In the Kadara Slums, along the southern end of the building complex dominated by Tartarus you’ll find a shipping crate that’s serving as a poor excuse for a clinic. Inside is Dr. Nakamoto, who like most folks in Kadara Port has his own tale of woe to tell. Formerly he worked for the Outcasts, but Sloane and him did not see eye-to-eye when it came to one of his discoveries, and instead of using it in low doses as a helpful antibiotic, she’s decided to monetize it in high doses as an addictive hallucinogen, now marketed as “Oblivion”. The only way to right this wrong is to steal the formula back from Sloane, which is naturally beyond the means of a humble doctor. That’s where you come in.
Leave the slums and enter the badlands and from the first Forward Station drive the Nomad down a road to the east. Follow the road as it turns northeast, then north, ignoring forks to the southeast and east and continue driving north. The road will eventually head uphill and wrap around to the southwest to reach Dr. Nakamoto’s lab, which is crawling with Outcast guards, as befits a lucrative drug lab. You’ll encounter Anarchists, Raiders and Sharpshooters, but be wary as you engage them, as the standing forces will be joined by reinforcements via dropship.
After bemoaning the misuse of his discovery, Dr. Nakamoto will suggest a solution (left). Fight through the Outcast guards and make a decision concerning Dr. Farenth and the formula (right).
Once they’re all dead head up some stairs to reach a small platform to the north, where you’ll find a container to loot and an Angaran Integrated Tech Node to scan. Loot, scan, then turn your attention to the building, which possesses a door that takes an incredible bit of time to open. Once it yields, head on inside and ignore Dr. Farenth for a moment so you can scan some plants and more containers to loot.
Finally talk to Farenth, who will tell you her side of the story and paint a… less than favorable picture of Nakamoto’s true motivations. Of course, her claims seem patently absurd considering Dr. “everything he does, he does everything for credits” Nakamoto is operating a clinic out of a shipping crate in the slums while she’s busy cooking up poison for those same people. In any event, you ‘ll get a choice at the end of the conversation to “Let her keep the formula”. If you pick this choice Nakamoto will be understandably upset when you return to him, claiming that Farenth isn’t a doctor - just a dealer, an assertion the terminal behind her in the lab suggested. On the other hand, if you pick the option “I’m not buying it”… well, she’ll say some mean words, but otherwise won’t impede you.
Either way, return to Nakamoto to finish this quest. If you let “Doctor” Farenth keep the formula you’ll earn 530 XP for your trouble, while if you returned the formula to Nakamoto you’ll get 73 AVP, +5% Kadara viability and 530 XP. Follow the rewards.
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