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Assassin's Creed Shadows

All Yasuke Mastery Abilities and Skills

Matt Chard
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There are six skill trees for each protagonist in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, but only three of them will be available to you at the start. For Yasuke, this is Long Katana, Samurai, and Bow. The other three require you finding a weapon related to that tree to unlock it. Read on to find out every single mastery for Yasuke.

Yasuke has access to six mastery trees, although some of them will have to be unlocked.

Table of Contents

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Long Katana Masteries

Efficient in both attacking and defending, this large Katana is a samurai’s deadliest and most well-rounded weapon. It allows them to quickly dispatch enemies in their path. Rapid strikes can disable and execute single targets, while its devastating sheathed attacks catches enemies off guard. Precise timing maximizes this blade’s effectiveness, as it shatters armor and pierces hearts.

Ability Upgrade 1 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 2 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 3 (Knowledge Rank)
Sheathed Attack Sheathed Attack: (KR 1) Sheathe the Katana and launch a stronger strike that can break the target’s guard. Sheathed Posture: (KR 3) Sheathed Attack can now become a Posture attack by holding either attack button. Adrenaline Boost: (KR 5) Sheathed Attack generates 50% of an Adrenaline Chunk on hit.
Power Dash Power Dash: (KR 1) Dash to a single enemy, dealing 50% ability damage, then move behind them to make them Vulnerable. Armor Avoidance: (KR 4) Power Dash now has 100% Armor Piercing. Chained Power Dash: (KR 6) Power Dash can now be chained a second time. Must complete The Kabukimono to unlock it.
Riposte Riposte: (KR 1) Release the block button right after blocking a hit to perform an immediate Riposte. Must complete The Twisted Tree to unlock it. Energizing Defense: (KR 2) Riposte now restores 5% Health. Defensive Strike: (KR 4) Riposte now has 100% Critical Chance when performed against a Flurry Attack.
Payback Payback: (KR 3) Deal 3 powerful strikes to a single enemy, each dealing 35% ability damage and restoring 10% Health. Overrun: (KR 4) Increase Payback damage by 1% per 1% Health missing. Unstoppable: (KR 5) Payback can no longer be blocked or parried.
Samurai Showdown Samurai Showdown: (KR 4) Taunt up to 3 different enemies and attack them, dealing 15% ability damage to each. Shatter: (KR 5) Increase Samurai Showdown Armor Damage by 50%. Call of Honor: (KR 6) Samurai Showdown can now taunt up to 4 different enemies.
Combat Expert (Passive) (KR 2) Increase damage with Melee Weapons by 2%. Increase damage with Melee Weapons by 5%. Increase damage with Melee Weapons by 9%.
Adrenaline Builder (Passive) (KR 3) Increase Adrenaline Gain by 3%. Increase Adrenaline Gain by 8%. Increase Adrenaline Gain by 15%.
Melee Weapon Armor Damage (Passive) (KR 5) Increase Armor Damage with Melee Weapons by 3%. Increase Armor Damage with Melee Weapons by X%. Increase Armor Damage with Melee Weapons by X%.

The Long Katana is Yasuke’s starting weapon, and a good one at that.

Naginata Masteries

The Naginata is a bladed melee weapon with a hilt of over two meters used by samurai, daisho, monk, and ronin archetypes. Its reach makes it ideal for crowd control, keeping enemies at bay, and clearing large spaces around Yasuke. This length can be a disadvantage when defense is required as it becomes cumbersome.

