Once you’ve progressed through both Land’s End and
Belome Temple, you’ll eventually end up in Monstro Town. There is only one hidden treasure to find here, which is why we’ve added
Bean Valley’s treasures to this particular guide. The Monstro Town hidden treasure is located through the final door on the lower path, in the southwest corner. Bean Valley has three hidden treasures, with the first being found near the start. At the beginning of Bean Valley, take the right pipe down to the next area. The first treasure can be found near the pipe. For the second and third treasures, you’ll need to progress to the area with the five pipes. Hidden treasure two can be found down the east pipe, while hidden treasure three will be down the southeast pipe. If you want more details on the exact location of the treasures, and/or secrets, read on.
Bean Valley is straight after Monstro Town. There are four hidden treasures between the two places.
Monstro Town Hidden Treasure 1: Last Door¶
This is a really simple hidden treasure to find. When you enter Monstro Town for the first time, head through the door right at the end of the lower path. In the next room, you’ll see a small bush opposite the note on the wall. In the corner behind it, jump in the air to reveal the hidden treasure, which contains a Frog Coin.
Bean Valley Hidden Treasure 1: Second Area¶
Starting at the Bean Valley entrance, head northeast until you reach two green pipes, and take the one on the right down. When you emerge, head to the area on the left opposite the other green pipe there and jump in the air to find the first Bean Valley hidden treasure, which contains a Frog Coin.
(1 of 2) Hidden Treasure 1 - Monstro Town: Enter the last room on the lower floor of the town, and jump in the northwest corner to get the treasure.
Hidden Treasure 1 - Monstro Town: Enter the last room on the lower floor of the town, and jump in the northwest corner to get the treasure. (left), Hidden Treasure 1 - Bean Valley: From the entrance, take the right green pipe down. In the next area, hug the left wall to find the treasure. (right)
Bean Valley Hidden Treasure 2: Fourth Area¶
From Hidden Treasure 1, take the green pipe down in the north into the next area. Follow the northwestern path into another area, and you’ll notice five green pipes in the room as well as a save point. There is a pipe in each of these directions: Northwest, West, Southwest, Southeast, and East with each one of them having something in them which you can read about below. For this treasure, wait for the Shy Away to water the plant on the east pipe, and when it gets bigger, defeat it. This allows you to go down the pipe. In the next area, jump up the ledge to the east, and hug the wall until you reach the third block. Jump up to find the hidden treasure, and you’ll be rewarded with a Red Essence.
Bean Valley Hidden Treasure 3: Fourth Area¶
Jump on the spring to leave the room, and you’ll be back in the five pipes area. Repeat the steps above to enter the southeastern pipe, and once again, you’ll be in a new area. Follow the path north, and then west, and you’ll find the hidden treasure one block away from both the wall and western edge. Jump up, open the treasure, and you’ll acquire a Croaka Cola. That’s it for the hidden treasures, if you want to know what’s in the other pipes, read below.
(1 of 4) Hidden Treasure 2: Take the east pipe down to the next area.
Secret: How to Unlock the Grate Guy’s Casino: Fourth Area¶
As mentioned above, there are five pipes in total, and you can go down each one of them. Simply, wait for the Shy Away to water the plant of the pipe you want to use, defeat the Chewy, and descend. Here is what you can find down each of the pipes:
Northwest: Unlocks
Grate Guy’s Casino. In the west end of the room, you’ll see a Chomp Chomp. If you jump into the corner behind it, you’ll unveil a yellow platform. Jump on the platform to the top of the wall, follow the thin ledge northwest, and then go through the hidden passage. This will unlock the casino on the map, but you’ll need the Bright Card to do anything with it.
- West: Slot machine chest.
- Southwest: Slot machine chest.
- Southeast: Slot machine chest. Bean Valley Hidden Treasure 3: Croaka Cola.
- East: Bean Valley Hidden Treasure 3: Red Essence. Frog Coin. Pleaseno mimic chest fight.
(1 of 3) In the five pipes area, take the northwestern pipe down.
There you have it. Note that slot Machine Chests require you to hit the chest three times. Every time you hit the chest, a slot will fill up with a picture, here is what you can get from them: Two mushrooms get you a Recovery Mushroom, two flowers get you a Flower, and two stars grant you a rare Rock Candy. However, if you match all three slots with the same picture, regardless of what the picture is, you get a Frog Coin.
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