The last quest in the chain for Gennojo, in Assassin’s Creed: Shadows, involves you stealing back the rice for the common people. You learned the location of the rice stockpiles at Nijo Palace, a castle found in the Kyoto sub-region of Yamashiro. Your goal is to sneak into Nijo Palace, locate the rice supply and get it back for the people. Gennojo will be right in front of Nijo Palace, so that is where you’ll start the quest.
The Godless Harvest - Rice Location¶
Naturally, a front approach is out of the question, since you can only play Naoe here and she’s not the sturdier of the two protagonists. Despite being near one of the entrances, Nijo Palace is a lot more open than other places, so you can go north and climb the walls from there. As always, use your Eagle Vision to see through the walls and tag enemies, making it easier for you to not get seen. In fact, heading straight north from Gennojo is a great entry point, since there aren’t too many enemies around that spot.
(1 of 4) Don’t forget about your kunai to make killing enemies from a distance simpler.
Don’t forget about your kunai here, as they can be effective in staying at a distance and still downing guards (you can also pick them back up from their bodies). Upon entering the compound, you want to slowly make your way to the northern end. If you feel like killing someone will be a hassle and they’re not in your way, like in a building or something, then ignore them and concentrate on the mission.
When you get to the northern end of the palace grounds, you should see the blue dot upon using Observe. That is the storage where the rice is held, so after clearing the area, go and inspect the rice to initiate a scene. Tatsugoro shows up and you’ll have to fight him now. He’s pretty easy to fight, since he uses two different three-hit combos, one of the white type and another of the blue type. Just block/parry them, then counter with your own strikes.
(1 of 4) The rice will be found on the northern end of the palace grounds.
Stop Gennojo, Soothe Gennojo, or Do Nothing¶
With Tatsugoro dead, another scene will take place and you’ll have a choice during this one. You can either stop Gennojo, soothe Gennojo, or do nothing. You will have to choose something quickly, as the game chooses the final option if you wait too long. To recruit Gennojo as an ally, pick the Soothe Gennojo one. There will be another choice not too long after this, where you can pick We make a good team to finally recruit Gennojo to your league. The quest will end after this.
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