After solving the murder mystery in Kadara Port, talk to Reyes, who has another… sensitive task for you (left). Pay a visit to the bartender in Kralla’s Song to learn more about Zia’s recent actions (right).
After completing the quest “A People Divided”, return to the Tartarus establishment in the Kadara Slums and head up to Reyes’s private room, where you’ll find Reyes waiting for you with a brand new quest. Seems a rival of his - Zia Cordier - stole some of his loot, and considering how much you indulged him during the whole murder investigation, he figures you’ll be game for another job. Flirt with him, ask what questions you wish, then agree to help him to start this quest.
Return to Kadara Port and speak Reyes, who is waiting for you in Kralla’s Song. Together you’ll chat with Umi, the bartender at Kralla’s Song, who will tell you what you need to know. Reyes will divide the labor in such a way that it’ll sure seem like you’re doing all the work, but hey… can’t blame the guy for wanting to avoid a confrontation with a spiteful ex, right?
Follow a wire to a console (left) which opens a door, behind which you’ll find a datapad on which you’ll find the intel you need (right).
Head back to the badlands and fast-travel to the Spirits’ Ledge Forward Station, the Forward Station in the southeastern corner of the map. When there, drive up the road to the northwest and look for a slope you can drive the Nomad up, which you’ll find opposite the Point of Interest Outcast/Collective camp here. Drive up the slop and follow an elevated strip of ground to the southeast until you find some debris scattered about. Turn your attention to some rocks southwest of the debris to spot a sealed door built into the rocks.
Scan the ground below the door to find a wire, which you can follow along its winding course to the southeast to find the Console it leads to. You’d think in the distant future they’d be able to use wireless computing to open their doors, instead of having to hide their consoles outside near some rocks. Oh well, activate the console and return back northwest to the door, which should now be open. Search behind the door to find a Datapad, which provides a navpoint… presumably pointing to where Zia hid the Reyes’ cargo. Seems like an overly complicated way to hide your loot, but at least you have a lead.
Defeat Zia and her fellow conspirators (left) and scan an Angaran Integrated Tech Node device while Reyes cleans up (right).
Now fast travel to the Haarfel Forward Station, from which you’ll want to head east to reach the navpoint you scrounged from the datapad, which points to a structure near where the road ends. Enter the structure and head over to - and talk to - Reyes Vidal, who will complain about the cargo. Shortly thereafter Zia will make an appearance and they’ll air their laundry for a bit before Zia and her goons attacked. She’s joined by a Sharpshooter and some Raiders, nothing you haven’t dealt with before, and Zia herself isn’t a combatant of note, either. After the battle you’ll find yourself richer to the tune of 73 AVP, +5% Kadara viability and 530 XP. Although the quest ended as soon as you defeated the last of your foes, you might as well properly finish things up here. Loot the dead, head upstairs and scan an Angaran Integrated Tech Node device, then talk to Reyes.
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