Ability Upgrade 1 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 2 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 3 (Knowledge Rank)
Far Reach Far Reach: (KR 1) Enemies hit by the tip of a Naginata take 15% more damage. Lethal Reach: (KR 3) Increase Critical Chance with Far Reach by 15%. Fatal Reach: (KR 5) Far Reach generates 10% of an Adrenaline Chunk.
Crescent Strike Crescent Strike: (KR 1) Jump to an enemy and swing the Naginata in a large arc in front of you, dealing 25% ability damage and pushing them back. Deep Cut: (KR 3) Crescent Strike now inflicts Bleed buildup. Disabling Strike: (KR 5) Crescent Strike now knocks down enemies. Must complete ??? to unlock it.
Whirlwind Whirlwind: (KR 2) Hold DualSense-L1 and press DualSense-R1, DualSense-R2, DualSense-R2, DualSense-R1, DualSense-R2 for a powerful combo dealing 5% more damage with each strike Rising Storm: (KR 4) Whirlwind generates 10% of an Adrenaline Chunk on hit. Persistent Storm: (KR 6) After performing the first strike, press DualSense-R1 or DualSense-R2 in any order to keep Whirlwind going.
Impale Impale: (KR 3) Impale an enemy, dealing 15% ability damage and moving with them up to 13 meters. On release, they become Vulnerable. Lethal Charge: (KR 4) Impale now moves further with the impaled enemy. Stampeding Charge: (KR 5) Impale now pushes back other enemies along the path.
Onslaught Onslaught: (KR 4) Unleash a flurry of 8 strikes on a single enemy, dealing 15% ability damage each. Half as effective on large enemies. Broader Onslaught: (KR 5) Onslaught now has its full effect on large enemies. Ultimate Onslaught: (KR 6) Onslaught can no longer be blocked or parried.
One Man Army (Passive) (KR 2) Increase damage when hitting multiple enemies by 3%. Increase damage when hitting multiple enemies by 8%. Increase damage when hitting multiple enemies by 15%.
Combo Ender Armor Piercing (Passive) (KR 3) Increase Armor Piercing with Combo Enders by 4%. Increase Armor Piercing with Combo Enders by 12%. Increase Armor Piercing with Combo Enders by 24%.
Piercing Momentum (Passive) (KR 5) Increase Armor Piercing with consecutive hits by 2%. Increase Armor Piercing with consecutive hits by X%. Increase Armor Piercing with consecutive hits by X%.

The Naginata gives Yasuke longer reach for crowd control.

Kanabo Masteries

The Kanabo’s specialty is dealing blunt-force damage. Its destructive power can break through defenses and pulverize armor, as well as adding an intimidation factor when brandished. However, these many powerful advantages come at a cost; it is a relatively slow weapon that puts the wielder in a vulnerable position if an attack is not timed well and misses the target.

Ability Upgrade 1 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 2 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 3 (Knowledge Rank)
Devastation Devastation: (KR 1) Switch attack type at the end of a combo to trigger an additional combo ender. Turmoil: (KR 2) Devastation combo enders generates 50% of an Adrenaline Chunk on hit. Infinite Devastation: (KR 4) Press the opposite attack input after a Devastation to perform a second one.
Spine Breaker Spine Breaker: (KR 1) Grab an enemy with the Kanabo, dealing 50% ability damage and knocking out regular enemies. Half as effective on large enemies. Irresistible Force: (KR 3) Increase Spine Breaker knockout duration by 10 seconds. Unstoppable Strength: (KR 4) Spine Breaker now has its full effect against large enemies.
Forward Momentum Forward Momentum: (KR 1) When you hit an enemy, press either attack button to chain your next attack faster. Power Surge: (KR 2) Each successful Forward Momentum before a Combo Ender increases its damage by 15%. Constant Pressure: (KR 5) Forward Momentum no longer requires hit confirmation. Press either attack button at any time to chain your attack quicker. Must complete The Tournament to unlock it.
Crushing Shockwave Crushing Shockwave: (KR 3) A downward strike that deals 90% ability damage, disables the targets, and staggers all enemies in a 3 meter radius. Greater Shockwave: (KR 4) Crushing Shockwave now afflicts enemies with Daze. Absolute Shockwave: (KR 5) Increase Crushing Shockwave size by 167%.
Slugging Rampage Slugging Rampage: (KR 4) A series of spinning strikes that deal 20% ability damage each and sends everyone nearby flying backward. Slugging Torrent: (KR 5) Slugging Rampage now lasts longer. Slugging Fury: (KR 6) Slugging Rampage now lasts even longer.
Combo Ender Damage (Passive) (KR 2) Increase damage with Combo Enders by 2%. Increase damage with Combo Enders by 6%. Increase damage with Combo Enders by 12%.
Ability Master (Passive) (KR 3) Increase damage with Abilities by 2%. Increase damage with Abilities by 5%. Increase damage with Abilities by 9%.
Damage Reduction (Passive) (KR 5) Increase Damage Reduction by 1%. Increase Damage Reduction by by X%. Increase Damage Reduction by X%.

