Start this quest any time after landing on Havarl by talking to Raashel Vier, who resides in the Pelaav Research Station. If you’re thinking that this makes a rather crappy home, well… you’re right, and it isn’t for fear of being labeled a homebody. She’s an archeoastronomer, busily looking for signs of forgotten Angaran colonies on other planets. Unfortunately Havarl’s aggressive wildlife got the best of her and now keeps her away from home. If that’s not bad enough, her precious data is stuck at her home. Apparently the Angara haven’t discovered the magic of wifi yet, nor is she - or anybody else - willing to take any risks to recover her data. Fortunately, an evolved ape traveled for 600 years just to handle such menial tasks.
Raashel Vier will ask you to recover some research from her house (left). Fight through a pack of Challyrions to reach her abode (right).
To find Raashel Vier’s house you need merely to venture north from the Pelaav Research Station. When you arrive, kill any beasties around the house (there’s likely a pack of Challyrions around the place) then loot some containers near - and on top of - the house. If you’re extra adventurous, head over a hill northeast of the house to find a cylindrical Angaran device with a health container next to it. Behind this device you’ll find an Angaran Integrated Tech Node worth scanning.
When you’re done looting and scanning around the house, head inside and loot a mineral cache, scan an Angaran Integrated Tech Node device, then interact with the Angaran Database to find that… well, time makes fools of us all. Raashel Vier will complain about her lost data and pessimistically shoot down any attempts at recovering the stored data from another source. Again, she is fortunate, as no chance is too remote or absurd for it to be a waste of Ryder’s time!
Her research data is in poor condition (left), but fortunately you can track down an exposed secondary terminal (right) and recover the data.
Return to the Pelaav Research Station and make your way east and slightly south to find the next navpoint, which is just west and slightly north from the second Forward Station on Havarl. The place shouldn’t be hard to find, even without the navpoint as… well, it’s rather on fire. Scan the ground to find a conduit, then follow that yellow line of questiness east behind some rocks to find a Computer, which just so happens to have that data you need. Raashel Vier will shower you with praise and you’ll earn yourself 29 AVP, +2% Havarl viability and 270 XP.
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