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Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Crafting Materials

Sophia Hayes
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This page lists all the Crafting Materials in Pokémon Legends: "Arceus" IconArceus (PLA), what they do and where they can be found.

What are Materials?

Materials are used for Crafting. They can also be used to throw at Pokémon. You must unlock specific Recipes before you can craft.

Icon Name Effect Location
apricorn.png Apricorn A fruit whose shell can be used to form the capsules of all manner of Poké Balls when crafting them from scratch. Its proper name is actually “Brown Apricorn.” Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Apricorn Trees in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Starly" IconStarly, "Staravia" IconStaravia, "Staraptor" IconStaraptor, "Wurmple" IconWurmple, "Silcoon" IconSilcoon, "Cascoon" IconCascoon, "Kricketot" IconKricketot Shop Jubilife Village
blacktumblestone.png Black Tumblestone When combined with an Apricorn, this mysterious black stone can draw out the properties required to forge a Heavy Ball. Grey rocks in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Onix" IconOnix, "Rhyhorn" IconRhyhorn, "Rhydon" IconRhydon, "Bonsly" IconBonsly, "Sudowoodo" IconSudowoodo, "Skorupi" IconSkorupi, "Cranidos" IconCranidos, "Rampardos" IconRampardos, "Shieldon" IconShieldon, "Bastiodon" IconBastiodon Shop Jubilife Village
bugwort.png Bugwort A wildflower that can be found growing across the Hisui region. It does have medicinal properties, but it is so bitter that no wild Pokémon will eat it. On floor in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Cobalt Coastlands Carried by Pokémon "Drifloon" IconDrifloon, "Drifblim" IconDrifblim, "Spiritomb" IconSpiritomb, "Duskull" IconDuskull, "Dusclops" IconDusclops, "Finneon" IconFinneon, "Misdreavus" IconMisdreavus, "Mismagius" IconMismagius Shop Jubilife Village
cake_lurebase.png Cake-Lure Base A type of field provision that enhances the flavor of other foods it is mixed with. Fieldlands Camp, Shop Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Fieldlands Camp, Heights Camp, Mirelands Camp, Bogbound Camp, Beachside Camp, Coastlands Camp, Highlands Camp, Summit Camp, Mountain Camp, Snowfields Camp, Icepeak Camp
candytruffle.png Candy Truffle A sweet-fleshed truffle that is packed full of mysterious energy. It is one of the materials needed for crafting various items. Summit Camp, Shop Jubilife Village
casterfern.png Caster Fern A fern used for crafting items made to be thrown. When these curled leaves are unfurled, they can serve as nature’s wrapping paper. Haystacks in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Crimson Mirelands Carried by Pokémon "Carnivine" IconCarnivine, "Lickitung" IconLickitung, "Lickilicky" IconLickilicky, "Glameow" IconGlameow, "Purugly" IconPurugly, "Voltorb" IconVoltorb, "Electrode" IconElectrode Shop Jubilife Village
direshroom.png Direshroom Mushrooms that, when consumed, sharpen the eater’s focus. They make it easier to land critical hits and are one of the materials needed for crafting Dire Hits. Jubilife Village, Under trees Shop Jubilife Village
doppelbonnets.png Doppel Bonnets Mushrooms that, when consumed, make the eater feel nimble and agile as a fleeting shadow. They are one of the materials needed for crafting Aux Evasions. Jubilife Village, Under trees Shop Jubilife Village
ironbarktongue.png Iron Barktongue Mushrooms that, when consumed, make the body of the eater grow tougher. They boost endurance and are one of the materials needed for crafting Aux Guards. Jubilife Village, On cliffsides Shop Jubilife Village
ironchunk.png Iron Chunk A naturally occurring hunk of iron. Such ore is needed to make the requisite parts of numerous Poké Ball varieties, such as the clasp that holds the ball shut. Red rocks in all areas Grey rocks in all areas Blue rocks in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Scizor" IconScizor, "Magnemite" IconMagnemite, "Magneton" IconMagneton, "Magnezone" IconMagnezone, "Bronzor" IconBronzor, "Bronzong" IconBronzong, "Nosepass" IconNosepass, "Probopass" IconProbopass, "Glalie" IconGlalie, "Riolu" IconRiolu Shop Jubilife Village
king_sleaf.png King’s Leaf The king of herbs, glittering and brilliant. Combining this herb with other materials needed to make medicines will boost their efficacy. Leaf Piles in Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Coastlands On floor in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Alabaster Icelands On floor in Alabaster Icelands On floor in Cobalt Coastlands Carried by Pokémon "Decidueye" IconDecidueye, "Typhlosion" IconTyphlosion, "Samurott" IconSamurott, "Wormadam" IconWormadam, "Cherrim" IconCherrim, "Lilligant" IconLilligant, "Torterra" IconTorterra Shop Jubilife Village
