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Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Miscellaneous Items

Sophia Hayes
1 Comment

This page lists all the Miscellaneous Items in Pokémon Legends: "Arceus" IconArceus including their effect and where they can be found.

What are Miscellaneous Items?

Miscellaneous Items are the items that are of a single or no use in game. These include items you can only use outside or battle, items you can only sell and so forth. Some of these items are one use only, while others can be used unlimited times.

Icon Name Effect Location
ballofmud.png Ball of Mud A ball of mud that has become stiff and hard. Hitting a Pokémon with one may stun the Pokémon, creating an opening for you to act. Lava Dome Sanctum, Snow Piles in Alabastr Icelands Carried by Pokémon "Buizel" IconBuizel, "Floatzel" IconFloatzel, "Geodude" IconGeodude, "Paras" IconParas, "Parasect" IconParasect, "Psyduck" IconPsyduck, "Golduck" IconGolduck, "Aipom" IconAipom, "Magikarp" IconMagikarp, "Gyarados" IconGyarados, "Shellos" IconShellos, "Gastrodon" IconGastrodon, "Qwilfish" IconQwilfish, "Carnivine" IconCarnivine, "Tangela" IconTangela, "Croagunk" IconCroagunk, "Toxicroak" IconToxicroak, "Ralts" IconRalts, "Kirlia" IconKirlia, "Hippopotas" IconHippopotas, "Goomy" IconGoomy, "Onix" IconOnix, "Rhyhorn" IconRhyhorn, "Rhydon" IconRhydon, "Bonsly" IconBonsly, "Sudowoodo" IconSudowoodo, "Lickitung" IconLickitung, "Lickilicky" IconLickilicky, "Porygon" IconPorygon, "Porygon2" IconPorygon2, "Porygon" IconPorygon-Z, "Remoraid" IconRemoraid, "Octillery" IconOctillery, "Skorupi" IconSkorupi, "Glameow" IconGlameow, "Purugly" IconPurugly, "Machop" IconMachop, "Machoke" IconMachoke, "Mantyke" IconMantyke, "Mantine" IconMantine, "Basculin" IconBasculin, Basculegion, "Bronzor" IconBronzor, "Bronzong" IconBronzong, "Gible" IconGible, "Nosepass" IconNosepass, "Probopass" IconProbopass, "Voltorb" IconVoltorb, "Electrode" IconElectrode, "Rotom" IconRotom, "Chingling" IconChingling, "Chimecho" IconChimecho, "Snorunt" IconSnorunt, "Glalie" IconGlalie, "Cranidos" IconCranidos, "Rampardos" IconRampardos, "Shieldon" IconShieldon, "Bastiodon" IconBastiodon, "Swinub" IconSwinub, "Piloswine" IconPiloswine, "Bergmite" IconBergmite, "Avalugg" IconAvalugg, "Snover" IconSnover, "Rufflet" IconRufflet, "Braviary" IconBraviary, "Riolu" IconRiolu
beancake.png Bean Cake A cake made by combining beans with a Cake-Lure Base. These cakes are potently effective at attracting fish Pokémon, as well as bird Pokémon and their flying ilk. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
blueshard.png Blue Shard A small blue shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago. On floor in Space-time Distortions Space-time Distortion Items
cometshard.png Comet Shard A shard that fell to the ground when a comet passed nearby. It can be sold at a high price at the general store. On floor in Space-time Distortions
crunchysalt.png Crunchy Salt Translucent crystals that are beloved by Pokémon bearing a resemblance to grass, plants, or minerals. They will gather wherever a lump of this salt is thrown. On cliffsides Carried by Pokémon "Gligar" IconGligar, "Gible" IconGible, "Swinub" IconSwinub, "Piloswine" IconPiloswine, "Bergmite" IconBergmite, "Avalugg" IconAvalugg Shop Jubilife Village
dazzlinghoney.png Dazzling Honey Honey that sparkles with an amber hue. It is beloved by bug Pokémon and Pokémon with fairylike charms, so they will gather wherever a comb of it is thrown. Leaf Piles in Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Coastlands Under trees Carried by Pokémon "Beautifly" IconBeautifly, "Dustox" IconDustox, "Mothim" IconMothim, "Combee" IconCombee, "Heracross" IconHeracross, "Teddiursa" IconTeddiursa Shop Jubilife Village
graincake.png Grain Cake A cake made by combining grains with a Cake-Lure Base. These cakes are potently effective at attracting Pokémon that dwell and wander among the fields. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
greenshard.png Green Shard A small green shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago. On floor in Space-time Distortions Space-time Distortion Items
heartygrains.png Hearty Grains Beautiful stalks of rice bursting with life. Pokémon that dwell and wander among the fields love these grains and will gather wherever the stalks are thrown. Haystacks in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Crimson Mirelands Carried by Pokémon "Budew" IconBudew, "Roselia" IconRoselia, "Roserade" IconRoserade, "Yanma" IconYanma, "Yanmega" IconYanmega Shop Jubilife Village
hometownmuffin.png Hometown Muffin A baked treat made from Berries and other ingredients, which is often eaten in regions such as Galar. It is beloved by a surprising number of Pokémon. Jubilife Village,
honeycake.png Honey Cake A cake made by combining honey with a Cake-Lure Base. These cakes are potently effective at attracting bug Pokémon and also those with fairylike charms. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