The Kanabo is your typical slow, heavy, hard-hitting blunt weapon. Especially good against armored enemies.

Teppo Masteries

The Teppo is a flint rifle with destructive power and high lethality. It uses gunpowder and has more range than its traditional counterpart, the Yumi Bow, and can penetrate armor from a distance. It is also more accurate, as the bullet travels in a a straight line rather than in an arc. On the other hand, the Teppo has slow fire rate due to its complex mechanisms, which require a long reload time. When you run out of Bullets, restock them by finding them in the world or buying them. Progressing the Teppo Path will increase the number of Arrows you can carry.

Ability Upgrade 1 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 2 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 3 (Knowledge Rank)
Steady Hand Steady Hand: (KR 1) While aiming, remain still for a short time to zoom in further and increase damage by 10%. Concentration: (KR 2) Steady Hand now also slows down time for 5 seconds. Locked In: (KR 3) Steady Hand can no longer be interrupted.
Armor Buster Armor Buster: (KR 1) Reload the Teppo and follow up with a shot that deals 100% ability damage and breaks the target’s armor. Radial Effect: (KR 3) Armor Buster sends fragments of armor flying in every direction, dealing 25% ability damage in a 4 meter radius. Deep Impact: (KR 5) On hit, Armor Buster now pushes enemies away.
Close Quarters Close Quarters: (KR 2) Swing the Teppo at an enemy, dealing 60% ability damage, knocking them down and automatically shooting them. Teppo’s Might: (KR 3) Close Quarters now has 25% Armor Piercing. Brutal Takedown: (KR 5) Close Quarters now automatically knocks out the target.
Teppo Tempo Teppo Tempo: (KR 2) After a successful dodge, hold heavy attack at the end of the dodge to shoot the attacker. Target Vulnerability: (KR 4) Teppo Tempo now makes the enemy Vulnerable. Quick Aim: (KR 6) Teppo Tempo uses a faster reloading technique.
Explosive Surprise Explosive Surprise: (KR 3) Throw a gunpowder pouch and automatically shoot it to create an explosion that deals 35% ability damage. Explosive Barrage: (KR 4) Explosive Surprise is chained a second time. Explosive Warfare: (KR 6) The explosion from Explosive Surprise now knocks down anyone caught in the blast.
Special Ammo (Passive) Steel Bullets (KR 3) Unlock a special bullet that make the enemy Vulnerable. Concussion Bullets (KR 4) Unlock a special bullet that builds up the Daze affliction. Shrapnel Bullets (KR 5) Unlock a special bullet that builds up the Bleed affliction.
Armor Damage (Passive) (KR 2) Increase Armor Damage by 3%. Increase Armor Damage by 12%. Increase Armor Damage by 21%.
Larger Pouch 1 (Passive) (KR 3) Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +4 Ammo, +2 Special Ammo
Reload Speed (Passive) (KR 5) Increase Teppo Reload Speed by 2%. Increase Teppo Reload Speed by 5%. Increase Teppo Reload Speed by 9%.
Larger Pouch 2 (Passive) (KR 3) Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +4 Ammo, +2 Special Ammo
Ranged Weapon Expertise (Passive) (KR 3) Increase damage with Ranged Weapons by 1%. Increase damage with Ranged Weapons by X%. Increase damage with Ranged Weapons by X%.
Larger Pouch 3 (Passive) (KR 3) Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +4 Ammo, +2 Special Ammo

The Teppo is a rifle which has devastating power. Unfortunately, it has slow fire rate and reload speed.