medicinalleek.png Medicinal Leek Required for crafting medicinal compounds. This vegetable is found growing across the Hisui region and is also known as the wayfarer’s friend. Jubilife Village, Haystacks in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Alabaster Icelands Carried by Pokémon "Buizel" IconBuizel, "Floatzel" IconFloatzel, "Psyduck" IconPsyduck, "Golduck" IconGolduck, "Tangela" IconTangela, "Ralts" IconRalts, "Kirlia" IconKirlia, "Snorunt" IconSnorunt Shop Jubilife Village
pep_upplant.png Pep-Up Plant Extremely spicy but also highly nutritious. This herb is used as a material for crafting items that can restore PP to Pokémon or boost their stats. On floor in Alabaster Icelands On floor in Cobalt Coastlands Carried by Pokémon "Stantler" IconStantler, Wyrdeer, "Sneasel" IconSneasel, Sneasler, "Weavile" IconWeavile Shop Jubilife Village
poppod.png Pop Pod A sea vegetable used for crafting Scatter Bangs. If you wrap it up so that the air has no way to escape, then deal it a sharp blow, it produces a loud popping noise. Carried by Pokémon "Qwilfish" IconQwilfish, "Remoraid" IconRemoraid, "Octillery" IconOctillery, "Basculin" IconBasculin, Basculegion Shop Jubilife Village
sandradish.png Sand Radish This bitter root, originally native to sandy beaches, can now be raised even in frozen soil. It is pickled to make a sweet and spicy treat known as Twice-Spiced Radishes. On floor in Alabaster Icelands On floor in Cobalt Coastlands Shop Jubilife Village
skytumblestone.png Sky Tumblestone When combined with an Apricorn, this mysterious sky-blue stone can draw out the properties required to forge a Feather Ball. Blue rocks in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Gyarados" IconGyarados, "Porygon" IconPorygon, "Porygon2" IconPorygon2, "Porygon" IconPorygon-Z, "Mantyke" IconMantyke, "Mantine" IconMantine, "Chingling" IconChingling, "Chimecho" IconChimecho Shop Jubilife Village
sootfootroot.png Sootfoot Root A tuber used for crafting Smoke Bombs. It can be mashed for use in cooking, but it can also be dried and ground to produce a fine powder. Haystacks in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Cobalt Coastlands Carried by Pokémon "Hippopotas" IconHippopotas, "Snover" IconSnover, "Rufflet" IconRufflet, "Braviary" IconBraviary Shop Jubilife Village
swordcap.png Swordcap Mushrooms that, when consumed, cause the muscles to swell. They imbue the eater with strength and are one of the materials needed for crafting Aux Powers. Jubilife Village, Under trees Shop Jubilife Village
tumblestone.png Tumblestone When combined with an Apricorn, this mysterious, tumbled stone can draw out the properties required to forge a Poké Ball. Jubilife Village, Red rocks in all areas Carried by Pokémon "Geodude" IconGeodude, "Graveler" IconGraveler, "Magikarp" IconMagikarp, "Croagunk" IconCroagunk, "Toxicroak" IconToxicroak, "Machop" IconMachop, "Machoke" IconMachoke, "Rotom" IconRotom Shop Jubilife Village
vivichoke.png Vivichoke Also called a morning-dew bud. It is used as a material for crafting items that can restore vitality to a Pokémon that has fainted. Deertrack Path, Haystacks in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Crimson Mirelands On floor in Alabaster Icelands Carried by Pokémon "Eevee" IconEevee, "Vaporeon" IconVaporeon, "Jolteon" IconJolteon, "Flareon" IconFlareon, "Espeon" IconEspeon, "Umbreon" IconUmbreon, "Leafeon" IconLeafeon, "Glaceon" IconGlaceon, "Sylveon" IconSylveon, "Drifloon" IconDrifloon, "Drifblim" IconDrifblim, "Burmy" IconBurmy, "Stantler" IconStantler, Wyrdeer, "Cherubi" IconCherubi, "Budew" IconBudew, "Roselia" IconRoselia, "Roserade" IconRoserade, "Petilil" IconPetilil, "Yanma" IconYanma, "Yanmega" IconYanmega, "Togepi" IconTogepi, "Togetic" IconTogetic, "Togekiss" IconTogekiss, "Spiritomb" IconSpiritomb, "Finneon" IconFinneon, "Misdreavus" IconMisdreavus, "Mismagius" IconMismagius, "Cleffa" IconCleffa, "Clefairy" IconClefairy Shop Jubilife Village
wood.png Wood A handy log of wood that can be used for anything, from crafting common goods needed for daily living to producing works of art. Under trees Carried by Pokémon "Scyther" IconScyther, Kleavor
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  • Publisher
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  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 January 2022
  • Last Updated
    20 January 2024
    Version History
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