Angaran Adrianople¶
From the wind farm continue northwest along the road until you reach a fork near some Remnant ruins, at which turn northeast until you find another fork. At this second fork turn northwest and drive up a hill until you pass by a small, desolate settlement, at which point your companions will call your attention to some dead Angara lying about.
Scan some Angaran bodies (left) and read a Datapad (right) piece together clues as to what happened at this Angaran settlement.
Stop the Nomad and enter the northern structure, scan the body of an Angaran to find out the cause of death, then read the Datapad on the table. With the help of some SAM-magic you’ll be able to decrypt the datapad and play the recorded logs, which reveal the Angara were using their knowledge of Kadara to exploit newly-arrived Milky Way exile, especially their water filtration systems, which they guarded to the detriment of the outsiders. Not illegal, but certainly mean-spirited.
Loot a container, read a second, unimportant Datapad, then head over to the southern structure, where many more Angara await. Enter the building’s ground floor and scan the Filtration System to learn that it’s been sabotaged in such a way as to slowly poison the Angara. Sneaky. Looks like it’s time to go chat with these exiles in Charybdis Point, but first, read a Datapad on the ground floor, then leave the building and head upstairs to reach the second floor interior, where you can find an Angaran Integrated Tech Node device worth scanning and two more Datapads to read.
Charybdis Point¶
To reach Charybdis Point you’ll need to drive back down to the fork near the Remnant Ruins (northwest of the wind farm) and from there drive down the other fork west, then south, and at another fork turn southwest to reach the Sulfur Springs Forward Station. From here drive northwest, then turn north east at another fork, past the Kadara settlement site. Charybdis Point is the cluster of structures near which you recovered Vehn Terev’s Datapad during the quest “Hunting the Archon” (also, part of the quest “A People Divided” takes place here).
Follow the road up to the settlement, drive up the hill, disembark the Nomad and head northwest to the structure under which you found Vehn Terev’s Datapad. If you head upstairs to the second story you’ll find the bunkhouse, operated by a Turian named Mallox. You can chat with him to learn his story and how he got set up here, but he’ll play dumb concerning the Angara.
Search the lower room of the Charybdis Point building to find some damning evidence (left) then put down the saboteur and his goons (right).
That being the case, head around to the northwestern end of the building to find another door, leading to a lower room. Search a crate under a table to find some damning evidence, after which Mallox will arrive to confront you. It doesn’t matter what you say, violence ensues, after which you’ll have to put down Mallox (who is horribly exposed), and his crew, which includes a few Raiders and Sharpshooters. When they’re all dead you’ll earn 29 AVP, +2% Kadara viability and 270 XP.
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