This page offers a guide on how to complete Request 65: Setting Up the Mountain Camp in Pokémon Legends: ARCEUS (PLA).
Request 65: Setting Up the Mountain Camp.
This request can be picked up from Eshim, who’s found near Lonely Spring in Coronet Highlands. He’ll ask you to help get rid of the Bronzor who’s blocking the spot he wants to build a camp on.
How to Help Bronzor¶
First, head over and interact/talk to the Bronzor. He’ll gesture to the land over the river distraughtly and you’ll be prompted to go check it out. Head across the river and you’ll spot another Bronzor. Nearby is a Golduck that you’ll have to battle if he spots you but you can take a wide way around to the Bronzor. Head over to the other Bronzor to witness a brief cut scene and complete the request. Upon completing the request, you’ll unlock a new camp that you can fast travel to, as well as rest and buy wares at.
The Bronzors are reunited!
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