight Archetype for Hulkenberg. Junah is useful as a Royal Masked Dancer with the Mercy Mask equipped and Basilio as a Royal Berserker will help massively too.

As for your equipment, you want to have as much Null or Resist equipment as possible so you can take away turns from Elegy of Soul as much as possible. Fire is always a safe bet, and the excellent Dragon equipment you got from the previous trials make excellent use here. Elegy of the Soul will use every type of attack against you, but Fire is the easiest to null and there are a few Fire-based attacks it will use.

(1 of 2) You should have access to some of the best equipment in the game.

You should have access to some of the best equipment in the game. (left), Look to have your party around Lv 70+. (right)

When it comes to your Passives that you inherit on your Archetypes, look for any that help with Nulling or dodging any type of attacks, such as Dodge Master, Third Eye, or the Counter abilities (if you don’t have a mastered Royal Knight). You’ll also need a way of dealing heavy damage quickly, debuffing Elegy of Soul, and Dekunda (be it from items or skills).

Once you’re ready, make sure the weather is as fine as it can be, given the circumstances in the world, and head for Dragon God Temple. You can use the shortcut to take you just outside of the Altar of the Twelve, where the boss awaits.

Elegy of Soul’s Attacks

The Elegy of Soul has access to a massive amount of skills that change based on what Archetype it is currently channeling, as such, not only do you have to prepare for that, but the combos that it will set up for future turns, such as making you weak to elements on one turn and hitting you with them on the next. Below, you can find all of the attacks that Elegy of Soul has access to.

Seeker Archetype

When using the Seeker Archetype, Elegy of the Soul will get access to the following skills:

  • Adventurer’s Curiosity (raises Critical Hit)
  • Heat Riser (Raises Attack/Defense/Hit/Evasion)
  • Gacyclone (Wind magic damage on the party)
  • Cyclone (Wind magic damage on one ally)
  • Seeker’s Flame (Fire magic damage on the party)
  • Trial of the Seeker (Almighty magic damage on the party)

Elegy of the Soul will massively raise its stats here, so look to reset that on your next turn. It will also tend to favor the wind-based attacks over Seeker’s Flame, but if it does use that and you have your Dragon equipment on, you’ll cause it to lose some turns.

(1 of 2) Adventurer’s Curiosity will raise its Critical hit rate.

Adventurer’s Curiosity will raise its Critical hit rate. (left), Gacyclone will deal wind damage to the entire party. (right)

Warrior Archetype

When using the Warrior Archetype, Elegy of the Soul will get access to the following skills:

  • Concentrate (massive Attack increase)
  • Unwavering Blade (massive Hit/Evasion increase)
  • Vorpal Blade (Slash damage on the party and decreases Attack)
  • Rising Slash (Slash damage on the party)
  • Wind Blade (Physical Wind damage on the party)
  • Thunder Blade (Physical Electric damage on the party)
  • Bamboo Splitter (Slash damage on one ally, grants a Turn if it kills someone)

The Warrior Archetype is all about dealing heavy physical damage to you, namely Slash damage. It will buff both its Attack and Hit/Evasion massively before unleashing party-wide Slash attacks on you, so hopefully you don’t have your own stats decreased and have someone with Slash evasion to try and take away some attacks from it.

(1 of 2) Concentrate will massively increase its Attack.

Concentrate will massively increase its Attack. (left), Vorpal Blade will deal slash damage to the party and lower their attack. (right)

Knight Archetype

When using the Knight Archetype, Elegy of the Soul will get access to the following skills:

  • Knight’s Defense (massive Defense increase)
  • Hammer of Justice (Pierce damage to one ally and makes target weak to Pierce)
  • Mad rush (Pierce damage to one ally)
  • Shield Arts (Strike damage to one ally and lowers Hit/Evasion)
  • Magic Knight’s Hammer (Physical Electric damage to one ally and inflicts Weakness to Electric)
  • Crusader’s Hammer (Severe Light damage to one ally and inflicts Weakness to Light)
  • Blackguard’s Hammer (Severe Dark damage to one ally and inflicts Weakness to Dark)

The Knight Archetype has two main features that it will use from it. The first is buffing its Defense massively (so be sure to remove this on your next turn) and the second is to inflict a weakness to Pierce, followed by Pierce attacks. You can make this a non-issue by using the Proclamation skills from the Knight Archetypes (preferably from Hulkenberg’s Royal Knight).

