Coal Powder is an end-game resource that players can get in Enshrouded. For the most part, the resource is used to create other materials and resources, which help to form other end-game items. And, for the most part, getting this key reagent for your craft proves to be difficult from random world drops. So, to assist with your crafting needs, we are here to assist you with getting Coal Powder in Enshrouded.
Coal Powder is commonly made via grinding Charcoal at the Grinding Stone.
How to Make Coal Powder in Enshrouded¶
To make Coal Powder in Enshrouded, players need to move Charcoal into the Grinder. From there, you can turn five Charcoal into five Coal Powder. If that doesn’t unlock the recipe, then you need to unlock the Laboratory from the Alchemist. The reason is that Coal Powder is required for two crafts from the lab: Enshrouded Oil and Black Powder. Black Powder is used for making end-game explosives, while Enshrouded Oil is required for certain spell ammo, Glider Upgrades, and the Huge Magical Chest.
On the other hand, players can find Coal Powder randomly from dismantling and smashing vases around POIs in the Kindelwastes Biome. The Flame Sanctums, Ancient Tower, and Sun Temples also have objects that players can smash and get loot from. Among the list of items in the loot table is Coal Powder. Albeit it’s not a great way of farming this material, largely thanks to the number of end-game resources available. Saying that, you can expect them to drop occasionally and passively get some.
With that said, there is not much else you need to know about Coal Powder in Enshrouded. Simply craft the very limited amount you need for the other items you need for crafting, and then go from there. Hopefully, this helps you unlock those missing recipes you need for the other craft, as this item seems largely to be the gatekeeper of other much higher-profile crafts in the Enshrouded end game.
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