lostsatchel.png Lost Satchel A satchel that someone dropped.
mushroomcake.png Mushroom Cake A cake made by combining mushrooms with a Cake-Lure Base. These cakes are potently effective at attracting the more monstrous Pokémon, as well as dragon Pokémon. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
nugget.png Nugget A nugget of the purest gold that gives off a lustrous gleam in direct light. It can be sold at a high price to the general store. Mountain Camp, On floor in Space-time Distortions Space-time Distortion Items
plumpbeans.png Plump Beans Large, juicy beans that grow in pods. These beans are beloved by fish Pokémon, as well as bird Pokémon and their flying ilk, so throw one and they will gather around. Leaf Piles in Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Coastlands Carried by Pokémon "Murkrow" IconMurkrow, "Honchkrow" IconHonchkrow, "Spheal" IconSpheal, "Sealeo" IconSealeo, "Chatot" IconChatot Shop Jubilife Village
pokeshidoll.png Pokéshi Doll A wooden toy carved in the image of a Pokémon. It can be sold to the general store. Crafting
redshard.png Red Shard A small red shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago. On floor in Space-time Distortions Space-time Distortion Items
saltcake.png Salt Cake A cake made by combining salt with a Cake-Lure Base. These cakes are potently effective at attracting Pokémon that bear a resemblance to grass, plants, or minerals. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
scatterbang.png Scatter Bang When thrown at the ground, these balls produce a loud noise and scare off weak Pokémon in the area, sending them running. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
seedofmastery.png Seed of Mastery A rare seed that can be given to the captain of the Security Corps to have a Pokémon master a move so it can be used in the agile style or strong style. Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Carried by Pokémon "Crobat" IconCrobat, "Kricketune" IconKricketune, "Golem" IconGolem, "Snorlax" IconSnorlax, "Alakazam" IconAlakazam, "Infernape" IconInfernape, "Vespiquen" IconVespiquen, "Ambipom" IconAmbipom, Overqwil, "Blissey" IconBlissey, "Tangrowth" IconTangrowth, "Gardevoir" IconGardevoir, "Gallade" IconGallade, "Hippowdon" IconHippowdon, "Pachirisu" IconPachirisu, "Ursaring" IconUrsaring, Ursaluna, "Sliggoo" IconSliggoo, "Goodra" IconGoodra, "Steelix" IconSteelix, "Rhyperior" IconRhyperior, "Walrein" IconWalrein, "Drapion" IconDrapion, "Machamp" IconMachamp, "Dusknoir" IconDusknoir, "Empoleon" IconEmpoleon, "Ninetales" IconNinetales, "Lumineon" IconLumineon, "Magby" IconMagby, "Magmortar" IconMagmortar, "Electivire" IconElectivire, "Gliscor" IconGliscor, "Gabite" IconGabite, "Garchomp" IconGarchomp, "Clefable" IconClefable, "Froslass" IconFroslass, "Mamoswine" IconMamoswine, "Abomasnow" IconAbomasnow, "Zoroark" IconZoroark, "Lucario" IconLucario
smokebomb.png Smoke Bomb When thrown at the ground, these balls produce a cloud of fine powder that will reduce visibility in the area and keep wild Pokémon from noticing you. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
snowballlegends.png Snowball A hard ball made of compressed snow. Hitting a Pokémon with one may stun the Pokémon, creating an opening for you to act. Snow Piles in Alabastr Icelands
spoiledapricorn.png Spoiled Apricorn An Apricorn that’s had its insides eaten. Hitting a Pokémon with one may stun the Pokémon, creating an opening for you to act. Apricorn Trees in all areas Leaf Piles in Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Coastlands Carried by Pokémon "Rowlet" IconRowlet, "Dartrix" IconDartrix, "Cyndaquil" IconCyndaquil, "Quilava" IconQuilava, "Oshawott" IconOshawott, "Dewott" IconDewott, "Bidoof" IconBidoof, "Bibarel" IconBibarel, "Starly" IconStarly, "Staravia" IconStaravia, "Staraptor" IconStaraptor, "Shinx" IconShinx, "Luxio" IconLuxio, "Luxray" IconLuxray, "Wurmple" IconWurmple, "Silcoon" IconSilcoon, "Beautifly" IconBeautifly, "Cascoon" IconCascoon, "Dustox" IconDustox, "Ponyta" IconPonyta, "Rapidash" IconRapidash, "Zubat" IconZubat, "Golbat" IconGolbat, "Kricketot" IconKricketot, "Mothim" IconMothim, "Munchlax" IconMunchlax, "Pichu" IconPichu, "Pikachu" IconPikachu, "Raichu" IconRaichu, "Abra" IconAbra, "Kadabra" IconKadabra, "Chimchar" IconChimchar, "Monferno" IconMonferno, "Buneary" IconBuneary, "Lopunny" IconLopunny, "Combee" IconCombee, "Scyther" IconScyther, Kleavor, "Heracross" IconHeracross, "Mime Jr." IconMime Jr., "Mr. Mime" IconMr. Mime, "Barboach" IconBarboach, "Whiscash" IconWhiscash, "Stunky" IconStunky, "Skuntank" IconSkuntank, "Teddiursa" IconTeddiursa, "Turtwig" IconTurtwig, "Grotle" IconGrotle, "Gastly" IconGastly, "Haunter" IconHaunter, "Gengar" IconGengar, "Murkrow" IconMurkrow, "Honchkrow" IconHonchkrow, "Spheal" IconSpheal, "Sealeo" IconSealeo, "Growlithe" IconGrowlithe, "Arcanine" IconArcanine, "Chatot" IconChatot, "Piplup" IconPiplup, "Prinplup" IconPrinplup, "Vulpix" IconVulpix, "Tentacool" IconTentacool, "Tentacruel" IconTentacruel, "Magmar" IconMagmar, "Elekid" IconElekid, "Electabuzz" IconElectabuzz, "Zorua" IconZorua
