When you reach the Nomad Highlands biome in Enshrouded, you’ll get numerous quests from the Craftspeople. These will give you access to craft leather, among other recipes. One of the key ingredients for leather is the Ammonia Gland. Considering leather is used in high-level recipes for items such as the large backpack, and the exceptional glider, you’ll want a lot of it, and it’s not always easy to find the ammonia glands for it. In short, you’ll want to defeat and loot the evil mushroom enemies found in the Shroud in the Nomad Highlands biome. Read on to find out the best spot to find these enemies, and what else you need ammonia glands for.
The Evil Mushrooms can be found in the Shroud of Umber Hollow.
Where to Get Ammonia Glands¶
To put it simply, you’ll want to be in a Shroud area in the Nomad Highlands, more specifically, Umber Hollow. The best way to get there is to fast travel to the Nomad Highlands Ancient Spire in the northeast of the map, and glide directly south. If you drop off the cliff anywhere to the west, you’ll be in the Umber Hollow, but if you continue following the path south, you’ll find a Vukah passage. Continue south past the cave, and the path will loop around to the north while heading down. Follow this path, and it’ll take you directly into the Shroud of Umber Hollow. If you stay on the path, after some time, you’ll activate a respawn beacon, which is handy in case you die.
(1 of 2) Use the Ancient Spire in the northeast to glide south to the Umber Hollow entrance. The green circles are the general location of the mushrooms.
Use the Ancient Spire in the northeast to glide south to the Umber Hollow entrance. The green circles are the general location of the mushrooms. (left), Follow the path south past the cave, and then follow it north when the path turns to find the entrance. (right)
There isn’t a special place for the evil mushroom enemies, you’ll find them all around Umber Hollow, but you’ll have a better chance of finding them if you get off the path and look to the areas on either side of it. When you encounter an evil mushroom, shoot the glowing red glands of the front and sides. Doing this will make them drop an additional three ammonia glands on top of the four they give you when you defeat them.
The mushrooms themselves shouldn’t cause you too many problems, although ranged attacks are recommended, so you target the glands first. To defeat them, keep attacking until they get close, and they’ll stop, and unleash some poison. When this happens, get away from them so you don’t get poisoned, and then attack away. Every time they get close, roll away to avoid the poison and then attack them again. Keep this up, and they’ll go down in no time. Note, that the mushrooms will explode upon death, leaving behind a lingering pool of poison. This will do a lot of damage to you, so wait until it fully dissipates before looting their corpse.
(1 of 2) Before you kill a mushroom, shoot off its glowing glands. These will drop to the floor, giving you an extra three glands per mushroom.
Before you kill a mushroom, shoot off its glowing glands. These will drop to the floor, giving you an extra three glands per mushroom. (left), After the mushroom dies, wait for a moment until the poison pool disappears. (right)
What Recipes Use Ammonia Glands?¶
The sole application of ammonia glands is for the production of leather; however, it is imperative to obtain a substantial quantity of them as leather is used in many recipes, hence it is advisable to procure a substantial quantity. It costs two ammonia glands for ten pieces of leather to give you an idea of how many you’ll need. Outside of leather, you will need 20 ammonia glands as one of the materials needed to strengthen your Flame Altar to level 5, so make sure you keep at least 20 of them on you.
(1 of 2) You’ll need two Ammonia Glands for every ten pieces of Leather you craft.
You’ll need two Ammonia Glands for every ten pieces of Leather you craft. (left), Make sure you keep twenty Ammonia Glands on you to strengthen the Flame Altar to level 5. (right)
More Resource Guides¶
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