Samurai Masteries

Seasoned experts in marital combat, samurai wear heavy armor and will deny advancement with parries, dodges and blocks. Sturdiness and damage is the name of the game here as they have numerous defensive abilities which make up the lack of stealth when compared to a Shinobi while also boasting high strength due to their Long Katana’s.

Ability Upgrade 1 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 2 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 3 (Knowledge Rank)
Brutal Assassination Brutal Assassination: (KR 1) Press light attack to perform Yasuke’s own version of an Assassination and remove Health Segments. Current Health Segment Removal: 3. Improved Brutal Assassination: (KR 2) Yasuke can now perform his Brutal Assassination against large enemies. Assassination Damage 1 and 2: (KR 3 + 5) Yasuke removes 2 additional Health Segments with Assassination x2. Must Progress further into the story to unlock Assassination Damage 2.
Link Attack Link Attack: (KR 1) Swap weapons during a combo to transition into a quick attack while switching to your alternative weapon, extending your combo.
War Kick War Kick: (KR 1) Perform a powerful kick on an enemy, dealing 20% ability damage and pushing them away. Half as effective on large enemies. Heavy Impact: (KR 2) War Kick now has its full effect on large enemies. Defensive Breach: (KR 4) +100% damage on enemy collisions. Must Progress further into the story to unlock this.
Bull Rush Bull Rush: (KR 1) While sprinting, regular enemies will be knocked back and some doors will break on impact. Half as effective on large enemies. Crash Collision: (KR 2) Bull Rush can now deal 15% ability damage on contact. Big Impact: (KR 3) Bull Rush now has its full effect on large enemies.
Impenetrable Defense Impenetrable Defense: (KR 3) Immediately counter every attack received for 20 seconds and up to 5 hits. Unbreachable Guard: (KR 4) Impenetrable Defense now makes attackers Vulnerable. Absolute Protection: (KR 6) Impenetrable Defense can now work against all Unstoppable Attacks, except Grab attacks. Must Progress further into the story to unlock this.
Battle Cry Battle Cry: (KR 3) Stagger all enemies within 10 meters of you. Outnumbered: (KR 4) For each enemy affected by Battle Cry, increase damage by 4% for 10 seconds. Healing Shout: (KR 5) Battle Cry now restores 50% of maximum Health over 10 seconds.
Samurai Stand Samurai Stand: (KR 4) Enter a frenzy, turning all your attacks into Posture attacks for 10 seconds. Must Progress further into the story to unlock this. Samurai Frenzy: (KR 5) When killing an enemy, Samurai Stand duration is increased by 3 seconds. Eternal Samurai: (KR 6) While in Samurai Stand, Health is locked at 10%, causing all enemy attacks to be non-lethal.
Vigor (Passive) Vigor 1: (KR 2) Increase Yasuke’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1. Vigor 2: (KR 3) Increase Yasuke’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1. Vigor 3: (KR 5) Increase Yasuke’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1. Must Complete The Shinbakufu to unlock this
Regeneration (Passive) (KR 1) Restore 1% of Yasuke’s maximum Health when killing an enemy. Restore 3% of Yasuke’s maximum Health when killing an enemy. Restore 6% of Yasuke’s maximum Health when killing an enemy.
Stronger, Smarter… (Passive) (KR 3) +3% less Cooldown with Abilities. +8% less Cooldown with Abilities. +15% less Cooldown with Abilities.
Strength Builder (Passive) (KR 5) Increase damage per filled Adrenaline Chunk by 1%. Increase damage per filled Adrenaline Chunk by X%. Increase damage per filled Adrenaline Chunk by X%.

The Samurai tree is Yasuke’s main tree that gives him various attacks and defensive skills.

Bow Masteries

The Yumi Bow allows you to attack your enemies from a distance and strike them with more precision. When you run out of Arrows, restock them by finding them in the world or buying them. Progressing the Bow Path will increase the number of Arrows you can carry.

