There are a number of miscellaneous trophies and achievements in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, which will have you doing various activities and exploring the game’s vast open world. One of the trophies/achievements, named Happy Place, involves reaching the highest point on the map. This place is the Mount Hakkyo viewpoint, located on the eastern border of Yamato and Kii regions on the map.
To unlock this, you need to reach the Viewpoint atop Mount Hakkyo.
Mount Hakkyo Location¶
When you first set out in the open world, you will be in the Izumi Settsu region, which is just west of Yamato and north of Kii. If you open up your map, you can see those regions are right next to one another, with a border that runs west-to-east along the north/south edges. Follow this border on your map, until you see it start curving north and eventually connecting to the out-of-bounds area. Zoom all the way in on the map and you will see a mountain there. Set up a custom map marker there and begin traveling to that spot.
Despite Yamato having a suggested level of 29, you should be pretty well off on going there for this trophy/achievement, since you can simply ride past any random fights without triggering them to come after you. Once you get close enough to the mountain, a Viewpoint marker should appear on your map, which is what you want. You can now place a marker on the Viewpoint, then activate the pathfinder help. You probably want the pathfinder on here, since the path leading to the Viewpoint is kind of winding and it’s not easily climbable.
(1 of 3) The spot you need to reach is on the eastern side of the Yamato region.
You might pass a small camp with some enemies, but you can just ride right through, if you’re quick enough. You definitely don’t want enemies at this high level hitting you, especially if you come here right from the beginning of the game. Upon reaching the top, climb up to the Viewpoint marker and you will automatically set it off, triggering the trophy/achievement.
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