This is a guide for Mission 13: “Disaster Looming” in Pokémon Legends: Arceus (PLA).
How to Start Mission 13¶
(1 of 2) Aww, we wanted to sleep in today…
Aww, we wanted to sleep in today… (left), That doesn’t… look right. (right)
This mission will automatically begin the morning after completing the previous mission, “The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra”. As you’re sleeping, you’ll suddenly be awoken by a loud noise coming from outside. Hmm, we have a bad feeling about this. The moment you step outside, you’ll realize something’s gone terribly wrong.
1. Leave Jubilife Village¶
After a heated discussion with Commander Kamado, you’ll be discharged from the Galaxy Expedition Team. Outside, follow Captain Cyllene to the Front Gate. There, you’ll asked to depart for the Obsidian Fieldlands.
2. Look for Warden Lian¶
Effectively banished from civilization, your only recourse is to seek the Diamond and Pearl Clans. If you recall, Lian from the Pearl Clan can be found at Grandtree Arena. Fast-travel there and see what he has to say.
3. Look for Warden Mai¶
(1 of 2) The Worn Bridge is located towards the north-east.
The Worn Bridge is located towards the north-east. (left), You can glide there with Braviary. (right)
Sadly, Lian can’t promise any help from the Pearl Clan and instead suggests speaking to Mai, who’s at the Worn Bridge.
If you haven’t been, it’s a land bridge towards the north-east, connecting the central region with the eastern fringe. To save time, fast-travel to the Heights Camp, then glide north-east with Braviary. Or you can just about glide there from your current location.
Similarly, Mai admits that Diamond Clan cannot assist you.
4. Speak to Cogita at the Ancient Retreat¶
(1 of 2) The Ancient Retreat will serve as your base during the endgame.
The Ancient Retreat will serve as your base during the endgame. (left), Of course we’d end up having to save the world… (right)
With the Pearl and Diamond Clans unable to vouch for you, things aren’t look good. At your lowest moment, a surprising third party offers a hand: Volo. He’ll lead you to the Ancient Retreat, where a mysterious lady known as Cogita resides.
Cogita will explain how you must acquire the Red Chain to repair the world. To do so, you’ll need to visit the three lakes in the Hisui region and borrow the power of the Legendary Pokémon there.
5. Choose Adaman or Irida¶
(1 of 2) I choose you, Adaman?
I choose you, Adaman? (left), I choose you, Irida? (right)
Outside, Adaman and Irida will make a surprise visit. Although their clans cannot officially support you, they–as the Clan Leaders–can help you in secret. But only one of them or it’ll arouse suspicion. You can choose whether to have Adaman or Irida assist you.
Having made your choice, you’ll officially receive three missions to seek the Legendary Pokémon of the lakes:
- Mission 14: The Trial of Lake Verity
- Mission 15: The Trial of Lake Valor
- Mission 16: The Trial of Lake Acuity
(1 of 2) Cyllene’s Abra will let you access your pastures.
Cyllene’s Abra will let you access your pastures. (left), You can also craft and access your item storage nearby. (right)
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