This is everything you need to know about how to find and defeat the Plainsong Rebel Outpost in Horizon Forbidden West.
How to Find the Plainsong Rebel Outpost¶
You’ll find Plainsong on the eastern side of the map, moving towards the center.
There’s only one way in. Hide in the tall grass to avoid being seen.
Once you have, check on the map for an Unknown Rebel Camp to the south west — this is the Plainsong Rebel Outpost.
How to Beat the Plainsong Rebel Outpost¶
You’ll be given two objectives as you approach the Outpost: find and kill the Rebel Leader (mandatory) and find and kill the Rebel Soldiers (optional). You should be Level 10 on approach to successfully taken down this Outpost without much trouble.
As you approach the Plainsong Rebel Outpost, you’ll notice unattended machines on the outside near some tall grass. If you want, you can sneak up and override these machines to cause chaos and distract the soldiers. Otherwise, you can throw stones to lure them closer and take them down.
If you wish to avoid Rebel Soldiers, you can tag the machines they’re riding to see their route.
The Rebel Leader himself is behind everyone, hiding at the back, so you’ll have to sneak through expertly or take down the others to get to him. He’s easy to spot, as he has the most obvious armor and equipment and is standing in a corner.
If you don’t want to risk being caught off guard and alerting the others to your presence when you aren’t prepared to fight, simply take them down first. There’s a lot of tall grass you can hide in to perform some Silent Strikes or you can go into full combat mode. Just remember there’s machines to deal with as well as the Rebel Soldiers themselves and be careful.
Then, you can move onto the Leader.
Take him down using arrows or your spear. As long as you’re the required level, it shouldn’t prove too hard to kill him.
There aren’t many rewards for taking him down — just some Soldier Tags and Metal Shards.
Sadly, you don’t get much for killing him.
However, there are more chests around the Outpost you can loot that will provide better rewards than the body of the Rebel Leader himself did.
Once he’s dead, if there are Rebel Soldiers alive, you have two options. You can kill the rest of them or you can simply choose to leave. If you leave, Aloy will remark to herself that the Rebels will abandon this place and the third Outpost is considered complete.
One thing to consider is that the Rebels will likely have been alerted to your presence now that you’ve killed your leader, so it might be easier to fight and kill them for the experience. There aren’t too many of them, so it shouldn’t prove to be a difficult task.
However, if you choose to run then next time you return, they will all be gone and you don’t need to worry about them anymore.
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