Leveling up is one of the primary ways to get stronger in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, but by itself it’s something of a deadend. Knowledge and experience are, apparently, two different things in this game, and while you can get the latter by killing and questing, the former comes from more esoteric pursuits. One of the ways to gain knowledge is by finding Lost Pages at temples, and the temple where Naoe recovered from her wounds just happens to house one of these Lost Pages events. This page will help you find ever Lost Page in Makinoodera Temple in Assassin’s Creed Shadows!
Page Breakdown¶
Quick Search |
Makinoodera Temple Lost Page Locations: |
Northeastern Ruins Lost Page |
Stone Lantern Lost Page |
Southern Second Story Ruins Lost Page |
Makinoodera Temple can be found in south-central Izumi Settsu - where you’ll start the game as Naoe post-tutorial.
Makinoodera Temple Lost Page Locations:¶
Makinoodera Temple is where Naoe convalesced after her ill-fated encounter with The Onryo, and while it serves as the genesis of her adventure in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, it’s also got three Lost Pages you can track down in order to earn some Knowledge. Since this is likely to be your first encounter with the Lost Pages event, know that there are are several ways to find these things lying about:
First and worst, you can run around aimlessly looking for them. Locating a misplaced scroll isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but when you get close and are looking roughly in the right direction, a scroll icon will appear, making it easier to find your target.
In addition to the icon, you’ll also hear the sound of chimes when you’re close. The range of this sound effect isn’t great, but it can help you “hot and cold” your way to the objective.
Finally, you can use your Observe ability. Go to some central location in the temple, hold
and look around for white dots, which generally indicate collectibles and other important non-quest and non-treasure points of interest. In temples, these white dots are very likely to mark the location of Lost Pages. They’re not always easy to see, but they can be spotted a lot further away via Observe. Once you spot one, drag your cursor over it and it should mark the location of this point-of-interest, allowing you to find it at your leisure.
(1 of 3) In general, when searching for Lost Pages you should Observe the area from a central location and look for white dots.
In the case of Makinoodera Temple, the pagoda in the center of the temple grounds is a fine landmark from which to spy these Lost Pages. You can’t enter, so don’t bother trying to get inside, nor do you need to climb it. Instead, stand in front of the pagoda’s closed northwestern doors and look around with Observe activated to find the white dots marking the locations of these Lost Pages. Here are the locations of each Lost Page in Makinoodera Temple:
Northeastern Ruins Lost Page¶
From the pagoda’s northwestern doors, turn northeast and look past some bushes to find the first Lost Page. Head northeast up some stairs and into a wooden building, then turn left (northwest) to find some crates and a sack. This Lost Page is hidden between this junk. Smash the junk if you need to - this Lost Page can be picky, as if any of the debris covers it, it may become difficult to pick up
(1 of 3) From the pagoda’s doors, look northeast to spot a white dot,
Stone Lantern Lost Page¶
Return to the pagoda’s northwestern doors and this time Observe to the east to find another white dot. Head around the northeastern edge of the pagoda to find a stone lantern just off the trail to the east of the pagoda. This Lost Page is on the mossy ground behind the stone lantern.
(1 of 3) The second Lost Page is east, past the pagoda itself,
Southern Second Story Ruins Lost Page¶
Last one, and this is the only Lost Page in this area that’s not on the ground. From the pagoda’s northwestern doors, look south and slightly up to spot the third white dot. Head over there to find another ruined building flanking the pagoda. Climb or use the grappling hook to get up to the shattered remains of the upper floor and search the southern corner to find this Lost Note lying on the floor.
(1 of 3) The third dot is south and slightly elevated.
Collect all three Lost Pages at Makinoodera Temple and you’ll get Knowledge +1 and 500 XP.
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