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Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Stat-Altering Items

Sophia Hayes
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This page lists all the Stat-Altering Items in Pokémon Legends: "Arceus" IconArceus, what effects they have and where you can obtain them.

What are Stat-Altering Items

Stat-Altering Items can be broken down into Candies which increases experience points, Grit items which boost Effort Levels. and Mints which modify a Pokémon’s Nature (raises one stat, while lowering another). Grits add 1 Effort Level for a particular stat. All Stat-Altering Items are one-use only and they all slightly boost the Pokémon’s happiness.


Picture Name Effect Location
exp.candyl.png Exp. Candy L A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will grant a single Pokémon a large amount of Exp. Points. Jubilife Village, Carried by Pokémon "Crobat" IconCrobat, "Golem" IconGolem, "Alakazam" IconAlakazam, "Infernape" IconInfernape, "Blissey" IconBlissey, "Gardevoir" IconGardevoir, "Gallade" IconGallade, Ursaluna, "Goodra" IconGoodra, "Rhyperior" IconRhyperior, "Walrein" IconWalrein, "Machamp" IconMachamp, "Dusknoir" IconDusknoir, "Empoleon" IconEmpoleon, "Magmortar" IconMagmortar, "Electivire" IconElectivire, "Garchomp" IconGarchomp, "Clefable" IconClefable, "Mamoswine" IconMamoswine Shop Jubilife Village
exp.candym.png Exp. Candy M A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will grant a single Pokémon a moderate amount of Exp. Points. Carried by Pokémon "Snorlax" IconSnorlax, "Vespiquen" IconVespiquen, "Ambipom" IconAmbipom, Overqwil, "Tangrowth" IconTangrowth, "Hippowdon" IconHippowdon, "Ursaring" IconUrsaring, "Sliggoo" IconSliggoo, "Steelix" IconSteelix, "Drapion" IconDrapion, "Ninetales" IconNinetales, "Lumineon" IconLumineon, "Gliscor" IconGliscor, "Gabite" IconGabite, "Froslass" IconFroslass, "Abomasnow" IconAbomasnow, "Zoroark" IconZoroark, "Lucario" IconLucario Shop Jubilife Village
exp.candys.png Exp. Candy S A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will grant a single Pokémon a small amount of Exp. Points. Carried by Pokémon "Kricketune" IconKricketune, "Pachirisu" IconPachirisu, "Magby" IconMagby Shop Jubilife Village
exp.candyxl.png Exp. Candy XL A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will grant a single Pokémon a very large amount of Exp. Points. Jubilife Village, Shop Jubilife Village
rarecandy.png Rare Candy A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will instantly raise the level of a single Pokémon by one. Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Shop Jubilife Village

Grit Items

Picture Name Effect Location
gritdust.png Grit Dust Mysterious dust that can raise the effort level for one of a Pokémon’s stats. It can be used to raise effort levels only up to level three, however. Gift for releasing Pokémon Defeat Pokémon in battle
gritgravel.png Grit Gravel Mysterious gravel that can raise the effort level for one of a Pokémon’s stats. It can be used only if the effort level is at least level three and no greater than level five. Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Gift for releasing Pokémon Defeat Pokémon in battle
gritpebble.png Grit Pebble A mysterious pebble that can raise the effort level for one of a Pokémon’s stats. It can be used only if the effort level is at least level six and no greater than level eight. Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Gift for releasing Pokémon Defeat Pokémon in battle
gritrock.png Grit Rock A mysterious rock that can raise the effort level for one of a Pokémon’s stats. It can be used only if the effort level has already reached level nine. Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Gift for releasing Pokémon Defeat Pokémon in battle


Picture Name Effect Location
adamantmint.png Adamant Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Attack will grow more easily, but its Sp. Atk will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
boldmint.png Bold Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Defense will grow more easily, but its Attack will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
bravemint.png Brave Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Attack will grow more easily, but its Speed will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
calmmint.png Calm Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Sp. Def will grow more easily, but its Attack will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
carefulmint.png Careful Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Sp. Def will grow more easily, but its Sp. Atk will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
gentlemint.png Gentle Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Sp. Def will grow more easily, but its Defense will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
hastymint.png Hasty Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Speed will grow more easily, but its Defense will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
impishmint.png Impish Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Defense will grow more easily, but its Sp. Atk will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
jollymint.png Jolly Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Speed will grow more easily, but its Sp. Atk will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
laxmint.png Lax Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Defense will grow more easily, but its Sp. Def will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
lonelymint.png Lonely Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Attack will grow more easily, but its Defense will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
mildmint.png Mild Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but its Defense will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
modestmint.png Modest Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but its Attack will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
naivemint.png Naive Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Speed will grow more easily, but its Sp. Def will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
naughtymint.png Naughty Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Attack will grow more easily, but its Sp. Def will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
quietmint.png Quiet Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but its Speed will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
rashmint.png Rash Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but its Sp. Def will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
relaxedmint.png Relaxed Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Defense will grow more easily, but its Speed will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
sassymint.png Sassy Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Sp. Def will grow more easily, but its Speed will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
seriousmint.png Serious Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed will grow at their usual rates. Jubilife Village,
timidmint.png Timid Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, its Speed will grow more easily, but its Attack will grow more slowly. Jubilife Village,
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 January 2022
  • Last Updated
    20 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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