If you wish to get stronger in Assassin’s Creed: Shadows, then you’re going to need good equipment. Visiting the various castles in the game will not only reward you with XP and Mastery Points, but you will also find Legendary equipment in them. Of course, you can’t just waltz into a castle and get the gear, as you need to hunt down the Samurai Daisho first and kill them before the chest becomes available. This page will cover Katano Castle, one of the first castles you can visit, in the Izumi Settsu region.
Katano Castle is one that you’ll find in Izumi Settsu.
Table of Contents¶
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Katano Castle Location |
Samurai Daisho Location 1 |
Samurai Daisho Location 2 |
Valuable Object - Insect Cage Location |
Legendary Chest Location - Tools Master Gear |
Katano Castle Location¶
Katano Castle is a location you actually visit during the prologue portion of the main story, so it will automatically be uncovered upon reaching the open world. If you are a little lost, Katano Castle can be found to the northwest of your Hideout. Whenever you exit the area with your Hideout, follow the road northwest until you reach a fork, where you can then take the path going west. This road will continue in that direction and pretty much take you straight to the entrance of the castle.
(1 of 2) Katano Castle is a location that will already be on the map, when you get to the open world.
Katano Castle is a location that will already be on the map, when you get to the open world. (left), The best entry point is at the northern end, since there’s some scaffolding to climb. (right)
Upon reaching it, you’ll want to avoid entering the grounds from the front entrance, as Katano Castle is a restricted area. That means if an enemy sees you while you’re in the area, then they will attack you, provided their alert meter fills up and becomes red. There is a moat surrounding the castle, so you won’t be able to climb the walls, but there will be some scaffolding on the northern end, which will allow you to get inside.
Samurai Daisho Location 1¶
Since you will be starting your infiltration of Katano Castle from the north, it only makes sense to go after the Daisho that’s in the northeast first. As always, you should be using your Eagle Vision to see the locations of enemies, as well as tag them with your Observe button. While there are a few snipers on the walls here, most of them should be out of your way and not interfere with your hunt for the Daisho. However, it’s always a good idea to take them out, just in case.
Luckily for you, this Daisho will patrol the area along the wall in the northeast corner and there shouldn’t really be anyone else in the area that should be in the way. Stay along the wall, out of his sight, and when he gets close enough for the Assassinate prompt to appear, hit the button to drop down and kill him. If you wish to pick up and hide his body, then feel free to do it, but you shouldn’t need to do such a thing.
(1 of 2) The first Daisho is found in the northeastern corner of the castle grounds.
The first Daisho is found in the northeastern corner of the castle grounds. (left), It’s easy to get the jump on him, since he patrols an isolated area. (right)
Samurai Daisho Location 2¶
If you take a look at your map, the southern end of the castle will have the main entrance there, with the bridge. The area in which you enter from there will have the second Daisho. This will be just east of the tenshu (the tallest building) in the southwestern corner, which is where you’ll find the Viewpoint. Similar to the first one, this Daisho will patrol the area, but he makes one fatal mistake. During the course of his patrol, he will stop in between two buildings, a big blind spot from any other enemies. There is some bamboo scaffolding above him that you can use to drop down and assassinate him with ease.
(1 of 2) The second Daisho is found in the southern part, just east of the main building.
The second Daisho is found in the southern part, just east of the main building. (left), Wait until the Daisho walks in between the two buildings shown here to assassinate him. (right)
Valuable Object - Insect Cage Location¶
With both of the Daisho out of the way, you can make for the Legendary Chest in the area, found in the tenshu (the tallest building) in the southwestern corner. If you’re playing as Naoe, you can skip going from the bottom floor and just scale the outer portion to get to the top (don’t forget the Viewpoint). There is a hatch at the top you can enter, which should allow you to avoid having to climb the conventional way. As you descend, you have a servant near the top floor, then a guard on the floor below that one.
You’ll need to be careful on the floor with the guard, as some of the floor there is subject to making more noise than usual. Using your Eagle Vision will show some marks on the floor, which are indicators that walking across that portion will create more noise than usual. If you can, instead of walking across the floor, just jump to the beams and use that to easily assassinate the guard there. It is on this floor that you will see an object with a fan-like icon on it. This is the Insect Cage and while you can grab it very early, you won’t get the quest for it until much later.
(1 of 4) Playing as Naoe, it’s easiest to sneak into the main building via the hatch on the roof.
Legendary Chest Location - Tools Master Gear¶
As mentioned above, you won’t be able to open the Legendary Chest until you take down both Samurai Daisho first. The chest is inside the Tenshu, so enter it via the same method above, for the Valuable Object. In fact, the chest will be on the floor below the Insect Cage, although you’ll have to contend with both a servant and guard. If you have the Shoji Door Assassination skill for Naoe, you can perform that on the guard, although you’ll want to take out the servant first.
Upon clearing the floor, you can find the Legendary Chest in the room with the one guard. Open it up to receive the Tools Master Gear light armor, as well as the Kunai Throw on Assassinate Engraving.
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