Visit your old pal Enroh Bosaan in the Governor’s Office, who will lump this quest on you. The objective is pretty simple; visit several Holographic Message Terminals around Aya and download, then forward a variety of messages. After reading them you’ll get a chance to forward them as-is, or edit them first… doubtlessly to the delight of Director Tann.
Talk to Enroh Bosaan to pick up the quest “Task: Messages to the Nexus” (left) then scan Holographic Message Terminals throughout Aya (right).
Starting from the east and moving west, you can find the first Holographic Message Terminal northwest of the Resistance Headquarters. Interact with the device and read the “Resistance Messages to the Nexus”. The next Holographic Message Terminal can be found southwest of the Tavetaan, where you’ll find “Citizen Messages to the Nexus”. Make your way to the Marketplace to find the third Holographic Message Terminal, right in the center of the stalls. Examine it to find more “Citizen Messages to the Nexus”, which again can be shipped off edited or intact. Finally, make your way to the Memorial Gardens to find the final Holographic Message Terminal near the Angaran Mural, just outside the door to the docks. Screen a final batch of “Citizen Messages to the Nexus”, which is easily the most vitriolic of the bunch - especially the first message. Eerie, that.
After forwarding all four message clusters to the Nexus, this quest will end, although you can return to the Tempest and read an email (named “Messages to the Nexus”, of course) about Tann’s reaction to whatever messages you forwarded him. Speaking of the Nexus, there’s a bit more you can see and do there, if you’re still in the mood for questing.
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