(1 of 2) Knight’s Defense will massively increase its Defense

Knight’s Defense will massively increase its Defense (left), Hammer of Justice will make the target weak to Pierce. (right)

Thief Archetype

When using the Thief Archetype, Elegy of the Soul will get access to the following skills:

  • Quick-Change Arts (Repel Slash/Pierce/Strike attacks)
  • Agitator’s Art (Chance to inflict Malady on the party)
  • Fire Art (Fire magic damage to one ally)
  • Ice Art (Ice magic damage to one ally)
  • Illusive Dream (Multi-hit Dark damage to one ally)
  • Hazy Moon Nightblade (Slash damage on the party. If it hits an ally with Malady, will act as Weakness)
  • Mamudoon (Dark magic damage on the party)
  • Assassinate (Slash damage on one ally with chance to kill)

The main issue from the Thief Archetype skills is Quick-Change Arts, this will make it more difficult to use physical attacks on your next turn. Unless you have equipment that prevents it, you can also get incredibly unlucky with Agitator’s Art if it should hit a few party members, wasting precious turns on your next round to remove it.

(1 of 2) Agitator’s Art will attempt to hit the party with Malady.

Agitator’s Art will attempt to hit the party with Malady. (left), Ice Art is an Ice-based attack that can inflict Frostbite. (right)

Masked Dancer Archetype

When using the Masked Dancer Archetype, Elegy of the Soul will get access to the following skills:

  • Crimson Flame (Fire magic damage to the party)
  • Thunderhead Dance (Make one ally weak to Electric)
  • Hellfire Dance (Make the entire party weak to Fire)
  • Sable Dance (Make the entire party weak to Dark)
  • Dance of Purelight (Make one ally weak to Light)
  • Dance of Verdure (Make one ally weak to Wind)
  • Ice-Blue Dance (Make the entire party weak to Ice)

The Masked Dancer Archetype skills are more set-up for future Archetype changes, as it will look to make you weak to various elements by using the Dance skills. The only attack it will use here is Crimson Flame, which is Fire-based and may help you take away many turns from it.

(1 of 2) Crimson Flame will deal Fire damage to the party.

Crimson Flame will deal Fire damage to the party. (left), Thunderhead Dance can make a target weak to Electric. (right)

Summoner Archetype

When using the Summoner Archetype, Elegy of the Soul will get access to the following skills:

  • Summon Dragon God (Fire damage to the entire party and removes buffs)
  • Summon Fallen (Repel Slash/Pierce/Strike attacks)
  • Summon Deity (Light magic damage on the party and may inflict Daze)
  • Summon Beast (Fire magic damage on one ally and may inflict Burn)
  • Summon Eagle Lion King (Wind magic damage on the party and massively decreases Attack)
  • Summon Undead King (Dark magic damage on one ally with chance to kill)

This is arguably its most damaging Archetype, especially if you get unlucky and get a ton of weaknesses from its time on the Masked Dancer Archetype. In fact, during that moment, it may be in your best interest to guard with everyone. The Summoner Archetype will get access to all manner of elements and it will attempt to target any weaknesses you may have.

(1 of 2) Summon Dragon God will deal Fire damage to the party and remove buffs.

Summon Dragon God will deal Fire damage to the party and remove buffs. (left), Summon Fallen will grant it a repel against Slash, Pierce, and Strike attacks. (right)

Berserker Archetype

When using the Berserker Archetype, Elegy of the Soul will get access to the following skills:

  • War Cry (Lowers Attack/Defense of the entire party)
  • Charge (Massive power increase for the next attack)
  • Frenzy (Strike attack to the entire party)
  • Wild Bore (Pierce attack on one ally and massively decreases Attack)
  • Radiant Crusher (Light physical attack on one ally that ignores resistances)
  • Windbreaker (Wind physical attack on one ally and decrease defense)

The Berserker Archetype is all about dealing heavy Strike damage to the party once it has effectively debuffed you and buffed itself in the same attack. If you have access to gear/passives that help you dodge these attacks, then you should find this a simple Archetype to deal with. If you don’t, however, you’re going to take massive damage here.

