At the start of the game, you won’t have many resources at your disposal - just some starter gear, a scout and the vengeful Tomiko who lets you use her home as a Hideout from which to launch your own campaign of retribution. With a little gumption, however, you can seek out new allies whose abilities will help you in your fight against the Onryo, and one of the first recruits you should seek is a blacksmith. A samurai with compromised arms and armor isn’t long for this world, and a shinobi with shoddy tools isn’t much better off, after all. This page will provide a walkthrough for the side quest Way of the Blacksmith in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
Page Breakdown¶
Quick Search |
Starting Way of the Blacksmith |
Rescue Heiji |
Build a Forge |
Starting Way of the Blacksmith¶
This quest should appear on the “Objectives” tab of your menu after completing the main quest From Spark to Flame, under “The League” and “Tomoki”. Simply put, it’s one of the first quests you have access to, and while it’s optional, the benefits of having a blacksmith at your disposal are far too numerous to justify delaying this quest for any great length of time. When you have a scout handy (you can acquire more by completing the quest Finding New Allies), have one investigate Sakai, along the coast southwest of the Hideout. Instruct your scout to cover the area north of the “Sakai” text on the map and you should get an objective marker for this quest.
(1 of 3) Scout for Heiji in Sakai,
Rescue Heiji¶
After scouting out Heiji’s location, head over to Sakai and into the search area. The blacksmith you need to talk to, Heiji, can be found in a courtyards surrounded by buildings, not within view of the street, so here are some directions to find him from the Sakai Kakurega:
- Exit via the northern door.
- Once in the street outside, turn left (west) and head in that direction past a wagon to find a four-way intersection.
- Turn right (north) and continue down the road until you find a building with a large opening to the left (west). Three soldiers will be standing on a platform in front of this building.
- Enter the house and go through some doors to the west.
- Once outside, turn left (south) to find Heiji.
Heiji is being accosted by several thugs, and if you go through the door via the route provided above, you’ll probably provoke them. They shouldn’t be hard to kill, but if you want to get the drop on them, climb to the roof of the building instead of going through the doors (the guards out in the street won’t care, so don’t worry about provoking them. Note that you should overhear the thugs threatening Heiji, so it should be pretty obvious when you’re in the immediate vicinity. Anywho, use kunai to thin the herd and/or drop down and assassinate a choice target to thin the herd, then cleanup the rabble and talk to Heiji. Say what you will to Heiji and he’ll agree to join your cause, heading to the Hideout in the hope that offering his services to you will give his life some meaning again. Loot the stone lying around, then return to the Hideout.
(1 of 2) Now that you’ve recruited Heiji, you can build a Forge,
Now that you’ve recruited Heiji, you can build a Forge, (left), which will allow Heiji to upgrade, dismantle and engrave your gear. (right)
Build a Forge¶
The last phase of this quest requires you to build a Forge. Punish us with a good time! Enter build mode, select the Forge and expend the 40x crops, 30x wood and 10x stone - a fairly low cost for such a useful building! It can’t be connected to the main structure, but the Forge is pretty useful, so do yourself a favor and put it somewhere easy to reach so you don’t have to make lengthy trek every time you want to [Use the Forge to Upgrade, Engrave and Dismantle] gear. Once you’ve built the building you’ll get some chatter and the quest will end - talk to Heiji to make use of his services.
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