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Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Request 105: The Ultimate Balloon Race

Vincent Lau
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This is a guide for Request 105: “The Ultimate Balloon Race” in the “Daybreak” DLC for Pokémon Legends: "Arceus" IconArceus (PLA).

How to Unlock Request 105

(1 of 2) The Balloon Race man can be found at the Summit Camp.

The Balloon Race man can be found at the Summit Camp. (left), This Balloon Race is deserving of the name “ultimate”. (right)

This request will only appear after completing Request 79 and after you’ve downloaded the Version 1.1.0 (or higher) update for this game. If both conditions are met, the Balloon Race man will appear at the Summit Camp in Coronet Highlands.

If you don’t see him, you may need to reach he postgame (Mission 19). You could also try clearing Request 15 and Request 47.

1. Pop 40 out of 60 Balloons Within 1 min 50 sec

Compared to the previous three Balloon Races, the difficulty gap is immense. Unless you have great reflexes, do not expect to clear this request on your first attempt.

For this race, you’ll need to use every ride Pokémon at your disposal, well, except Ursaluna. Also, given the tight time limit, you will need to dash at max speed for most of the course. However, while gliding in the air, you should travel at normal speed except for right near the end.

The course will begin with a trail of balloons going eastward along the Sacred Plaza. At the very beginning, aim for the balloon near the left first, because the one along the middle will move backwards. Near the end of the plaza, you will go past the alpha Luxray.

(1 of 2) After the alpha Luxray, you need to jump off this ledge…

After the alpha Luxray, you need to jump off this ledge… (left), …and switch to Braviary at the peak of your jump. (right)

Around this part, you’ll need to jump off the ledge and press Joy-Con-ButtonA-Filled at the highest point of your jump to glide with "Braviary" IconBraviary. Otherwise you’ll miss the next couple of balloons in the air. While gliding, do not dash. After popping the 3rd balloon while gliding, immediately divebomb towards the 4th and 5th balloons.

From here, it’s back to the ground for some more Wyrdeer action, as you dash past the alpha Gabite. However, be prepared to do another ledge jump and transition to Braviary. After popping the 2nd balloon while gliding, divebomb ASAP to hit the 3rd balloon, then try your best to dive through the other balloons towards the ground. You may need to briefly return to neutral position (for half a second) to avoid going under some of the balloons

You’ll be at Celestica Trail, heading westward through the alpha Steelix’s territory. This short segment is fairly simple, although the camera transition can be a pain. Near the end, you’ll approach a cliff on the right side. When you reach the ledge, do another Wyrdeer jump transitioning to Braviary. You should gain just enough height to reach the upper ledge.

(1 of 2) Run/jump towards the wall and switch to Sneasler.

Run/jump towards the wall and switch to Sneasler. (left), At the top of the cliff, double-tap Left or Right to switch back to Wyrdeer. (right)

Next, ram into the cliff on the right and press Joy-Con-ButtonA-Filled to switch to Sneasler, so you can climb up the cliff, popping the few balloons along the way. At the top of the cliff, press Joy-Con-DPad-Left-Filled or Joy-Con-DPad-Right-Filled exactly two times to switch back to Wyrdeer. Then proceed forward through the Primeval Grotto, where an alpha Probopass lurks. This small section is again pretty standard, although the small trees can obscure your vision.

For the final stretch, you’ll automatically switch to Basculegion when you touch the lake. Remember that you can double jump with Basculegion. This will be important when you reach the end of the lake/the top of the waterfall. Double jump with Basculegion, then switch to Braviary with Joy-Con-ButtonA-Filled. You need to perform both the second jump and the Braviary transition at the peak of each jump.

Finally, glide through the next 3 balloons without dashing. Then dash towards and through the second set of 3 balloons further away. After hitting the third balloon from the second set, immediately divebomb and aim towards the final 6 balloons. If you kept up the speed, you should hit the water with a few seconds to spare. Otherwise you’re liable to time out earlier than that.

Reward for Request 105

Not sure about you, but we’ve had enough!

For completing this request, you’ll receive 5 Nuggets. Additionally, you can receive a variety of prizes depending on the number of balloons you’ve popped, such as Aguav Berries, Sticky Globs, Jet Balls, etc.

However, unless you’re a masochist or genuinely enjoyed this balloon race, you’re much better off obtaining these items through other means…

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 January 2022
  • Last Updated
    20 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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