(1 of 2) War Cry will decrease the Attack and Defense of the entire party.

War Cry will decrease the Attack and Defense of the entire party. (left), Frenzy is a Strike attack against the party. (right)

Prince Archetype

When using the Prince Archetype, Elegy of the Soul will get access to the following skills:

  • Hero’s Proving (Massive increase to Attack/Defense/Hit/Evasion)
  • Heroic Slash (Slash damage to one ally)
  • Radiance (Light magic damage to the party)
  • Royal Sword [Modified] (Severe Almighty damage to one ally)
  • Armageddon’s Final Sire (9,999 damage on the party)

The big issue with the Prince Archetype is the massive increase to all stats it will get from Hero’s Proving, be sure to reset these buffs as soon as possible on your next combat round!

(1 of 2) Hero’s Proving grants a massive increase to all stats.

Hero’s Proving grants a massive increase to all stats. (left), Radiance is a Light magic attack on the entire party. (right)

Once the Elegy of the Soul is nearly defeated, you’ll be up against the clock as you’ll only have until it gets back to the Prince Archetype again before it uses Armageddon’s Final Sire, an instant-death attack that deals 9,999 damage to everyone. On top of this, it will use Hero’s Cry which will give it an extra four turns!

Elegy of the Soul Boss Strategy

As you can see from the skill pool above, Elegy of the Soul has around 53 different skills it has access to, which means looking to deal with one or two is not going to cut it. To make matters worse, Elegy of the Soul gets access to five turns a round (although one is reserved for the Archetype change) and later, eight when it’s near death, this means you’re going to see a lot of these attacks.

One of the main ways to turn this battle in your favor is to consider how you can waste some of its many turns along with how you’re going to deal damage to it. Throughout its massive repertoire, there are quite a few Fire-based attacks, and you should already be wearing equipment that Nulls Fire thanks to your victories in the other Trials, this means you’re going to waste a lot of turns on these rounds. For avoiding physical based attacks, Slash/Pierce/Strike Dodge passives (Swordmaster/Sniper/Pugilist), Dodge Master (Martial Artist), and Third Eye (Ninja) are all great at achieving that role as is the Duellist’s Gear you can purify from Skybound Avatar (you can change this to increase your evasion against your chosen physical type).

(1 of 2) Look to find ways to make Elegy of the Soul lose turns by dodging or Nulling its attacks.

Look to find ways to make Elegy of the Soul lose turns by dodging or Nulling its attacks. (left), Once Elegy of the Soul gets back to the Prince Archetype when its nearly dead, it will use Armageddon’s Final Sire to wipe the party. (right)

The most vital piece of this puzzle, though, is Hulkenberg as a Royal Knight, especially if you’re able to Master it. At Master rank, Hulkenberg will get an extra half turn back from using her Proclamation skill, allowing you to taunt every round without fear. More importantly, you’ll have access to Omni-Counter that has a change to Repel any attack other than Almighty at a 15% chance. This will end so many turns of Elegy of the Soul’s, especially if you have her taunting every round!

Outside of this, it’s all about dealing damage as quickly as possible to end the battle quickly. This becomes even more apparent once it reaches near death as you’ll have one cycle of Archetypes (Seeker - Warrior - Knight - Thief - Masked Dancer - Summoner - Berserker - Prince) to defeat it in or once it reaches Prince again, it will use Armageddon’s Final Sire, ending the battle. This means every round you’re going to be needing to deal damage, and the Prince using his Almighty attacks such as Royal Sword is very helpful in dealing this.

Elegy of the Soul Rewards

You will get the Dragon’s Legacy sword for defeating the Elegy of the Soul boss in Metaphor: ReFantazio.

So, what was all that effort for? Not only will this likely be the only remaining Side Quest you have left, if so, you’ll unlock the Entrusted Trophy/Achievement. On top of this, you’ll gain 13,200 EXP, 2063 A-EXP, 45,000 MAG, 30,000 Reeves and the Radiant Crystal accessory that will increase all stats by 8. You’ll also get the Dragon’s Legacy Sword, the strongest sword in the game that can be used with the Seeker and Prince Archetypes that will change your physical attack into one that is Almighty-based!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Sega
  • Guide Release
    11 October 2024
  • Last Updated
    15 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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