Ability Upgrade 1 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 2 (Knowledge Rank) Upgrade 3 (Knowledge Rank)
Marksman’s Shot Marksman’s Shot: (KR 1) When hitting the target’s head with a Posture Shot, fire a second arrow by pressing the light attack button. Marksman’s Stance: (KR 2) Marksman’s Shot is now a Posture Shot. Marksman’s Touch: (KR 3) Staggering Blast now automatically applies the Daze affliction.
Staggering Blast Staggering Blast: (KR 1) Shoot a powerful arrow at the target, dealing 60% ability damage and pushing them back. Headshot Lock: (KR 3) Staggering Blast now automatically aims at the head. Hunter’s Mark: (KR 6) Power Dash can now be chained a second time.
Clear Mind Clear Mind: (KR 2) Time slows down around you for 10 seconds while aiming. Effective Mindset: (KR 4) While Clear Mind is active, each kill increases damage by 15%. Level-Headed: (KR 5) While Clear Mind is active, Headshots increase the duration by 4 seconds.
Retreating Shot Retreating Shot: (KR 3) Shoot 4 arrows at the closest enemy, dealing 10% ability damage each time while evading incoming attacks. Retreating Barrage: (KR 4) Retreating Shot now fires more arrows. +1 Retreating Arsenal: (KR 5) Retreating Shot now fires more arrows. +1
Kyudo Master Kyudo Master: (KR 3) Release light attack when the Bow flashes to trigger Kyudo Master, enabling a longer Posture Window and a faster Reload Time for 5 seconds. Temporal Mastery: (KR 4) Kyudo Master now slows down time on the next shot. Reflexive Poise: (KR 6) Kyudo Master now automatically makes all shots Posture Shots.
Special Ammo (Passive) Poison Arrows (KR 1) Unlock a special arrow that that builds up the Poison affliction. Silent Arrows 1, 2, 3 (KR 2,3,4) Unlock a special arrow that has 100% Armor Piercing and removes 2,4,6 Health Segments with headshots on unsuspecting enemies. Serrated Arrows (KR 5) Unlock a special arrow that builds up the Bleed affliction.
Swift Hand (Passive) (KR 1) Increase Bow Draw Speed by 3%. Increase Armor Damage by 8%. Increase Armor Damage by 15%.
Larger Quiver 1 (Passive) (KR 2) Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +10 Ammo, +3 Special Ammo
Critical Damage (Passive) (KR 3) Increase Critical Damage by 2%. Increase Critical Damage by 6%. Increase Critical Damage by 12%.
Larger Quiver 2 (Passive) (KR 4) Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +10 Ammo, +3 Special Ammo
Headshot Damage (Passive) (KR 5) Increase damage with Headshots by 2%. Increase damage with Headshots by X%. Increase damage with Headshots by X%.
Larger Quiver 3 (Passive) (KR 6) Increase maximum capacity for all ammo. +10 Ammo, +3 Special Ammo

The Bow gives Yasuke a stealth option, allowing you to pick off your enemy from a distance.

That’s it for Yasuke’s Masteries. As you can see, there are a few different playstyles you can use. Although Yasuke is primarily a bruiser type character, you do have a stealth option, which is your bow, but it will never be on the level of Naoe’s stealth abilities. Yasuke is better in close quarter combat with numerous foes, which is where you’ll find the best of him. If you want to find out all of Naoe’s Masteries, check out our Naoe Mastery Page.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Mac, PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    18 March 2025
  • Last Updated
    28 March 2025
    Version History
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Assassin’s Creed has finally made its way to Japan! Assassin’s Creed Shadows is the next iteration in the classic franchise, featuring an expansive open world, set in 16th century Japan, near the end of the Sengoku period. It features two playable protagonists, Naoe, a shinobi that specializes in stealth, and Yasuke, a samurai that specializes in combat. The tale is one of revenge, as Naoe and Yasuke team up to take down the Shinbakufu, who killed her father and left her for dead. This guide will contain the following:

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