springymushroom.png Springy Mushroom A large and well-ripened mushroom. It is beloved by the more monstrous Pokémon, as well as dragon Pokémon, so they will gather wherever one is thrown. Jubilife Village, Leaf Piles in Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Coastlands Under trees Carried by Pokémon "Paras" IconParas, "Parasect" IconParasect, "Goomy" IconGoomy Shop Jubilife Village
starpiece.png Star Piece A small shard of a beautiful gem that gives off a distinctly red sparkle. It can be sold at a high price to the general store. On floor in Space-time Distortions Crafting Space-time Distortion Items
stardust.png Stardust Lovely red sand that flows between the fingers with a loose, silky feel. It can be sold at a low price to the general store. Celestica Trail, Red rocks in all areas Grey rocks in all areas Blue rocks in all areas On floor in Space-time Distortions Space-time Distortion Items
stealthspray.png Stealth Spray When used in the field, this spray muffles the sound of your footsteps and makes wild Pokémon less likely to notice you for a short time. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
stickyglob.png Sticky Glob A ball of some kind of sticky substance. Hitting a Pokémon with one may stun the Pokémon, creating an opening for you to act. Crafting Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
survivalcharmb.png Survival Charm B A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from fainting while out in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
survivalcharmp.png Survival Charm P A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from fainting while out in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
survivalcharmr.png Survival Charm R A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from fainting while out in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
survivalcharmt.png Survival Charm T A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from fainting while out in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
survivalcharmy.png Survival Charm Y A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from fainting while out in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
temptingcharmb.png Tempting Charm B A mysterious charm that tends to be lost before any other item when you faint in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
temptingcharmp.png Tempting Charm P A mysterious charm that tends to be lost before any other item when you faint in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
temptingcharmr.png Tempting Charm R A mysterious charm that tends to be lost before any other item when you faint in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
temptingcharmt.png Tempting Charm T A mysterious charm that tends to be lost before any other item when you faint in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
temptingcharmy.png Tempting Charm Y A mysterious charm that tends to be lost before any other item when you faint in the field. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
wardingcharmb.png Warding Charm B A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from being afflicted with status conditions. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
wardingcharmp.png Warding Charm P A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from being afflicted with status conditions. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
wardingcharmr.png Warding Charm R A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from being afflicted with status conditions. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
wardingcharmt.png Warding Charm T A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from being afflicted with status conditions. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
wardingcharmy.png Warding Charm Y A mysterious charm that holds the power to protect a person from being afflicted with status conditions. This type of charm comes in five different colors. Shop Jubilife Village
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There is a error on where to find mud balls and it is Snow Piles in Alabastr Icelands. Only snow balls can be found in the snow piles in alabaster Icelands.

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There is a error on where to find mud balls and it is Snow Piles in Alabastr Icelands. Only snow balls can be found in the snow piles in alabaster Icelands.

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  • Publisher
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  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    10 January 2022
  • Last Updated
    20 January 2024
    Version History
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