This page offers a guide on how to unlock and complete Request 10: Wurmple’s Evolved! in Pokémon Legends: ARCEUS (PLA).
Request 10: Wurmple’s Evolved!
How to Unlock Request 10: Wurmple’s Evolved!¶
Before you can unlock this request, you’ll first need to have completed Beauregard’s Request 1: Wurmple Can Evolve. Then a short while after (a couple of in day games), speak to Beauregard and watch as his Wurmple evolves into a Cascoon. If you remember from the first request, Beauregard wanted to evolve his Wurmple into a
Beautifly. However, Wurmples can evolve into either
Silcoon or Cascoon, with Silcoon then evolving into Beautifly and Cascoons into
Dustox - so his Wurmple won’t ever become a Beautifly!
There’s a lot of conflicting information on how to unlock this next request, but we triggered it by evolving two Wurmples, which is super easy to do as they evolve at a low level. You’ll then be able to pick the request up from the Galaxy Request Board (not Beauregard directly).
After picking up the request, speak to Beauregard, who’s found outside Galaxy Hall. He’ll ask you to bring him a Silcoon so he can see the difference between Silcoons and Cascoons.
How to Get a Silcoon in ARCEUS¶
Now, with any luck, you’ll have a Silcoon from evolving some Wurmples. However, you may have already evolved said Silcoon into a Beautifly or only have a Cascoon. In which case, you’ll either want to head out and catch a Wurmple and evolve it (it is random whether you get a Silcoon or Cascoon) or you can directly search for a Silcoon. They can be found relatively easily near Floaro Gardens, which is just southeast of Fieldlands Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands. They’re only found during the day though, with their counterpart, Cascoon, replacing them at night.
Get yourself a Silcoon to show Beauregard.
However you choose to obtain a Silcoon, once you have one, return to Beauregard to show him the differences between the Silcoon and his Cascoon. Though he’s disappointed by the discovery that he won’t have a Beautifly, he’ll still reward you with x1 Exp Candy S.
Silcoon and Cascoon!
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